4-30-24 Sermon - WBS - Preaching Class 3rd Sermon (without notes or manuscript) - 14 Minutes

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Mark 16:1-8

Mark 16:1–8 The women are going to the tomb early that morning,,, and they are going to the tomb because of their love for Jesus,,, and because of that,,, they receive a blessing that they weren't expecting! We can receive that same blessing,,, if our intentions are as sincere as the women,,, on that resurrection Sunday. And we receive that blessing because of God's love for us! ----------------------------------------------------------- Very early on the first day of the week,,, just before sunrise,,, the women went to the tomb. They had bought spices after the sabbath was over so that they would be ready to go to the tomb early. They left home while it was still dark,,, (we see this information in John 20:1),,, and they got to the tomb shortly after sunrise. Two of them knew that a large stone had been rolled in front of the tomb’s entrance (cf. Mark 15:47). Only Mark recorded their concern over the practical problem of getting it rolled back. Evidently they weren't aware of the official sealing of the tomb or the posting of a guard,,, as found in Matthew 27:62–66,,, or,,, they figured that they would find a solution when they got there. What always amazes me is the fact that they were going to the tomb,,, knowing that the stone was there,,, and they know that they cannot move it,,, but they are going regardless! Nothing will stop them from completing this job that they intend to do! They aren't going to let this stone get in their way. How many times do we allow "stones",,, worldly stones,,, to get in our way of our ministry? These women might not have known how the stone would be moved,,, but it wasn't stopping them! As pastors,,, and Christians,,, we should have this type as attitude! ----------------------------------------------------------- As they arrived at the tomb,,, imagine their surprise,,, at what they seen! Looking up,,, they saw that it was already done! How amazing is it,,, that when we are intent on honoring our Savior,,, the difficulties are removed ahead of time,,, just as the stone was rolled away before the women arrived. When we put Christ first in our life,,, the way that we should,,, many of our problems could be taken care of before we even realize we have them! We miss so many blessings,,, when we aren’t obedient the way that we should be! ----------------------------------------------------------- Entering the tomb,,, they saw an angel with the appearance of a young man in white. He quickly reassured them with the announcement that Jesus had risen. The tomb was empty. Jesus is not here,,, see the place where they put Him! ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see Him there just as He told you.’ ” The women were given a job to do. They were to go and tell Jesus’ disciples that they would be reunited with Him in Galilee. The words,,, "and Peter",,, unique to Mark,,, are significant since much of Mark’s material likely came from Peter. He was singled out,,, not because Jesus thought more of him than the other disciples,,, but because Jesus wanted him to know that he was forgiven and still included as one of the disciples,,, despite his denial of knowing Christ 3 times after Jesus was arrested (cf. 14:66–72). The message that Jesus was going ahead of them into Galilee should remind them of the reunion He had told them about earlier,,, in 14:28. His followers would see Him there which implies a Resurrection appearance,,, an example is also seen in 1 Corinthians 15:5. Jesus resurrection shouldn't have been unexpected,,, since He has told them before it happens,,, but the shocking turn of events probably helped them to forget many of the things that He had shared with them! ----------------------------------------------------------- The women fled from the tomb with mingled shock and panic. They were too afraid to tell anyone what had happened. This is not surprising. It's amazing that they had been so brave,,, so loyal,,, and so devoted,,, despite the questions,,, as well as the danger they might have faced,,, as they carried out their duty,,, that was so important to them. Of course we know that they eventually told the other disciples,,, and they were in disbelief and shock as well! ----------------------------------------------------------- So we can see that the women have left the tomb,,, frightened,,, as well as overwhelmed with the news that they have just heard! But what we need to focus on this morning,,, is the fact that these women were going to the tomb because of their love and devotion for Jesus! They were doing this in spite of the possible danger of arrest and imprisonment! Their love for Jesus has outweighed any danger that they think that they might face from anyone around them! Whether it came from the Romans or the religious leaders,,, it didn't matter to them,,, at least as far as we can tell! ----------------------------------------------------------- And by them ignoring the dangers that might have kept them away,,, the women have a special place in history of being the first to spread the news that Jesus is alive! When they didn't let worldly thoughts and fears keep them from Jesus,,, they received an unexpected blessing. We must learn from these women,,, and do whatever it takes to be in a position to be with Jesus,,, and we must remember that they did their duty thinking the worse,,, but they knew that it must be done! Since they were there,,, at the tomb,,, not letting anything stop them,,, they are given the task,,, of telling the disciples,,, and Peter,,, that Jesus,,, is alive,,, He has risen! ----------------------------------------------------------- This same blessing is available to all of us because of the love that God first had for us.
We are able to take advantage of that love because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Jesus filled the void that we had because of the sin of Adam and Eve.
God had them leave the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden fruit.
They had allowed satan to trick them into disobeying God.
And because of that,,, their relationship with God was changed.
Adam and Eve wasn't able to continue that personal relationship with God,,, and generations since that time have suffered as well.
But because of God's love for us,,, an undeserved love,,, I will add,,, He had a plan in place to bring us back to that relationship.
And that was fulfilled through the life,,, death,,, and resurrection,,, of our Lord and Savior,,, Jesus Christ!
When Jesus died on that cross,,, He died with the weight of all the sin of the world,,, on His shoulders,,, becoming the perfect sacrifice to save us all,,, and restored our chance for a personal relationship with God!
A relationship that is possible for us because when Jesus ascended to the right hand of God the Father,,, He sent the Holy Spirit to help us,,, guide us,,, convict us when we are wrong,,, pray for us,,, all of the things that He does for us,,, to keep that relationship strong and healthy.
We have that help available to us today!
It became available to the disciples,,, but it wasn't available immediately.
Jesus had things left to teach them before He ascended and then they were able to receive that power as well.
----------------------------------------------------------- But on this resurrection morning,,, the disciples and others that were scared,,, hiding,,, confused maybe,,, they missed the chance to see that Jesus was alive,,, and has risen,,, the chance of receiving that blessing,,, that the women experienced first. But praise God,,, once they received the news from the women that Jesus was alive,,, and they seen Him with their own eyes,,, they were able to feel that excitement as well! Because of God's love,,, even though they had abandoned Him,,, denied Him,,, didn't believe Him,,, doubted Him,,, He made sure that they were not left out! God's grace is always there when we fail,,, just like it was for the disciples! ----------------------------------------------------------- My question for you this morning,,, are we going to do our job like the women that Easter morning,,, or,,, will we be like the disciples,,, scared,,, hiding,,, or,,, running away! We have the same responsibility that the angel gave the women,,, we must tell others about our Risen Savior,,, and we can't do that while we are,,, scared,,, hiding,,, or,,, running away! And that is what will happen to us if we let the thoughts of this world pull us down like satan wants to do! We must rise above the challenges thrown around us that might keep us from Jesus Christ,,, and from telling others! We can't hide behind the thought that we are too tired,,, too busy,,, not enough time,,, or any of the excuses that keep us from our time with God! We must remember that we get our strength from our relationship with God,,, and we don't get that strength if we don't spend time with God the way that we should! And if our relationship is lacking,,, we can't carry out the command that Jesus left us,,, in the first part of Matthew 28:19 where He said to,,, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. We have our orders,,, do we do our jobs because of obedience and love for God,,, as the women were doing that morning? Or do we continue to make excuses,,, and let the ways of the world come between us and God? You know what the answer should be,,, let God know the answer,,, and then let your life show the world,,, what your answer really was,,, and if you are truly obedient like the women that morning,,, others will see Jesus in you,,, and you will have done your job,,, in telling others,,, about Jesus! ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
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