The Four Abominations of the Temple of God
The First Abomination Vs. 3b-6
The god of Family
The god of Money
The gods of this world
The Second Abomination Vs. 7-12
For such a one to be found leading this apostate group bears testimony to the rapid degeneration of worship in Israel after Josiah’s death.
One of the great fallacies of men and women is to assume that God does not care. The longer people go on in their sin, the more bold and arrogant they become in their defiance of God.
The Third Abomination Vs. 13-15
The Fourth Abomination Vss. 16-18
the inner court, the holiest area for worship in the temple. Only the priests could go into this area of the sanctuary.
God is not found in every religious experience. “There is some good in all religions” is a false axiom. The New Age movement popular in the last decade of the twentieth century illustrates such false religious philosophy. Many erroneously believe there are many valid religions and many ways to approach God. Idolatry is still an abomination to God, and Acts 4:12 is still true today. Jesus is the one and only way to salvation.