Long Term Evangelistic Success
Evangelism Training • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Share Stories: What stories do you have of sharing the gospel since we last met?
Share Stories: What stories do you have of sharing the gospel since we last met?
Recap Last Month’s Training:
Recap Last Month’s Training:
Start the conversation.
Ask questions.
Listen actively.
Tell them the gospel
“Yes or No?”
The Bridge Illustration
Practice Sharing the Bridge illustration
The Big Picture Vision for Evangelism and Disciple-Making
The Big Picture Vision for Evangelism and Disciple-Making
Bob McNabb’s Study on Highly Effective Disciple-Makers
Bob McNabb’s Study on Highly Effective Disciple-Makers
Factors that showed to be little/no statistical significance:
Factors that showed to be little/no statistical significance:
Where you live
Number of lost people whom you work closely with.
The age or size of your church.
Attending a church with “seeker style” worship service.
Your age.
How many children you have.
A small amount of evangelism training showed to be helpful. But anything beyond a basic amount of training did not make any statistical difference in the effectiveness.
Factors that showed to be significant
Factors that showed to be significant
Those who were actively involved in an evangelism training group led more than TWICE as many people to Christ.
Why? They shared the gospel twice as often.
They received ongoing:
Vision Casting
Examples to follow
Prayer partners
A regular time set aside for evangelism
In essence, they had a team.
“Becoming part of a team that evangelizes together is the most important thing you can do if you want to multiply. Did you get that? It was a big one. Let me say it one more time. Becoming part of a team that evangelizes together is the most important thing you can do if you want to multiply disciples, no matter where you are.”
— Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World: Why some disciple-makers reproduce when others fail. by Bob McNabb
Discussion Questions
In athletics, why do people tend to improve at their sport when they sign up to be a part of a team?
Currently at SDSU we have an awesome team of students that meet every week to talk about evangelism and disciple making.
They each share stories of how they tried to be a witness.
They are constantly learning from each other: “Oh, I’m gonna use that when I’m in that situation.”
They spur each other on.
They set the standard for one another.
We are praying for alot of the same people, so we tag team trying to witness to them.
“So and so finally came to church!”
“Dude, I know, I’m gonna meet up with him on Thursday for lunch to try and share the gospel.”
“No way! Can I come with?”
It has become an exciting team sport! And it is so much fun.
What Could happen?
What Could happen?
“We have calculated that if a twenty-two-year-old will make disciples at the same modest rate our highly effective disciple-makers have proved possible, they will impact 22,619,537 people by the time they are seventy-eight.”
— Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World: Why some disciple-makers reproduce when others fail. by Bob McNabb
My Story:
I had dreams of becoming a professional musician.
But a new dream captured my heart.
I could live for Jesus and make disciples of Him for the rest of my life.
I knew that whatever happenned, if I stayed focused on doing that, I would never regret it.
Something so simple
Male or female
Young or old
Old men and women.
Any culture
Big american cities.
Retirement communities.
College campuses.
Third world countries.
Tribal contexts.
God is simply looking for humble and willing people who will say, “Jesus, I’ve heard your great commission, and I’m ready to give my life to it.”
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.