Follow Me | Matthew 4:12-25 | Pastor Jose
Two words that has a lot of implications. Jesus said follow me follow me as much as we look only two words, but those two words have a lot of implication as there were spoken by Jesus this morning as we're continuing our Series in the Book of Matthew. We going to look at what it means when Jesus says follow me those two simple words with a lot of implication. So we're going to be in Matthew 4 and we're going to look at verse 12 to 25 this morning. So here's the message in one sentence is the message in one sentence this morning. Every believer is not called to be a pastor or in full-time Ministry, but God calls all of us to be. Full-time Christians. Can you say that with me every believer is not call to be a pastor or full-time Ministry, but God calls are no of us to be full-time Christians in the problem in our culture today. We like to put things in boxes. This is my school box. This is my work box. And then this is my God box. Okay, then this is my fun box. But Jesus when Jesus say follow me, there's only one box. And everything falls into that one box my work my school my pleasure, my friend and my Ministry talking to people about Jesus. All of it is one and the same sees some of us we have different personalities around different people one group of people. They know us as such and we've another group of people they know us entirely different and that was my life as a freshman in college when I meet some friends on campus you want to talk some nonsense. That was the Jose on college campus and then when I'm at church in my small group or working with middle school, it's it's teaching Sunday school if I missed Jose and it's all spiritual and all. Serious, but when I'm on college campus if it could be different when Jesus says follow me, it means that when I'm at work when I'm on college campus when I'm teaching whatever I'm doing. It's still one person not to person with multiple people with multiple personalities, but God called all of us to just be whole just be one bad where everything comes together. So let's get to our texts this morning and our key verse this morning found in verse 19 where Jesus says follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men. So let's read our texts and you welcome to read along with me and then we're going to come back and for some comments as we walk to the tax Matthew for 12:25. It says now when he heard that Had been arrested here eventual into Galilee talkin about Jesus here and leaving Nazareth. He went and live in a per diem by the sea in the territory of zebulun and NASA life. So that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled the land of zebulun and the lead of natural eye the way of the sea beyond the Jordan Galilei of the Gentiles the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death of them a light has done from that time. Jesus began to preach saying repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand while walking by the Sea of Galilee. He saw two brothers Simon who is called Peter. Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishermen and he said to them follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men immediately to let their Nets and followed him and going on from there. He saw two other brothers gems the son of Zebedee and John his brother in the boat with Zebedee their father mending their Nets and he called them immediately the left the boat and their father and followed me followed him.
Then verse 23 and he went out all Galilei teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every Affliction among the people. So, he's Fame spread out all Syria and they brought him all the steak those Afflicted with various diseases and pain those oppressed by demons those having seizures and paralytics and he healed them and great crowd followed him From Galilee and the decapolis and from Jerusalem to Judea and from Beyond the Jordan father has bestowed your word. Now this morning may your word not return void and may your word to you exactly what you have purpose for it to do. May you help us to be Sirius followers of you today in Jesus name we pray amen important shoes. You should remember about the gospel three important truths. We must remember about the gospel. So the first truth that we need to remember about the gospel is that the gospel message is a simple message for everyone. The gospel message is a simple message for everyone. The gospel message is not only for one group and not another but the guy told message is for everyone as we look at the text. They are it says now when he heard that John had been arrested John was the Forerunner to Jesus as we saw John and in earlier chapters were John were baptized was baptizing people and John was preaching a message of repentance and John was the one who said Here Comes the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world John was the one that was sent before Jesus and now John was arrested by herod's who was governor governor over the land. He was the king. So Jesus ribs you and went to Galilee. Not even Jesus was
Not a trick question. Jesus is the son of God. He has all power cable Jesus chose to retrieve to Galileo as we will see it in the Texas recant in you to read you will see at first Jesus said Seth shop in Nazareth. Remember Jesus was called a Nazarene and leaving Nazareth. He went and live and keep partying by the sea in the territory of zebulun and NAFTA lie so that you ready what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled was Jesus scared. Know everything about Jesus was orchestrated in his life. It was already planned that's in Isaiah. We see the prophecy there that it was saying that Jesus when was going to move to the land of the Zebulon and NAFTA light is worth two tribes. In other tribes of Israel says the way by the Sea beyond the Jordan and then look at the board that has Galileo of the Gentiles Gallery was in the countryside but also was a metropolis and where you have people from various cultures and you had a Jewish people mixed with other race there which group of people you call the Samaritans with the Jews had a lot of problems with but that's where I received your the gospel is not only for the Jewish Nation, but the gospel is for who? For everyone and it was already prophesied Isaiah chapter 9 verse 1 and 2 says he went there to Galilei of the Gentiles from the get-go when Jesus just started his ministry. Jesus. Wanted to make it clear. Hey, I am not just here for the Jewish Nation, but I am here for everybody because John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he ever. Whoever means whoever whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal God says you will have eternal life you believe in me. You will have eternal life regardless of where you were born in Nazareth, you know, people applaud is never honored in his own town. You know, when you grow up some more people look at you when you start elevating it start getting into Higher Play the music what that just you I just a little kid. Peter was saying the same thing about Jesus and now Jesus moved his headquarters from Nazareth and now Jesus went to capernium what he went and set up shop and where he's reaching everyone and says the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light in the thing about Jesus. Jesus went where the greatest need was.
