Zephaniah: The Lord Your God is in Your Midst
Did you know that God rejoices and sings over His children? God spoke this promise through a prophet by the name of Zephaniah. If you’ve never heard his name before and could not find his book in the Bible without going to the table of contents first, you are not alone. Zephaniah and the book the bears his name are considered part of the minor prophets of the Old Testament. The minor prophets are the twelve books at the end of the Old Testament. They are called minor prophets because of the length of their prophesies, not because of the importance of their messages. These books contain major messages from God that are important for us to study and understand. Zephaniah is no exception. This book contains very important prophesies about repentance and restoration and the future Millennial Kingdom. In today’s message, we will unpack the prophesies in Zechariah and learn what it means that “The Lord Your God is in Your Midst.”