Seeing Your Humility in The Face of Christ (Phil 2:5-8)

Seeing Your Humility in The Face of Christ
Philippians 2:5-8
GBCCR 5/4/24
I. Introduction
I. Introduction
3. I loved being a father to babies, to see their cute helplessness
i. If you do not have a little one maybe you have spent some time watching them…
i. If you do not have a little one maybe you have spent some time watching them…
1. Notice their eyes… the pupil doesn’t change even as you pass something in front of them (though it will for you). This is because they are unable focus on anything and can barely see
2. Many babies can barely keep their heads up, let alone move around at first
3. -Most animals come out with some ability to cling to their mother or get their own food, or grow quickly once out.
4. -When we ask what is the baby thinking the answer is probably not much… a baby’s brain is still developing and a lot of what they do a first is God given reflexes.
5. Some scientists think that human gestation (development period) should be 18-21 months instead of 9 when compared to other animals.
a. Thus, babies are extremely dependent
a. Thus, babies are extremely dependent
ii. And God became one of those
1. We Sing what child is this, away in the manager, and other
a. But do you stop to think the miracle that took place?
a. But do you stop to think the miracle that took place?
2. (Greatest miracle is that The eternal Son, The independent one…requiring no one and owning everything, became a baby
a. -Not able to see, not able to talk, barely able to think
a. -Not able to see, not able to talk, barely able to think
b. All for the express purpose of dying to deal with our sins
b. All for the express purpose of dying to deal with our sins
iii. Humility sounds like a good thing to pursue (even the business books say it’s a good thing), but Jesus’ example challenges us far more
4. Review- Philippians is a book about living worthy of the gospel
4. Review- Philippians is a book about living worthy of the gospel
i. Chapter 1 is all about how the gospel gave Paul joy while at Rome
1. Chapter 2 is about the humility of the gospel that are seen in the lives of Jesus, Paul, and Timothy and Ephradotius
2. Chapter 3 warns about the legalists who would destroy the gospel life
3. Chapter 4 warns about the trials and conflicts that would destroy the gospel life
ii. We are in ch2 he turns towards the conflict that can come from within the church, that comes from within your own heart
So let’s see how…
II. You must find the root of your humility in the humility of Jesus Christ.
II. You must find the root of your humility in the humility of Jesus Christ.
1. The call to Humility (v5)
1. The call to Humility (v5)
i. Explanation
1. Have this attitude= to have an opinion regarding something
a. to think about something a certain way Or think the thoughts which Christ thought.
i. Like the word Christian means to be a little Christ
so, a Christian is to a follower of his savior
2. Paul has explained what this should be right before:
a. Focusing on the joy of others (v2)- Strive to care for others not simply for the sake of lack of conflict, but making others praise God.
b. Focusing on the unity of the church (v4-5)- Body should be working together
3. The command is To mimic our mind after the mind of Christ,
not necessarily doing what he did but the reasons and extent he went
ii. We are blessed ot receive this command
4. We need this command or we would not know what humility should look like.
a. -Could you imagine if you could write a letter in a word however you wanted?
b. No one would understand
c. how did you learn how to write?
By repeating letters and words over and over....
d. In the same way you must look at christ continually.
i. You follow his example, go where he goes
5. That we are called to humility that is not however I want it to look, but copies the example of Jesus
iii. Application
1. this passage is one of the high points of Christian theology, the biggest event in the history of the world after creation
a. & it is written to teach you to be humble…
a. & it is written to teach you to be humble…
b. Never forget that theology is practicaland should impact your life.
b. Never forget that theology is practicaland should impact your life.
c. The study of God helps you be who He wants you to be!
c. The study of God helps you be who He wants you to be!
2. But its hard to be humble sometimes…
a. there many reasons not to be,
a. there many reasons not to be,
i. I will get walked over by others
i. I will get walked over by others
ii. If I’m humble, I need a big brother to beat up the bad guys for me
ii. If I’m humble, I need a big brother to beat up the bad guys for me
b. but there is one big reason to be:
b. but there is one big reason to be:
i. The God of the universe humbled himself before others and said:
i. The God of the universe humbled himself before others and said:
“whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” (Matthew 20:26–28
“whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” (Matthew 20:26–28
3. But do you know Jesus didn’t always do whatever others wanted him to do?
3. But do you know Jesus didn’t always do whatever others wanted him to do?
Luke 4:42–44- When day came, Jesus left and went to a secluded place; and the crowds were searching for Him, and came to Him and tried to keep Him from going away from them. But He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.” So He kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.