Is it all of us like the run away from problems, right? We want to go. Where are you? It's easy been what did Jesus do? The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light. So Jesus went to the darkest place so that he's like could shine and do you know that the darker it is the very little light that comes the brighter it shines. And that's what Jesus called his Jesus calls us to bring the light and darkness light in people's life. And here says people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light on Ford those dwelling in the region and shadow of death on them a light has done. I'm looking for 17. From that time Jesus began to preach.
Then what was he saying repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. The gospel message is very simple repair. Why the kingdom of God is at hand repent repent. What does it mean to repent repent assume that we have a need for change do you agree? Repent means to turn around that means I was going this way. I repaired at start going that way. You make 180 degree turn. But here's the problem. We have to admit wrongdoing.
In an hour called sure this is very hard to do. You know, whatever things that when people do something wrong, you better have a picture of you better have them on video because otherwise they're not admitting wrong. You need to be able to prove everything now in our culture.
If you can prove it it didn't happen. It doesn't matter how clear cut the problem was that the people want to find a loophole even though it's very clear. Oh, do you have a video? Do you have proof? Even the very simple things like in our culture today? So we don't like to admit wrongdoing admitting wrongdoing is Counter Culture. It's offensive in today's culture telling people that they are wrong and that's why the gospel message is a very offensive message today because people don't want to be told everybody want to do their own thing. Everybody is everybody knows what the Bible says. There is a way that seems right to a man and a woman but it only leads to death.
Flower power calls you today. All of us already know what's best all of us already have a plan and none of us wants to follow God's plan. That's why the gospel message about repentance.
Got me saying all have sins and Romans glory of God. What does ole mean? Coleman's all the Bible says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So your exercise for this week. Next time you mess up be the person that you messed up. Can you do that?
When you messed up at work. Your back, but it said go ahead and you go to your supervisor and says a.m. And I want to make it racks.
I did something wrong and I want to make it right. Instead of you trying to hide you said something about somebody that was not kind don't even wait for them to come and confront you you go to them and say I'm so sorry. I just said some mean things about you with some other people then and you're going back to those other people and tell them hey, I was wrong. I was just talking bad about swimming suit with you, but this is not the way it is because the Bible says we are here to build up and one another but not to be tearing down people. So can you be the bigger person this week and you go counterculture this week? Where you are easily to admit wrong because that's the message that Jesus preached. Repair that means change. When there needs to be a change, that means there is something wrong. Any and all of us there is something wrong in all of us. None of us have it all together. All of us have sin sin is to miss the mark that mean you have gun contrary to how God has design you contrary to God's word contrary to what God wants you to do and that's why Jesus message was the same message does John's message because you when you look in Chapter 2, that was the same message John was preaching repent for the kingdom of God is at hand kingdom of God. What does that mean? Kingdom of God means it's God's ruling in your heart. See the kingdom of God got the kingdom of God has not come yet physically which will happen when God will rule physically, but right now the way the kingdom of God comes to you is by submitting to God's word submitting to go. Kids rule in your life. So when you become a Christian what happens the kingdom of God has come into you now, you are no longer living for yourself. You are no longer living according to your will to the cultures rules of the cultures way of life. Now, you are embracing God rule in your heart and your living according to God's word. That makes sense. That is the gospel message RI pets. For the kingdom of God is at hand the kingdom of God is at hand that you can live on their guys were right now.
