Don’t You Quit Now
Introduction- Reasons Not To Give Up & Quit
Why People Quit Their Jobs
Transition To Body
Authority of the Apostles
Mission of Apostles
Body- Disciples Don’t Quit because we
Shrewdly And Sincerely Seek Lost Sheep (Matt. 10:16)
Going to the Lost Sheep…
Description of Sheep
Sheep, like Israel of old (v. 6; compare 9:36), were defenseless against such predators as wolves* (Sirach 13:17). Christians should therefore avoid unnecessarily provoking their opponents (shrewd) while remaining “guileless” (NIV innocent).
Be (Shrewd) Smart As Snakes
pertaining to understanding resulting from insight and wisdom—‘wise, wisely, with understanding, with insight
Serpents Though Crafty But their Venom Brough Healing
Shrewd But Not Cunning (trickery or craftiness)…
Be Patient & Do Not Get Tired
Be Pure As Doves
pertaining to being without a mixture of evil and hence to being pure—‘pure, untainted.’
Honor Christ the LORD as Holy in your Defense…
Disciples Don’t Quit Because we
Shrewdly And Sincerely Seek Lost Sheep
and we Utilize the
Power Of The Holy Spirit’s Presence (Matt. 10:17-20)
We live in presumptive safety in this world, being surrounded by its comforts. Christ’s presence and power aren’t needed in such situations, or so we think. But when you go to danger, when you’re a sheep in the midst of wolves, you need His presence and power more than anything else. You’re acutely aware of your utter dependence on Him.
The Surpassing Power Belongs to God & Not Us
We Have The Same Spirit of Faith
{ We Don’t Quit because we
Shrewdly And Sincerely Seek Lost Sheep,
we Utilize the
Power Of The Holy Spirit’s Presence,
while Pursuing
Opportunity Amid Ironic Betrayal And Opposition
When we go into the world doing good deeds and helping people with their needs without saying anything about Jesus, the world is fine with that. But when we go into the world doing these same things and telling people that Jesus is the only way to be saved from sin, death, and hell, then the world will respond much differently. We will be betrayed, we will be hated, and we will be persecuted.
Misunderstood by Those Closest to You
If you follow Christ, you will almost certainly be misunderstood, and the people you least suspect, even family members, may turn on you.
Gospel of Mark Rendering of Jesus Calling the 12 Apostles
Gospel Offensive When Challenging Tradition & Culture
The gospel is offensive to those who reject its demands or whose culture or tradition it challenges.
In a culture dominated by honor and shame, in which the opinion of family members was paramount, such a threat demanded an incomparably high allegiance to Christ
However, whether it’s your family, the government, or the religious establishment, you will be hated from all corners. People simply will not like you when you proclaim Jesus. But why will they hate you? Because the world hated Jesus, and our lives are identified with Him.
This warning doesn’t mean that we seek persecution, or that we foolishly or heroically pursue danger; we don’t seek to be hated. Instead, we seek Christ and proclaim Him, knowing that opposition will come.
We Don’t Quit because we
Shrewdly And Sincerely Seek Lost Sheep,
we Utilize the
Power Of The Holy Spirit’s Presence,
while Pursuing,
Opportunity Amid Ironic Betrayal And Opposition.
This is made possible as a consequence of the
Disciple’s Dangerously Deep Relationship With Christ
the name of the Devil as the prince of the demons—‘Beelzebul
The danger of our lives increases in proportion to the depth of our relationship with Christ.
Everyone who wants a safe, carefree life free from danger should stay away from Jesus. The world responds with hostility to Him. So as we are conformed to Christ more and more, the world will respond to us more and more as they responded to Him. If you want to avoid being betrayed, hated, or persecuted, then don’t become like Christ!
Christians Prone to Sick Back & Settle for Religious Routine
We are so prone to sit back and settle for religious routine and comfortable Christianity, because it’s safe. And the world likes us in that mode. As long as we live lives just like everyone else—going to church on Sunday and keeping our faith to ourselves—we will face little risk in this world. The only problem is that we will know so little of Christ. But when we do know Christ, and when we’re becoming like Him and proclaiming Him, things will not be easy for us. The more Christ is manifest in your life and in your family, the harder it will get for you in this world. This is what Jesus said in Luke 6:40: “Everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Does that frighten you?
You will become like the One who was mocked, beaten, scourged, spit on, and nailed to a cross. And all of this brings us to the question we must ask, namely, do we really want to be like Christ?