Luke 4:42–44- When day came, Jesus left and went to a secluded place; and the crowds were searching for Him, and came to Him and tried to keep Him from going away from them. But He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.” So He kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.
a. They tracked him down and they wanted him to stay
a. They tracked him down and they wanted him to stay
b. With his power at their disposal, they would never need anything ever again. He could be their teacher, their counselor, and their doctor all rolled into one[i]
b. With his power at their disposal, they would never need anything ever again. He could be their teacher, their counselor, and their doctor all rolled into one[i]
c. But what does Jesus say he is there to do?
c. But what does Jesus say he is there to do?
i. He had the divine imperative to preach
ii. You could imagine Peter saying:
ii. You could imagine Peter saying:
iii. Jesus, when you were preaching in the synagogues, there were like maybe 20 people.
iii. Jesus, when you were preaching in the synagogues, there were like maybe 20 people.
iv. But when you started healing, everyone kept coming… we want a crowd.
iv. But when you started healing, everyone kept coming… we want a crowd.
v. So let’s focus on this healing stuff
v. So let’s focus on this healing stuff
vi. But Jesus was about preaching
vi. But Jesus was about preaching
4. Because Jesus knew the great gift from the Father was the preaching of His word… He was the one
Trans: We are commanded to be humble, But God is so kind not to just demand something that hard from us without giving us the example and support to do so.
Trans: We are commanded to be humble, But God is so kind not to just demand something that hard from us without giving us the example and support to do so.
2. 4 strong roots to uphold humility
2. 4 strong roots to uphold humility
i. Give up your Rights as He did (v6)
i. Give up your Rights as He did (v6)
1. Explanation
a. Jesus existed in the form of God perhaps should be better translated, “Who, being in very nature God.”
i. The word form doesn’t mean outer appearance like a cover on the book looking one thing and the content being another
ii. But more a triangle cannot be in the form of a rectangle… if it’s in the form of a recentangle, it is a rectangle
b. The Son within the trinity existed in eternity past in the very image of God.
i. the essential nature or the outward appearance corresponds to the inward reality.
c. What is the inward reality of God? We theologians try to describe some of his attributes
Independence- He exists without needing anything
Unchangeable- Same yesterday, today and forever
Eternal- From forever to forever
Omnipresent- Existing everywhere at once
Omniscient- knowing all things
All wise- never making a wrong choice
Completely truthful and faithful
Peace, Jealous, wrathful
àStudy these attributes if you want to feel small and humble
d. There are good reasons to translate this because he was in very nature God.”
i. In other words, because he was in very nature God, not only did he not consider equality with God something to be exploited, but he made himself a nobody: it was divine to show that kind of self-emptying, that kind of grace.
But then realize…
e. He who possessed equality with God did not grasp it
i. Grasp means to claim or assert one’s claim by grabbing
ii. He was one with God being the word that was God and was with God (John 1:1)
iii. But he refused to be selfish and stay within his rights as God
iv. to remain removed from the sinful world with its pains and temptation
v. Even in the end of his ministry, having earned the right as a perfect human, he does not grasp his right, but prays to the father
John 17:4–5- “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
2. Illustration
a. Pride takes many forms, but Jesus showed us humility in giving up his rights
i. One right I have the hardest giving up is the one I have waited for… like being first in line
ii. I patiently wait for my turn and I’ve earned the chance to go next
iii. But the person behind me looks like they need to go first… oh what should I do… I’ve earned this, right?!
b. We are to think like Jesus, not holding onto what is ours
3. Application
a. Ever hear yourself using the excuse that this is just the way you are, so people should expect you to respond this way.
i. I’m a child, a busy parent, a retired person,
ii. I grew up rough, or as I say, Bogstads just are not patient people
b. REMEMBER, Jesus Christ, the one who had real right did not insist upon it
How much more should you?
i. This is what brings us into awe of Jesus… if anyone deserved His boasting, it was Jesus! But he didn’t
ii. So, he is worth following… right?