And once you live under God's rule your Darkness had turn into light just like when Jesus went to the land of zebulun and after you turn their dark darkness into light see the gospel message is not attractive for the culture right now because it tells them that they do wrong things. And nobody likes to be wrong today. But that's Christian. May we be the thermostat in the culture? Do we make it very easy when we mess up and to just apologize. May we be the first one to say, I'm sorry, even when I am only one person wrong. That will have lasting impact it all culture and notice the light came after the gospel was preached because Jesus when it says repent for the kingdom of God is at hand then that's when the light came. You see live came by preaching the truth. That's why we have to share the gospel with everybody that we come in contact with because all of us have a sin problem. And that's in problem is not addressed until we are faced with the word of God repent change. Go God's way live by God's rule, not your own Rule and it will be a blessing to you. And the second thing that we see here in this text is that the gospel message is a call to obey swiftly quickly to obey immediately. And again, that is very counterculture cuz all of us went to do things in our own time. Right. I just want to do me right now. Okay?
I'll get to it when I want to get to it, right.
You mean that's where I got my message just so hard for us today. We have our own opinion and we want to just do we want to do and we want to do it in our own time. This is my time with my son right now for Stuff our time my fingers this is mine. And I know another kind of pickles. Does that luck? Have you ever seen like a little baby? This is mine. It's mine. It's mine.
So what happening? Is this a lot of us? We still living like babies. Sorry. Little boy still live like babies because we so it's all about me myself and I that's the way babies leave. The guy called was to maturity. It's not about me probably was my time to watch TV right now, but somebody just called me and just say eight you. Do you mind taking me to Walmart in my car is not running right now. It is in the other room and I'll be right there. Oh, man, I got the game on right now.
God calls us to obey swiftly obey immediately. What would have more impact sitting down and watching the game and waste time or go ahead and help somebody will actually had a real name.
Easy self centered life is not beneficial to anybody and it's been destructive to you. Because if you have a baby ever saying it it's mine is my we tried to teach them to share. That's why we have the worst sharing is caring. You see what you think. It's fitting that we not willing to do ourselves. BC the gospel here in Jesus says it hey, hey gospel message is it called to obey swiftly as a call to obey right now says follow me. He's in the same way tomorrow to follow me. Jesus said following me and after you look there in the tax, that's exactly what they did in verse 18 while walking by the Sea of Galilee a piece or two brothers. Simon was called Peter and Andrew and his brother casting a net into the sea, but they were fishermen and he said to them what follow me with a purpose and I will make you Fishers of Men and what did they do? Right then and there immediately they left their Nets and followed him. Jesus didn't just come to call some I do people that were doing nothing. OK Google being productive. There are working. But they left their Nets and followed Jesus when? immediately
second one another set of Brothers see the gospel is a family affair and going on from there. He saw two other brothers Jim's the son of Zebedee and John his brother in the boat with Zebedee. He's the father mending their Nets and he called them and what did they do immediately the last about and a father and followed him the call the guy place in our lives is it called full right now? Now does that mean that we need to go ahead and leave our job as we're working and then just no longer work and then just start following Jesus Remember the message in one sentence. The call of the Gospel is it is not it's not just for pastors and people in full-time Ministry, but God called each one of us to be full-time Christians the well, it means is that you will make God your number one priority. That means your job will not have priority over God and that means even your family you see there the left their nuts left out father and God so God becomes the number one thing in your life. So when Jesus here is saying follow me. He's saying that they put me first follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men immediately. They left their Nets and followed him sea fishing a. I'm pretty sure was a profitable business to see the possessions their job their money was not more important to them than following Christ. Does that mean that the moment you start following Christ and you should no longer work now, that's not what he saying like as you work you doing your thing you getting money, but God is always the top priority following God is always a top priority. That's why you're going to be the bigger woman. You going to be the bigger man. When you messed up you going to apologize first you going to say that you are sorry because why you put God first because God is ruling over your heart. God is ruling over. Your life it's not like everybody was just all for themselves and living by their own rules