It's Time to Get Free
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Hebrews 12:1-3
Hebrews 12:1-3
“A cloud of witnesses” refer to all the Old Testament saints who looked forward to the coming promise, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, but who did not see the bringing about of that event in their lifetime, but yet died in faith believing that He would ultimately come.
“Witness” here used in the Greek is “mantus,” which means one who testifies, or can testify, to what he has seen or heard or knows by any other means.
1 Peter 5:1
Paul testifies as a witness of the sufferings of Christ, which he has seen.
We must have a knowing about the cross and blood He shed for us in our lives to be overcomers.
We don’t cheapen the blood.
Some of the churches today merely ignore it.
While they do not disavow the cross as the answer for human condition, at the same time, they do not hold it up as the answer, rather promoting humanistic psychology.
Unless we properly understand the cross of Christ, which refers to His great sacrifice, we couldn’t properly understand the Word.
1 Corinthians 1:23
Paul preached Him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2
This is what Paul taught in Romans 6-8 in regards to “laying aside” of particular wants and sins in our hearts and lives; however, they are unable to do so. Why? Because one must understand the Cross, which refers to what Jesus did for him, and puts his faith totally in that, which guarantees the help of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:2) Then he will be free to “lay aside” these things or it will be impossible.
On our own it’s impossible to obey the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:19-21 will be exposed.
The phrase, “And let us run with patience the race that is set before us, refers to the fact, that we don’t run too well, if we are encumbered by “weights” which greatly slow us down and “sin” which can get us off the track completely.
We must give Jesus 100% of our hearts!
The specific word for a race (dromos) isn’t used here, the general term for an athletic contest (argon) being chosen instead. This gives the idea of a certain type of race which is placed before the Christian. It is like a road that stretches out before one’s gaze.
The idea of this “race” is finishing the course.
It is not the idea f all running and only the one who crossed the finish line first is the winner.
The idea is the believer not quit this race, not stop running, but run completely until the finish line is crossed.
It doesn’t matter how many times the person falls down on this course, just as long as he gets up and keeps running.
We must get up quick and not camp out. (2 Timothy 4:7)
We must have patience because the devil is a liar.
If God starts to deal with this entanglement the devil will magnify it.
We must be obedient to turn away when we get convicted by the Holy Ghost.
That sin is a continual recurring thing.
Ezekiel 47
We must get every bit of sin and idolatry out of our lives!
It isn’t easy. We must have a pure heart and not be hidden in secret sin. We must be set free.
It’s when the Word of God deals with the heart that revival will take place.
He loves us so much.
God will not tolerate when we make excuses and not deal with it.
God puts our heart in order and the river will flow.
We will come to a place where we see our heart as He sees our heart.
God leads us to show us what’s in the heart and it can be very uncomfortable.
1 Kings 3:3, 11:14—Solomon had an idol in his heart.
We must not have a divided heart.
Testimony on the forgiveness of my step-father
Revival comes only when we identify and deal with the sin in our hearts.
Revival only happens when something dies.