Trans: Care for others, specifically in your church (remember the one another) by
ii. Obligate yourself as He did (v7)
ii. Obligate yourself as He did (v7)
1. Explanation
a. The high point of theology is here
i. What is called the Kenosis of Jesus Christ
ii. The word emptied is very confusing and much ink spilled
1. It could mean to pour out, to render void, or no effect
iii. But be careful just translating a word in the bible because context determines meaning.
iv. Words sometimes have multiple meanings. Like a Homonym
1. Ie: I rose early this morning to pray & I gave my wife a lovely rose…
2. The key to understanding is context
b. Look down in your bibles at what comes next
c. Two “Ing” word describe the emptying.
1) Taking the form of a slave
a. *same word form as the form of God
b. *but this is action with a beginning (took) compared the ongoing form of God (being)
c. Slave= someone owned by another
Every moment is for another
A slave wakes up and ask, what does Master wants
d. Remember, form means outward manifestation out what’s inside.
i. =his actions showed he lived for others, including his father
John 5:19- Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.
2) Being made in the likeness of men
a. Likeness= Different word than the form.
b. Focuses on outward appearance, found himself in human skin
c. This word choice means there is something more hidden below,
i. but he is still full human as the form of God continues.
d. Thus to be emptied means to add to the form of God.
TO his Lordship Christ added slavery
To his divinity, he added Humanity
e. Let me list what did Jesus give up:
i. he became limited in space, now Dwelling in once place on earth
ii. 2 cor 8:9- Though he was rich he became poor
iii. he became limited in knowledge and he didn’t know when he would return)
iv. he did not call upon his angels to defend him in the garden
v. He became a dependent creature, who had to cry for Milk
vi. He became a man that had to grow up
2. Illus- Jesus obligated himself to serve others
a. we can picture an old King of long ago
b. A king of a mighty kingdom has everything. As he travels one day, he notices some beggars asking for food.
c. So he wonders what it would be like to live like a beggar. Does he have to quit being King to do this? He has to give up certain prerogatives/rights as king. The things he has by right he has to not call on. He chooses not to use the rights he has all the time.
i. Could have them back at any second as he removes his messy coverings, but he refuses
d. His guards sit and watch, but he has given strict order for them not to intervene, he’ll handle it as a beggar.
e. While never giving up what he was, he became what he was not.
1. App
a. So what does it mean for you to empty yourself?
i. Some of you have seen a lot more than others and may feel perfectly warranted in a prideful attitude and not listening to others…..
1. but Jesus had seen EVERYTHING!
2. Yet he still humbled himself before even humans.
ii. True humility is not degrading yourself, but realizing who you really are
b. On Wednesday night as we discussed this
i. We talked about how great it is when the coolest person in the room comes to you… the person with all the friends, spends time with you, a body
ii. And I’ve had people in church tell me, I have no time for new people… I’ve got too many friends of mine own
1. Yes, its hard, but look at how our savior, the greatest one came to us… we are to follow his example
2. Go be that person
Trans: Jesus mindset is seen in giving up his rights, in serving others and 3rd
iii. Obey as He did (v8a)
iii. Obey as He did (v8a)
1. Explanation
a. As Jesus was revealed as be man, he chose to humble himself again
i. V3 told us to have humility of mind…which christ exemplifies by continuing to submit himself to God and those God put over him
b. There are 2 groups he obeyed.
c. Jesus Obeyed his God placed authorities
i. If Jesus was born as a baby and grew up that means he was a child, tween, or teenager too
ii. Turn to Luke 2:40, 51- Jesus grew and Jesus was submissive to his parents
Luke 2:40- The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
Luke 2:51- And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.
iii. Jesus Submitted to the Jewish law, even when he had authority over it by paying taxes as he was commanded
iv. Jesus even submitted to the painful execution laid out by the Romans
d. But ultimately Jesus was obeying God
John 5:30- “I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
i. & Each situation taught him to obey God better
Turn to Hebrews 5:8-9 – 8 Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. 9 And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation
ii. Think of Gethsemane…shows it was difficult to obey as he begged God to let the cup pass
iii. Like any one of you Jesus had to grow even in his ability to obey
2. Illustration
a. We are to obey like Jesus
b. And Jesus had to work hard to obey
As a weight lifter works builds up more weight, so each act of obedience builds up for further obedience.
A few small weights allow you to pick up bigger and bigger weights,
c. Just as small obedience to your earthly authorities allow you to submit in large ways to God.