and lying and cheating and doing all kinds of things. But you you live by God's word work your work your family and everything else. Your possession is not more important than following God and you saw their Jesus did it just them to follow him, but he says follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men sent to follow. Jesus is to live with urgent obedience to his mission. What is this mission for you to become Fishers of Men. So God says a you follow me then now you go after as many people as you can so they can also follow God follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men see every follower of Jesus is a fisher of men. I love the way Tony Evans books that if you not fishing you not following. Can you say that with me if you went fishing? You not following. See as a follower of Christ as you are a full-time Christian, your goal is to bring other people to the Cross is to bring other people to become followers of Jesus Christ because he says follow me and what am I going to do with you? I will make you Fishers of Men such as the mission of God in your life. Your mission is to follow God and you help as many others follow God because this great Tidings or great news for those who bring good news to people. He says blessed are the feet of those who bring good news of the Gospel to others. So it is good news. All of us have the same problem is destroying us, you know, we don't even realize that it's destroying as it's kind of like that song that says killing me softly with this. Do you like too young to know? This is killing us Softly. How do you kill a frog see if you think you just put them like in very hot water? What are they going to do? They're going to jump out, but you know how you kill a frog? You put a little cold water just slowly warming of the water. Let them be comfortable. This is warm. This is my place. I'm enjoying and then slowly slowly slowly. You keep hitting the water up and then because it's so comfortable now in the water and then not realizing that the water is getting super hot and then before it gets to boiling hot. He cannot jump anymore because he was too.
That's the way the culture is killing us. We eat we get so in trench into the culture we getting into the way of the culture getting very selfish. It's all about me. It's about myself we get comfortable with sin because we did it the first time we didn't die then we tried a second time we didn't die and then I feel like oh nothing is going to happen to me. I can continue in my word and then before you know it and then you never know now, it becomes part of your life. And then the very thing that was enticing that was pleasurable that was enjoying any just coming to the back to like a serpent. And then you lose your life to Jesus said that what what what game is it for a man to gain the whole world and then to lose his soul.
God is saying your soul is much more important to me. That's why I tell you a follow me make me the top priority in your life in Jesus says I will make you Fishers of Men you need to go out and save others if and what was the reason why we are not pictures of men because we don't know what God has saved us from probably we don't have a testimony where our life was we don't have clear evidence that our life has change and as a result, we have nothing to share. To maybe some of us we might find that we follow Jesus but we not really following probably worried. That's where we need to start today is to start following Jesus. So then we can start becoming followers Fishers of Men because he went fishing We're following.
If there's no burden in your heart to see people come to Christ, maybe crisis not in you.
That's what the gospel says. Follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men In Jesus never lies. Maybe because you're the reason why you're not becoming Fishers of Men because you're not following him because if you're following him, he said he will make you Fishers of Men. That's not Jose is word. This is Jesus word. Jesus says you follow me. I will make you Fishers of Men you see every disciple is the disciple maker without exception. So if you follow Christ your follower of Christ, you will also be a disciple maker you will help others follow Christ as well and wisely lastly the gospel message is good news for profound and impactful life and Ministry. So the gospel message is good news. We're profound and pack for life and Ministry. Let's look at the rest of the text here in verse 23. It says any humans throughout all Galilei teaching in the synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every Affliction among the people. So, he's Fame spread throughout all serious and they brought him all the sick. Did with various diseases and pains does oppressed by demons does having seizures in Peril popped the paralytic and what did Jesus do he ran away from them? Isn't that what we doing the culture today when people have problems we don't want to associate with them. We're on our way. We want to stay as far away as we can from them. But what were they doing? They were bringing all the people with the problems through Jesus Christ. And what did Jesus do he kill them feed the gospel message of a location when Jesus say follow me the stores are loaded. That means that you ready to live a life when people have their problem that they will come to that you already to be a minister of the Gospel so that you are ready to heal.
