Planted in the right place, its natural habitat, it can be a useful field plant (ground cover).
— But, put in a place where it needs to be contained, it will… GET OUTTA’ HAND
— GOSPEL? Jesus lived, died, rose, witness, accuracy of scriptures
— Gospel as GOOD NEWS that saves/not life insurance, but life ASSURANCE
— The gospel PROMISE (fan the flames)/dry out our wet wood
—The H.S. will TEACH, EQUIP , and INSPIRE you to share Jesus
(S2) — The Uncontainable Gospel Blessing (2 parables)
34 Jesus always used stories and illustrations when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables.
The Kingdom of heaven is like...
— how something small (seed) becomes BIG (tree)
— something good (flour/water) becomes BETTER (bread)
What is meant by the kingdom of heaven?
(οὐρανός)-’The portion of creation that is distinct from earth.’
Jesus expands this to mean more
Mark 1:15 “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near!
God’s kingdom is there (sky) - Jesus came here - initiating God’s reign on earth as it is in heaven
The gospel started as the smallest of seeds, a small amount of yeast...
— Jesus is the undeniable proof of God’s uncontainable, ever-expanding, kingdom of heaven
— and the churches calling to share God’s gospel blessing with the world.
Did someone plant a seed of faith in your life? Was someone instrumental in sharing the gospel with you?
In these parables, there are two expectations—When the church becomes focused on these two things, giving God something to bless, things can get outta’ of hand
The gospel of Jesus was never meant to be contained!
31 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field.”
…mustard had great value—herb/flavor—oils, condiment, medicine—put a little mustard on your sores and salad…
Jesus’ parable begins with a mustard seed planted in a field, where corn, wheat, beans are normally planted
“Jewish law forbade an uncontained mustard seed from being planted in a garden.”
4’ but 15+’ under favorable conditions—get outta hand in the garden
The parable makes sense so far…the kingdom is like…a tree that grows to its full capacity
In the Uncontainable Gospel blessing, there is an expectation of GROWTH
32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
First, notice that the mustard seed goes from small to big…
The kingdom of heaven on earth was initiated by God’s seed being born into the world
Matthew 1:20–21 “an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, and said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. 21 And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
God seed planted in the hearts of humanity in the ministry of Jesus, who began with 12—hundreds—thousands—church
— Methodism (holiness movement)/largest denomination by 1820
— GMC (holy spirit inspired movement)/4,000+/
In Jesus’ kingdom on earth…
Great things begin small, and small things begin with something GREAT!
Great things begin small, and small things begin with something GREAT!
Then notice…that the tree meant for the field ends up in the garden
God’s perfect garden (Eden) was a symbol of beauty and growth…until it became infected by sin.
— God’s seed of faith in humanity became impure, filled with pride, greed, and selfish ambitions…
“From the seed of God’s love came Judaism, planted the moment God made a promise to Abraham. But faith to God overtime became a garden filled with man’s law as religion turned legalistic...
— The woman who gave all she had and some who gave with impure motives
— Those who were ready to stone an adulterer (only the woman)…until Jesus
The need for the seed of God’s gospel blessing, to take over the garden (this world), drawing people back to himself
Jeremiah 24:7 “I will give them hearts that recognize me as the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me wholeheartedly.”
The hidden things of God planted in the heart of humanity, now made visible in Jesus—from the field to the garden the tree of Jesus’ kingdom on earth towers over all the other plants.
The mustard though it was planted in the field, was meant for the garden where it would get out of hand
“Uncontained mustard plants will take over a garden in about a day and half
The Gospel of Jesus was never meant to be contained—It is meant to overtake the garden (world).
In Jesus’s kingdom on earth— In God’s church, there is an expectation of GROWTH
Evangelism as relational—Its the church taking the uncontainable gospel into God’s garden (world)
— It starts by planting a seed (INVITE)—giving God something to bless
Great things begin small, and small things begin with something great!
Parable #2 — we go from seeds to trees and yeast to dough
In Jesus’ kingdom on earth…there is an expectation of TRANSFORMATION
(S7) —
33a “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread.
Bread, a common staple, was symbolic of a stable household, lives, and governments
— woman made their own bread—water, flour, a little leaven, was worked into the dough so it will it rise.
Bread doesn't taste good without it...ASPARAGUS W/O SALT
But, adding yeast gives it a short shelf life...
— For the Israelites, with unleavened bread you can flee Egypt, cross a desert and survive a military siege with it.
Jesus often associated the leaven with the evil of the Pharisees…
— But, in this case the leaven is a blessing…the luxury of stable people in stable times
Jesus came in unstable times— as the bread of life he would transform the world to make it better
John 6:35 “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
33 Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”
three measures (38 cups)—the amount symbolized a big undertaking (100 people)
—What she is baking, will bring life to many people!
Water, flour, leaven, a bit of elbow grease, and a whole lotta love
The worlds religious kingdom, wanted to contain its people with laws beyond what God had brought...
Romans 12:2 “2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Just as a small amount of yeast permeates dough, a little of Jesus was meant to change us for the better
Hebrews 10:16 “This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.””
Jesus’ recipe of live-transforming bread could not be contained...
— Leaven (gospel), a bit of evangelism, and a whole lotta grace...mixed into the dough of this world, so that it permeates our lives
A little Gospel goes along ways in making the world BETTER!
A little Gospel goes along ways in making the world BETTER!
The uncontainable Gospel mixed into the world, transforms hearts and minds to Jesus
“The first thing you have to do with a parable is to determine if its meant to love on you or SHOVE on you, or do a little bit of both” (Rev. Bishop).
A little bit of both...
1. Are we the church that is planting seeds in God’s garden?
2. Is God’s uncontainable Gospel transforming us, to make the world better?
3. Are we ready for this garden to get outta’ of hand?
4. What will you do with the seed of faith that someone planted in you?
Our work is not done—there is more seed planting to do—more good news to take to the world...
Crown-vetch doesn't need the perfect soil to get out of hand, it just needs to be planted. Yeast doesn’t need the perfect mix of flower and water, it just needs to be worked into the dough
What is my part in God’s ever expanding kingdom?
What one small seed can I plant for Jesus’ kingdom on earth?
What one this can I do to make God’s garden (world) better?
Great things begin small, and small things begin with something GREAT!
A little Gospel goes along ways in making the world BETTER!
Give God something to bless…and watch things can get completely outta’ hand...