3. Application
a. Are you in obedience to the authorities God has placed over you?
i. Children… do you obey to your parents?
ii. Wives, do you submit to your husbands even though you might have other plans… Jesus obeyed as your example.
iii. Employees, do you listen to your bosses even when you think you know more than them?
b. Not doing so shows a pride that god opposes.
c. So have hope.
i. There is no such thing as a small obedience.
ii. Every step you take toward godliness is a growth that God uses
The Roots include Giving up rights, obligating yourself to others, obeying him and
iv. Trade your Life for others as He did (v8b)
iv. Trade your Life for others as He did (v8b)
1. Explanation:
The cross
a. This ending is meant to shock you, to make you wiggle as if someone was starring right at you
b. The cross is way too sterilized in our culture isn’t it?
i. We have it on our buildings, homes, necklaces, books. It is a wonderful image of hope behind me
ii. But it wasn’t that way then:
iii. Description:
*Condemned man was stripped naked and beaten as you know, forced to carry his sign of torture thru the streets and then placed up for all to see.
=Utterly exposed and ashamed
Roman crucifixion was a lingering doom—by design. Roman executioners had perfected the art of slow torture while keeping the victim alive. Some victims even lingered until they were eaten alive by birds of prey or wild beasts. Most hung on the cross for days before dying of exhaustion, dehydration, traumatic fever, or—most likely—suffocation. When the legs would no longer support the weight of the body, the diaphragm was constricted in a way that made breathing impossible. That is why breaking the legs would hasten death (John 19:31–33), The hands were usually nailed through the wrists, and the feet through the instep or the Achilles tendon (sometimes using one nail for both feet). None of these wounds would be fatal, but their pain would become unbearable as the hours dragged on. -John Macarthur
iv. crucifixion could be used only for slaves, rebels, and anarchists;
1. it could never be used for a Roman citizen, apart from the express sanction of the Emperor.
2. Crucifixion was considered too cruel—so shameful that the word itself was avoided in polite conversation.
v. And the most innocent man ever chose to die on the cross as this was God’s plan
Acts 2:22–23- “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.
vi. This horrendous act of evil, was planned by God by God
2. Having the mind of Christ means horrendous self-sacrifice
a. Hanging a cross as our symbol Would be like having a painting of the mass graves of Auschwitz at the front of the church with its mangled bodies thrown into the ground
i. It’s unthinkable when we put it that way
b. The God of the universe who created all and holds all together (even in the midst of it) subjected himself, actively choosing every step of the way to obey to that
3. Application:
a. This is the greatest beauty of the gospel everyone
i. Whether you are a Christian are not you may attempt to be this humble to endure through allt he difficulties and injustices against you and you will fail
ii. James says God opposes the proud, he opposes your self-focus, he opposes my self-assurance
iii. But the gospel message says that Jesus did these things for us
2 Corinthians 5:21- He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
iv. Jesus
b. So, yes, husbands, be like Jesus by leaving your comfort and go to your serve your wife
i. And wives, but like Jesus in submitting your will to your husband like he did in obeying his father
c. But, when you fail, recognize this, the father stands ready and willing to forgive because Jesus died in your place…
i. He was humble so your failures can be forgiven
Anything else just comes from pride brothers.
III. Therefore
III. Therefore
1. Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
1. Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
i. Remember that we are all called to be humble like Jesus
ii. This means obeying letting go of any rights we think we deserve
serving others as he has served us
obeying our authorities as he obeyed
and giving up our lives for others as he gave his life for us.
2. We know we must (Resolution)-
2. We know we must (Resolution)-
i. Humility is about self-forgetfulness
ii. One of the great dangers of pride is always being on trial before others or yourself
1. But the message of following the mind of Christ tells me that that trial has already been completed
2. He won, so we will win too, but that’s for next week
This is our God,
the Servant-King,
Who calls us now to follow him,
To bring our lives as a daily offering,
Of worship to the Servant-King.
-Graham Kendrick, The Servant King (1983).
IV. Closing prayer
IV. Closing prayer
1. Lord, we pray that we would be in awe of you and follow you path of humility more closely
[i]Philip Graham Ryken, Luke, ed. Richard D. Phillips, Philip Graham Ryken, and Daniel M. Doriani, vol. 1, Reformed Expository Commentary (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2009), 199.