20240505 Genesis 50: There is Good Despite the Evil
So the place also received the name Abel-mizraim. In most place names in the Old Testament ’ābēl means ‘brook, stream’. Here it is a play on the word ’ēbel, meaning ‘mourning’, implying the stream (’ābēl) of tears produced by the mourning (’ēbel) of the Egyptians (miṣrayim).
Back now in Egypt, Joseph’s brothers realized that without the restraining presence of their father, Joseph was in the perfect position to exact revenge, should he seek to do so. In their own words they admitted that they had caused his suffering, and they were of the opinion that if he still held a grudge, he would not hesitate to repay them. The verb for hold a grudge is the same word used to describe Esau’s hostility towards Jacob (27:41) and the word used by Jacob to describe the attacks that Joseph withstood because God had strengthened him (49:23–24).
110 years was considered by Egyptians to be the ideal lifespan