God called you to be a Healer.
Doesn't mean that you're going to hear the way that she's as was healing those people because Jesus said to offend to get his ministry to show just like it was predicted that he would be killing people for this musically, but there's so many ways that we can heal people today. So many ways, for example where the Bible says the word fitly spoken is like a bowl of golden setting of silver. You do you heal people by sharing a good word with him. That is healing through their soul. You know, how many problems we have with mental health issue in our culture when you would share a good word with people you bringing healing if you are acting more like Jesus. You are healing you are acting as a Healer when somebody comes to you if you give them some good counsel when somebody is going through a difficult time you speak some words of life into their lies cuz Bible says that the life is in the power of the tongue. You see how you was feeling in the cultural heritage works today? God wants us to be healed as God said hey as a Believer as a follower of Christ. I'm not asking you to run away from people with problems, but it's saying that you need to grab it to where the people were problems and b or healer because you are put here to the Fishers of Men. Oh, I know some of you are looking right now. I don't like this message this morning now because the culture even preachers at telling you just you said we're from people, you know, maybe it's not worth, you know, your sanity right all those all those gospel message. It's you hearing, you know from people it's kind of like, you know, how do you protect yourself? This is the message of the cultures the same message regearing in church. Also, what? Oh, you don't bore a gallon into a cup. But you know, all that nothing's that you hearing. It's kind of like, you know, some people don't deserve you.
If you listen clearly this is his fingers like the puff you up to the fill you up and it's it's also about you protect yourself protect yourself when the cultures is protect yourself protect yourself people those people see how we're looking at them out of the made in God's image cuz of the Bible says all of us were made in God's image. I know that the image Bearer may not be showing up right now. What we're seeing is all the mess in their lives, but can God restore them?
That's what the gospel message tells us when Jesus say follow me. He should transform our life entirely. We don't run away from people we're problem. But we are there for them just like Jesus was there for this people. They say that seen that only he was healing them, but the people heard about him his Fame would also I was serious the other countries. And they brought him on the sake of those Afflicted with various disease and pains those oppressed by demons that was having seizures in the real the ticks and healed then Jesus didn't say don't bring them here. The church is a hospital. That's not a country club. The hospital yet people with all kinds of disease and that's why God wants us to graduate from being a patient but to become nurses to become a medical assistant to become doctors so that we are able to heal those would need analyze worst and great crowd followed him From Galilee and the decapolis that's 10 cities and from Jerusalem and Judea and from Beyond the Jordan Jesus started in Ministry where the need was in a country place, but now he's famous going everywhere. Give me a have to go to Jerusalem the capital city. Jesus went where the need was and it just spread even to Jerusalem Judy and from Beyond the Jordan if it God's ways are not our ways did little people as they do you want to start a group Ministry go to Jerusalem Mill in the city, but God says I can work in the countryside as well. And I can spread it how I want. That's the mindset. We need to have us Believers. There's no problem too big that God cannot solve. Is there anything too big that God can that stuff? Bible says what is impossible to man is very easy for God and resource Jesus ministry was threefold. He was teaching them as we saw in the text teaching meanings that he systematically and clearly articulating God's word for understanding make sure that people understood the word of God constantly Jesus would you say it's like he said he was teaching in the synagogues see a lot of people he will tell you the church is messed up don't mean I don't want to be in church. I'm just spiritual but I don't do Church. It says Jesus was teaching where in the synagogues and Jesus had great disagreement with the church leaders. Jesus called the church leaders of the time whitewash to Jesus called them hypocrites. But every time where was Jesus church in the synagogue and going to teach them the gospel just did Jesus was teaching in the synagogue and proclaiming that means preaching the gospel and Healing The Sick the preaching that means you're calling people to action after proclaiming God's word a real parents. Do you want to repent today? The Jesus was calling people and telling them 8 give your life to Christ tomorrow is not promised because the kingdom of God is at hand. Jesus can return at any moment physically on Earth, but he can start drooling in your life right now.
