The Suffering & the Glory of the Believer
Every Christian should memorize this verse:
1) Every Christian will suffer
2) Every Christian is going to heaven
This is one of my favorite verses. It was one of the first I memorized. I think it was easy for me in the KJV because it says:
“I reckon that the sufferings of this present time…”
That was a verse a country boy could understand!
Paul has just told us that suffering is a part of following Christ (17). He says if we suffer with Christ we will be glorified with Christ. Then he lets us know that the glory is so much better than the suffering that the two are not worthy to be compared to one another.
This morning we’re going to do what Paul did. We are going to lay down the suffering and the glory of the believer beside one other. Our conclusion will be the same as Paul’s. The two are not worthy of being compared to one another.
1. The Suffering of the Believer.
A. Suffering must be considered if one wants to be saved.
“considered” is a mathematical term. Paul says he did the math.
Jesus said before we follow Him, we must count the cost (Luke 14:28).
If you are going to build a tower sit down first and do the math. Don’t embarrass yourself.
Christianity is a gift but there is still a cost. We must consider that coming to Christ does not mean life will be easy.
When Paul says he “considered” it, he really did. About beat that man to death.
Five times he received 39 lashes. That’s 195 lashes across his back.
Paul said in Galatians 6:17
From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
If he took his shirt off, you’d look away.
Paul took out his pen, looked at his sufferings and did the math.
195 lashes
Three times beaten with rods
One time being stoned
Three times shipwrecked.
A night and a day drifting on the sea
After he did the math, he said it wasn’t even close. It was worth following Jesus.
B. Suffering is promised to those who follow Christ.
2 Tim. 3:12
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted
We receive grace, we don’t lose suffering. The fact is we suffer more because we are saved. We experience what a normal person experiences. In addition to this, we suffer what Christians suffer.
If you’re coming to Jesus just to get fire insurance, you’re not going to like Christianity.
Getting saved is not like checking off a box. It is taking up your cross daily and following Jesus.
You live for Jesus and you will suffer in this world.
We suffer because we share the truth
We suffer because we believe the truth
Grieve over our world
Grieve over those who die without Jesus- we believe in hell.
C. Suffering is necessary for sanctification.
Suffering is the result of sin, but God uses it for His own glory.
He uses it in the life of the unbeliever. It should make the lost person see their need and go to Jesus. The natural response to suffering is to pray, even if you are lost.
When faced with Divorce lost men will pray.
When faced with Death lost men will pray.
When faced with consequences of sin lost men will pray (financial loss, prison).
If you are not saved listen to me closely- you are wasting your suffering in this world. Whether you are lost or saved you are going to suffer. If you die without Christ, you have wasted that suffering. You suffer in this world and the world to come.
He uses it in the life of the believer.
To help us grow in Christ. That is the context. Nothing reveals my weaknesses like suffering. I see the real me when I’m put in the fire. You start suffering and every idol in your heart will come to the surface.
To confirm our salvation. We prove we’re not serving God because of what He does for us. We are serving God because we love Him.
To make us long for heaven. You suffer long enough and you’ll start praying that the Lord takes you.
D. The believer suffers in many ways.
Notice sufferings is plural.
The Christian lives between sufferings. Between two mountain tops is a valley. The believer travels that road.
Illust. When Me and Jennifer are blessed with a little extra money, comfort, time, etc. we joke with one another “I wonder what’s about to happen?” That’s been our experience.
We’ve suffered physically
We’ve suffered financially- How we gonna make it?
We’ve suffered emotionally- we’ve buried mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, friends.
2. The glory of the believer.
A. This promise reveals the greatness of heaven.
“not worth comparing” does not mean that are sufferings are not heavy. They often are very heavy. God isn’t saying “Rub some dirt on it.” Suffering is real.
Illust. Man at my church in Florida. His wife left him ofr another man. Took the kids. That’s bad. Real bad. Then that man murdered his wife and kids. This man was a mess. I could do nothing but sit and listen. What could I say to him?
God says to him Your suffering is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to you.
I have sat with a mother after her child took his own life. What can I say? I have nothing to say. What does God say?
Your suffering is not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to you.
That’s a bold thing to say!
God isn’t saying their suffering was insignificant. He’s saying He has such a glorious future prepared for His children that when compared to their suffering, their suffering is light.
This promise is not meant to minimize your suffering.
