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When someone hits you, what is your first response? Usually it is to strike them back. Why is that? We want to get even.
Let me ask you, why did they hit you in the first place? Punching someone is usually an action committed when someone is angry with someone else. If you are the one in question, then they are angry at you. Why did you anger them? Maybe it was a miscommunication. Maybe you did something wrong. But I will say this, very little in life constitutes punching someone in the face.
I will not argue with you if you are protecting a child, or you are protecting your marriage. Others would disagree, but I am not going to bat an eye. That’s my preference.
Matthew 5:38–42 ““You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.”
The Law of Moses, the OT law, had some measure put in place in case someone had been wronged. “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” This means that whatever you have taken from someone out of anger, that also will be taken from you. Hence an eye lost for an eye taken, and a tooth lost for a tooth taken.
Exodus 21:24 “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,”
Leviticus 24:20 “fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him.”
Deuteronomy 19:21 “Your eye shall not pity. It shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”
These laws, however, were never meant to get even through retaliation. What these laws ensured was the fitting punishment in a civil case. The punishment fits the crime. It was not the affected person who carried out the law, but the judicial system at hand that fulfilled judgment.
These Laws actually protected people rather than seeking to punish them. It enabled a person to have a just punishment rather than a punishment that was more harsh than the crime.
(( Do not resist the evil one )) does not apply to government, police, army. This is on a personal level. We need defense as a whole against the wickedness that is within man’s heart.
Jesus was not throwing the law away. You see here that Jesus said nothing of anyone breaking bones or gouging out eyes. This is more of a personal situation.
Reading through the verses you see that Jesus mentions people who are attacking your rights and dignity.
Slapping one’s cheeks. Right hand backhand (Embarrassing, degrading, mark against your pride)
Jesus is talking more about what we are to do rather than what we are not to do. Jesus said to turn your cheek, but more importantly not to retaliate. Slapping someone was a great form of insult. Jesus is telling us to put our pride to the side and allow love to take over.
No one likes to be embarrassed, but know that those who are Christians will reign in heaven someday. Knowing that will help give us the ability to let the small things slide. Even though it is super embarrassing, we know that we are above that.
Tunic: Taking one’s personal property through lawful suing.
usually people had one tunic (long under garment) Coat was an outer garment. Most people only had one coat and a few shirts. It was actually the law that if you had someone’s coat you must return it by the end of the day because they likely did not have another to wear. But in many instances if people did not have money to pay in a civil suet, they would pay with the shirt off their backs. Which was very precious to them.
Jesus is teaching here that one should give a little more on top of what was required of them to ensure that the other party knows that you are trying to make things right with them.
You are sacrificing more of yourself to show you are trying to heal a relationship rather than grow and spread resentment.
Forced to accompany: Philip of Cyrene. One’s personal liberty as a human (Pride and civil rights)
Roman law stated that a soldier could force any civilian to carry their gear one milion, or one Roman mile. This was just short of the length we call a mile today. Not only did this cause a civilian to walk a mile out of their way, then a mile back, but they had to carry the gear of their oppressors. Image going about your day and your bully tells you to carry their backpack and sporting equipment for them a mile out of your way. How would you feel/
Jesus instructed us to carry it 2 miles. When we are robbed of our liberties, rather than retaliate, we should release more of our liberty in order to show love to those who are effecting us.
Property rights (Pride and ownership)
Jesus is telling us about people in need. If someone is in need, and they ask something of us, let them borrow it. You make sure you get it back, but do not be stingy with things that the Lord has given us anyways. Help each other out.
*Full Disclaimer:: Jesus is not saying that you should not protect yourself, or that you should not flee a situation. Jesus is saying that you should not retaliate or the situation will grow and get out of hand.
Think of it as “the cooler of two heads prevails.” The one who does not loose their temper is the one who wins the fight. The same with what Jesus is saying. Remain calm, and react lovingly. It is what Jesus would do.
The desire to retaliate is natural, but let’s look at an example of Jesus when He had the right to retaliate. The night that Jesus was arrested and wrongfully convicted, there were multiple opportunities for Jesus to fight back, or return aggression. He did not.
When Peter took off the ear of the guard, what did Jesus do? Did He say, “good one! Now aim a little more to the left”? No, He told Peter to put his sword away, and that whoever lived by the sword would die by the sword. THEN He fixed the ear of the servant there.
Jesus said “Live by the sword, Die by the sword.” Which means those who live violently can expect violence in return. Jesus told Peter that if He so chose, Jesus could call down 6 legion of angels, or 72,000 in our numbers. In 2 kings, 1 angel killed over 185,000 men in one night, so 72,000 angels would more than wipe out the existence of the human race.
Let that sink in for a moment. God flooded the earth and killed every wretchedly sinful being on it. Leaving only Noah and his family to live because they were faithful to Him. These men were lying, scheming, hateful, murderous villains who were arresting and innocent man and about to kill the only truly perfect being to walk this earth. Jesus had every right to blink and have humanity erased…. But did He? No. He sacrificed Himself so that we may have the opportunity to live eternally.
He never opened His mouth in retaliation when people offered up lies and false accusations against Him.
Isaiah 53:7 “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.”
Jesus had the best case to be presented. He even had evidence that they brought up, but He said nothing.
God said that vengeance belongs to Him. Deuteronomy 32:35 “Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.’”
This means their time is coming. We do what the Lord has called of us, and the Lord will take care of the one who is in the wrong.
What is the benefit of showing love rather than retaliation? Romans 12:20 “To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.””
Why does this drive a knife in your enemy? Because they seek to get under your skin and draw out a negative response. When they are given a positive one, it burns them to the core. They want a fight, but you gave them love. They brought the devil, but you returned to them with Jesus. They hate it. It urks them to soul.
Why be nice to people who are not being nice to you? Because that is how you win someone over. It is not fun. Swallowing your pride, denying your fleshes desire to retaliate, none of it is fun nor is it easy. However, it is the right thing to do.
When you deny people the justification of retaliation, you show people Christ
What did Jesus say on the cross? “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Jesus showed love and mercy, and in return people received eternal life. When you show anger and hate, that is what will grow in this world. When you show true love and mercy, that will be the results, and from that people will turn to the Lord because of it.
** You live by these words and you see what God does through your life. **
Ask Gordon if he is working Saturday
Ask Luke is he is
See what Audi and Bayler are doing
Church camp is June 17th-20th
Youth Yard Sale is May 10th-11th (breakfast and such provided)
Soar is July 2nd-6th (Maybe 3rd-6th. We’ll see) Leaving Tuesday or Wednesday, coming back Sat.
Senior Mission Trip. (Funding for Huli, Megan, Addi, and Layne. Bayler, Abbi, and Avery are funded) Church has raised $545 for each student, so Megan and Addi need $1255. Layne and Huli needs $255
Fish fry will bring in quite a bit, but split 4 ways will bring the total down, so we need to be finding a way to come up with funds. I project $600-$800 to be made for the dinner, and maybe $100-$200 on a car wash.