Luke 5.27-39
Luke 5:27-39
Welcome! New?- Habits of Grace class (part two) today (2-3pm)… Kid’s Care (there’s room)
A major theme in the gospels is Jesus’ interactions with the religious leaders of His day.
In His day= Liberal/condoning sinful behavior/In our day= Conservative/closed-minded (SAME GUY)
(1) Scene 1- The Calling of Levi- Read Luke 5:27-28- This is Matthew (Gospel writer)
Luke and Mark= “Levi”/Matthew= “Matthew” (Matthew= GK/Levi=Hebrew)
Taxes collector: Roman government assessed amount for district/sold right/end of year collector kept… (extortion)
“Tax collectors” were known as “robbers” and “sinners” (the worst= Adulterers, prostitutes, Gentiles)
Jesus calling this man would have been shocking (serial killer/pedophile/militant atheist/Islamist Extremist)
A CAUTION- “The Chosen” depicts Matthew as autistic or something like that (careful: Music, Art, Music, Shows, Movies)
Matthew threw a retirement party!- Read Luke 5:29- New life! Following Jesus! No more extortion! (Jesus is there!)
**The religious leader’s reaction- Read Luke 5:30- Salvation by segregation… this was defile oneself…
**Jesus’ response- Luke 5:31-32- What a response!
I had a dr. Appt this week… lots of sick people/masks/coughing (How could you?)
I did a hospital visit this week… lots of sick people (How could you?)
Messiah/Savior… spending time with sinners=where he should be (what other options does he have?)
The Pharisees are a helpful warning to us
They needed forgiveness has much as the tax collectors… but they didn’t know it.
How do we view the lost/the sinners/the evil/the ones that we see as the most lost??
We need forgiveness just as much… Read 1 Timothy 1:15- Paul knew it! (Paul was a Pharisee)
Rock of ages- “Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling.”
Man-made religion… You’ll see this more in the next scene…
(2) Scene 2- Fasting- Read Luke 5:33- JTB’s disciples fast regularly/Pharisees fast regularly… why not Jesus and his followers?
Let’s be clear- OT commands fasting on one occasion… Day of Atonement (Lev. 16)… The rest is optional
BUT the Scribes and Pharisees commanded fasting twice a week for godliness (“you may”/ “you must”)(LENT)
Morning quiet time/Bible in a year/schooling option/Christian music/voting
Tried to look horrible/Following God is unhappy (Matt 6:16) (Read Luther quote from sheet)
**Jesus’ response- Read Luke 5:34-35- The Messiah is here… we party… they will mourn and fast when I’m gone…
Dieting during the holidays/Dieting during a wedding reception…
You see what the Pharisees are like: Separation/Man-made rules for holiness/To prove worth
After these two events… Jesus explains what the problem really is…- Read Luke 5:36-39
Garment- Place a new patch on old garment/New patch will shrink, pulling it away and tearing
Wineskin- Goat skin/sew it into a canteen-like object/place new wine/fermentation/expansion/elastic/pliable
If new wine were put into old/dry/non-pliable wineskin… it would burst… spilling wine, ruining wine
Jesus is the new garment/Jesus is the new wineskin…. Their religious system is the old garment/old wineskin.
**If you try to place me within your system… I WILL TEAR IT/I WILL BURST IT! **
Football & Football- Invite to watch “Football” (Soccer- Can’t use your hands/ball looks stupid/can’t hit each other)
Something has to give… either have their system OR have Jesus… NOT BOTH (Liam/Halloween/Minion/Football)
Any manmade system, because it’s not God’s, will conflict with Jesus’ life and teaching
In the West— buffet approach to religion… Get what you want, and then sprinkle some Jesus on it (sinners/ethics/pol)
Patch Jesus in: (1) Separatism, (2) Integrationism, (3) Political, (4) Western Christianity
Sep= Hung out w/ sinners/Integ=told ppl to sin no more/Pol=not of this world/W.C.=persec, suffer, die to self
We’ve all felt this… (1) To forgive, (2) To indulge in, (3) to date that guy, (4) disciple kids…
When Jesus comes into conflict with worldview, two choices: Be conformed to Jesus OR Reject or change Jesus
Read Luke 9:23-24 & Romans 12:1-2
Followers of Christ, not fans, not users, re-creators… WE FOLLOW HIM…
Jesus is not just a religious teacher (succeed or fail)/He’s also our Savior (died for all the times we patch Him in)
Let’s let His kindness lead us to repentance…