This promise is meant to show you how wonderful heaven is.
Heaven must be great if what Paul says is true.
Paul says in 2 Cor. 4:17
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison
Our suffering is light- God’s glory is heavy.
Illust. The imagery is like putting a piano on one side of the scale and a feather on the other. Do we really have to put the feather on the scale to know?
Our suffering is temporary- God’s glory is eternal.
How long will you hurt on earth? How long will you have joy in heaven?
How long will you be apart on earth? How long will you be together in heaven?
How long will you be hated on earth? How long will you be loved in heaven?
Illust. Ask an older person how quickly life goes by. They’ll tell you 80 years goes by in a minute.
Ask someone in heaven how quickly suffering on this earth goes by. They’ll tell you it’s gone in a minute.
At the very moment of the worst suffering you experience think of what God says here. Remind yourself:
Not worthy to be compared! Not worthy to be compared!
B. This is a promise of God’s glory.
Sometimes we call heaven glory. Heaven is where the fullness of God’s glory is known.
What is the glory of God?
His holiness.
His Brillance (light)
His beauty
The word implies weightiness, a worth. The glory of God is the visible manifestation of God Himself.
Wen we think of the glory of God we should think of:
The glory of God Himself- Blessed are the pure in heart…
The glory of angelic beings
The glory of heaven- I go to prepare a place
The glory of glorified saints
The glory of a new heaven and earth
God’s glory is so great that in heaven we don’t even need a sun to have light.
Illust. Imagine for a moment the sun burned out.
Do you think we would be able to create an artificial light sufficient to see and live? We would be dead within a week without the sun. In heaven the glory of God gives us light and life for eternity.
C. God’s glory has not yet been fully revealed to us.
He has given us little peeks.
Isa. 6
John 14
Rev. 21-22
He has given us enough to occupy our hearts.
Illust. Have you ever been to a welcome center in a new town. There are all these pamphlets telling you about places to visit. I like to grab a handful and read them. They’re short and easy to read.
We ought to read Rev. 21-22 on a regular basis. They’re kind of like those little pamphlets. Those chapters will get you excited about heaven.
We can’t see all God has for us. We can’t even comprehend all he has for us. We can se enough to set our hearts ablaze.
Our problem is we gaze at our sufferings and glance at God’s glory. Start glancing at your sufferings and gazing at God’s glory!
We can’t see it all, but we can see enough!
D. God’s glory will be revealed to us.
I want to share with you two ways this is experienced:
God’s glory is revealed to us- What we will see.
God’s glory is revealed in us- What we will be.
God’s glory revealed to us means we are the recipients of this glory. When you get to heaven you will fully understand what it means to be a joint heir with Jesus.
Heaven is your home forever!
God is your Father forever!
The church is your family forever!
The revelation the moment we enter heaven. Your heart will be filled with a joy unspeakable.
The revelation when Christ returns to earth:
He defeats all of His enemies.
He creates a new heaven and a new earth for us.
God’s glory revealed in us means we are the subjects of His glory.
God is going to glorify us.
Transform us.
1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appear we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.
Daniel 12:3
And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
In eternity every believer will shine with the glory of God.
Christianity is an honest religion. It tells you the truth. You are going to suffer.
It encourages you by letting you know the future you have is far greater than the suffering you experience.
As we close I want to speak to two different groups in here:
The Christians.
Now is the time to prepare your heart for suffering. It’s coming. It’s very hard to prepare yourself once you get there.
Sometimes life is so hard you can’t think straight.
Sometimes life is so hard you can barely pray.
Learn as much as you can about:
The enemy
When we know what is going to happen, what is happening is perceived differently.
What is going to happen?
I’m going to go to heaven.
I’m going to live forever.
What is happening?
Something that is not worthy to be compared to what is going to happen.
The unbeliever.
You are going to suffer too. Your only hope is death. But don’t let the devil deceive you. If you die without Christ, the suffering you experienced in this world will not be worthy to be compared to the suffering you will experience in the next world.
You say, “I don’t believe that!”
Do you believe we all suffer? Yes, you believe that. You believe half of this sermon already. Why won’t you believe the other half?
What do you have to lose?
Wouldn’t it be great to live with hope?
Think of the suffering of Christ. He died on the cross for the sins of the world. He suffered so our suffering would come to an end.
Come to Jesus and live!
Come to Jesus and have hope!