And I'd only Jesus taught Jesus preached. But also Jesus was healing that means the visible demonstration of the power of the message. See weekend. Just say with words that we love God. We follow God and then there's no action in our love. There's no visible act and our life that shows that we care that shows that we really living for God. Remember again the way we can do that is by speaking kind words to people bringing healing to their soul. The Bible says a joyful heart is good medicine. That means when somebody is down you speak a kind words to them. You bring joy to their life you are becoming more like Jesus James 5:16 says therefore confess your sin to one another and pray for one another. That means when you had somebody a lending ear and then you pray for their needs that we may be healed. It says pray for one another day that we may be held the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. So when you know, somebody has a need somebody is going through some difficult time. Somebody is going through some health issues. You pray for them. You are becoming more like Jesus James 1:27 says religion that is pure and undefiled before God. The father is this to do what visit orphans and widows in their Affliction do those who have needs? And keep oneself on stain from the world. That means when your following God you are obeying immediately like the disciples were obeying in Matthew 25 verse 42 45. It says and the King. Will answer too then we talkin about True Believers truly I say to you as you did to one of the least of these my brothers you did to me. That's Jesus talking to his estate when you're following me. Whatever. You've been two others those who have means we'll have problem you've done that to me. Then he will say to do is on his left depart from me. You cursed into the Eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I was hungry. And what did you do? You said me or you don't like that? We did with me 40 24 hours hungry and you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me no drink. I was a stranger and you did not welcome me naked and you did not close me sick and in prison and you did not visit me. But verse 44 then they also will answer saying Lord. When did we see you hungry or thirsty or stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you. Then he will answer to them truly. I say to you as you did not do to one of the least of these you did not do it to me to the Christian Life is a life that is under center. It's about seeing the needs of others and be ready willing and to meet those needs when you are able to do self. Amen. Give the message in a nutshell when you accept the simple message of the Gospel it should affect. every aspect of your life If you are not ready to do that, you are not ready to follow Christ. Because when you accept the simple message of the Gospel. You need to be ready. For the gospel to affect every aspect of your life. You cannot compartmentalize the gospel. Oh, this is my work wife. This is my school life. This is my fun life. And then this is my spiritual life on Sunday morning from 10 a.m. To 11:30. but the rest of the week it's it's his compartmentalize into something else the gospel needs to affect all of your life with absolutely no exception because Jesus says follow me. I will make you Fishers of Men. He's my question for you this morning. He's following Jesus your number one priority.
Why don't you take 15 seconds and think about that right now? He is following Jesus your number one priority.
Father. Thank you for your word this morning. Thank you. That you allow us to examine our life this morning.
those of us who've been working with you, but may not realize the depth of what it means to follow you. Only have slide. My father may you bring us back to Great understanding of what it means? depalo you
top rate for everyone of us here this morning let God.
Are you helpless? to follow you
and help us father to understand. What it means? I follow you.
All of us have sinned and fall short of your glory.
None of us. Would God live a perfect and righteous life. All of us are messed up people all of us struggle with sin. Fathers my prayer for each one of us here this morning. If we are your follower, may we be committed fully to you this morning? And if we're never put our faith in you with this morning. I pray father that today will be the day. Where we give our life to you? May you speak in our heart this morning. Are you changes but you mold us. May you help us? Look. This morning. To repent turn from our own way and turn to you to your way of life.
Anybody here this morning, never put their faith and trust in Jesus if that's you you raise your hand if you'd like to give your life to Jesus this morning. And truly follow him.
like John did like the other disciples did If that's you raise your hand, I love to pray for you this morning.
Father thank you for the hands that are raised and I pray father that you would. Touchdown hard for you. Say everyone will calls on the name of the Lord. Will be safe.
That might be saved, but you say everyone will calls on your name. Will be safe. So father. I thank you for this commitment this morning. May they fully and wholly give their lives to you. Does if you raise your hand when should go in and pray with me you can pray in your heart. Jesse dear Lord this morning. I want to fully give my life to you and be fully devoted to you. Help me Lord. God to walk according to your ways. Not according to my ways. May you rule in my life? in every way In Jesus name I pray. amen Amen, the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies. They never come to when they are new every morning every morning.