If the world goes against the truth, then Athanasius goes against the world." Saint Athanasius
Weekdays Homily • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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The gospel that we read today became alive in the person of Saint Athanasius.
He fights like no body to confess that Jesus is God, and heretic arouse
He was a Bishop in Alexandria, and there he spends his complete life to defend that Jesus is God, at his time among the Christian spread a big heretic, called the Arianism, that briefly sustain that Jesus is no God, they believe that is a the most perfect, the first creation of God, but they denied that Jesus is God.
In this time still the Jews, they believe that is was a great man, but no God, the Muslims, believe that he is a prophet, but no God, the Mormons, and the Jehovah Witness sustain basically the same big error.
But for is as the Cristian we confess with Peter that Jesus is the son of the living God, God the Father reveal us his son, who is God, and his son reveal the Holy Spirit, this is the mystery of the Holy Trinity:
Therefore, in the Church, one God is taught, one God who is above all things and in all things. God is above all things as Father, for He is the beginning and the origin; He's through things by the Word, and he's in all things in the Holy Spirit.
For endure this true, he was persecuted, five time was expelled from his city and exiled to the desert.
But he never surrender hew new that if you are a true Cristian, you have to love the true and be ready to be persecuted for the true.
"If the world goes against the truth, then Athanasius goes against the world." Saint Athanasius
And suffer in his body for bear the truth, he is an example for us, if we follow Jesus Crist, we must prepare to be persecuted for sustain the true.
Here many people accept antichristian values, because they do not want to be in troubles.
We accept antichristian values, because we do not want to be in troubles.
But we must be prepare to stand for the true, even if it causes that we are persecuted, but remember blessed are those persecuted for the kingdom of heaven, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven.