Scriptural Nehemiah 8:1-12
The Wonder of Worship • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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It is said that when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa he had 73 books in 3 packs, weighing 180 pounds. After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying his baggage. As he continued on his journey his library grew less and less, until he had but one book left--his Bible.
It turns out, when it comes to worship, the Scripture is essential!
-The Word of God is a Foundational Element of Christian Worship. It:
-The Word of God is a Foundational Element of Christian Worship. It:
I. Centers Worshippers in the Truth vv. 1-6
I. Centers Worshippers in the Truth vv. 1-6
In this morning’s passage, we come to a day of celebration in the life of God’s people:
Nehemiah has returned to Jerusalem to lead the rebuilding of the city’s walls
Now, the day has come to dedicate the walls and themselves to the Lord.
On this day of worship, Ezra brings out the “book of the Law of Moses”. Why do they do this?
It contains the commands of the Lord for Israel
I think it is important that we understand this, the Word carries the authority of the Lord with it.
God intends for His people to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!
This impacts Cain, whose offerings are unacceptable
This impacts the children of Israel, who build a golden calf
This impacts Saul, who chooses to sacrifice, rather than obey!
If God has spoken, His words ought to be central to our worship, because they give us His intent
Ezra reads the words to all of the people who are able to understand (this means that it can be understood!) v. 2
They are attentive to it v. 3
They even place Ezra on a central platform where they can focus in on the things that he is reading
This attention to the Word is not an addition to worship, but is integral.
If I want to know how to worship, I need to hear what God says through His Word
If I listen to God’s Word, I find out that He is the authority and object of my worship. I can decenter myself and worship God
II. Clarifies the Worshipper’s Understanding vv. 7-8
II. Clarifies the Worshipper’s Understanding vv. 7-8
Second, we see a group of leaders emerge and they serve a different function:
Ezra reads the Word, but this group takes time to explain the Word
They do this so that the people can have a better understanding and application of these truths
Sometimes, we need the same thing:
The Bible can be a lot to take in, but God wants us to understand it. How does that happen?
It begins with the work of the Holy Spirit, who illuminates the truth for us
It continues with our intellects, as we understand the plain sense of the text and combine it with our own abilities to put the pieces together
Finally, God uses other teachers and outside sources to give us a firmer sense of the truth
Clarity is powerful. We must remember that God wants us to know who He is and what His desire is for His people
God does not only want you to believe or to feel; He wants you to know!
-A funny thing seems to be happening to me as my children are getting older and moving into young adulthood. Our relationship is changing. I do want them to believe in me and to feel my consistent love for them. I also want them to know me, in a more personal way. I want them to have clarity about my character and intent. As they grow in their knowledge of me, I believe that this strengthens the relationship, not weakens. This is what our Father wants for us: He wants us to know Him!
1 John 5:13
[13] I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. (ESV)
III. Convicts the Worshipper v. 9
III. Convicts the Worshipper v. 9
A funny thing happens in the middle of what is supposed to be a celebration: the people begin to weep
After hearing the Words of the Law, they are deeply convicted of their sin
In the Law, the righteousness of God and His expectation is revealed
Further, they gain a better sense of the history of their own people. They understand that God has been faithful to His promises, but His people have rebelled against Him
God has a righteous expectation and we have failed to meet the standard; that’s exactly how we have gotten to this moment
The Word of God will reveal your sin, just as it did theirs
This ought to be a humbling thing. Like the Israelites, we would do well to reflect and to grieve
We struggle to understand this kind of worship; no one wants to go to a sorrowful church. However, the goal is not sadness but repentance and restoration of fellowship with God
We walk through this kind of sorrow because it is a step on the path to real joy
When was the last time that you had this kind of time with God?
On one occasion the great Paderewski came to London for a piano concert. Joseph Parker, a former pastor of City Temple in London, and an accomplished musician himself, went to hear him play. The minister was so moved by what he heard that he did a very strange thing when he returned home. Standing by his piano, he called to his wife, "Bring me an ax! Today I heard great music for the first time. By comparison, what I can do amounts to nothing at all. I feel like chopping my piano to pieces."
Although Parker did not follow through with this threat, he realized that he could never be a Paderewski by simply following his example. To do so, he would need Paderewski's hands & yes, the very soul of the great musician.
IV. Comforts the Worshipper in Christ vv. 10-12
IV. Comforts the Worshipper in Christ vv. 10-12
Finally, we see Ezra give further instruction:
They must stop their weeping, because this day is a day of celebration!
As they dedicate the walls of Jerusalem, they remember that this day is an act of God’s grace
They rebelled against God and faced serious consequences of sin through the Exile. Yet, God has now brought them back and restored them to a place of peace and prosperity
This is where the greatest joy is found:
Our sins are forgiven
Our shame is removed
Our home is restored
Our future is certain
This is the entire point of the Bible: We find the joy of the Lord when we look to Jesus who redeems and restores us
When we search the Scriptures, we will find Him and we will find hope!
1000 Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching Any Late Gospel?
Roy L. Smith concluded his book, The Future Is Upon Us, with this experience from a pastorate in Minnesota. One lovely spring morning, as the preacher parked his car by the church, he greeted the friendly custodian, who cheerily replied, “Any late news from God this morning?”