A Special Mother

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A Special Mother
Luke 1:30-38
Theme: Mary displays three qualities of a mother that serves the Lord.
Welcome to Mother’s Day here at MVBC church. Mothers are very special to us and we thank God for you. We want you to know how much you are appreciated. There is a family photo opportunity after the service if you would like to have photo with your family. Enjoy the afternoon with your family as we will not have a service back tonight.
Someone once said, “If I could mother this world, I could save this world.”
The importance and value of motherhood cannot be over emphasized. In a day where there is a direct attack on the family, we want to remember that motherhood is never out of style or outdate. It is never to be taken lightly.
God is the Originator of motherhood and in today’s confused society, we need to take a fresh look. Mothers are important to us because they are important to God. They are busy, hard-working, people who know little rest.
A man’s work is from sun up to sun down, but a mother’s work is never done.” (Unknown)
God chose Mary as an example of a Godly mother. She was a sinner just like you and me; yet, she loved God and served Him with her life. She did not have any divine attributes. She placed her life in His hands and trusted Him completely.
There are three qualities in her life which God uses to show us a Godly mother.
These are qualities that every mother can possess. But not only mothers but also all believers. God shows us His work in the lives of mothers and today we will examine God’s work through Mary.
Quality 1 . . .
She was called by God
In verse 27 of this chapter, God sends Gabriel to announce to Mary her call to be the mother of Jesus. Her age is not certain but many Bible scholars believe she is around 16 to 18 years of age. God chose her because he saw she was a Godly young lady. In the first century world, immorality was the normal way of life. However, Mary chose to live above an immoral life. She sets an example for young girls today that you can live for God in a pagan culture.
In the same way Mary was called, all are called by God to live Godly and honor the Lord.
God called her to be the mother of Jesus. This honor was bestowed on her because of God’s grace. Sinners don’t deserve God’s favor, but God in His mercy chose Mary. While today abortion has taken the lives of over 63 million innocent children, God reminds us that Motherhood is His choosing.
The Bible says she has found “favor” with God. This where the grace is shown to her. She brings honor and she brings glory to God. He is pleased by her love for Him and her praise she gives to Him. Her heart has captured the attention of God and now He chooses her to bear His son.
Mothers, you have been called by God bear your children and what an honor it is to raise a child for the glory of God. Being a mother is one of the hardest tasks you will ever have And still the most rewarding.
Mothers do so many things for their children, we cannot even begin to count. Mothers are so unselfish because many of them give to their children before they give to themselves. Mothers often neglect their needs for the needs of their children. Here are just some of the roles of mothers: chef, counselor, housekeeper, seamstress, laundromat attendant, educator, doctor, nurse, encourager, protector, mediator, chauffeur, finance manager, activity coordinator, and the loving example of being Godly.
Mothers today we recognize you for who you are. We thank you for what you do and we want you to know we love you.
I believe that motherhood is a calling by God and He has entrusted each mother with this very important responsibility. Mothers your honor to care for your children is a tremendous blessing. There is a verse in Psalm 127 which is focused on God building the home. In verse 2 of that passage, God speaks of a watchman. Mothers you are the watchman of the home. Mothers may have baby monitors at night but for the most part they don’t need electronic devices. Mothers are designed like a radar in the home. They can cook or clean or fold clothes and watch their kids at the same time. They are programmed with an instinct to watch their kids while other things are going on around them.
I believed my mother had eyes everywhere. There was not a place I could go or a thing I could do without her knowing about it. She was our watchman in the house and outside of the home. A watchman cares for the safety and well-being of others and this is the calling God has given to you mothers. I am very grateful for you being a watchman over your children.
Quality 2 . . .
She was prepared by God
A discussion was made at a ladies retreat on what the best age to train your child—one said 6, another 3, a few 2, some even said 6 months. One older and must wiser said, 20 years before the baby is born—pointing back to the mom’s life. God will mold and shape even the youngest of children for this special calling.
God physically designs a woman for child bearing. No man can bear children and in a day when some men seem to think they can, God did not design a man with the capacity or ability to bear children. He established a physical difference between a man and a woman. A person may try to alter their gender, but internally even in the cells a woman is still a woman and a man is still a man. This is God’s design and God’s choice and you cannot improve on what God created. The X and Y chromosome in the DNA of a man and a woman is very distinct because of how God created us.
God gave mothers an emotional design of tenderness. There is the natural nurturing and uniqueness of affection a mother has towards her children. The nurturing nature of a mother has a huge impact on the life of her children. We are more than thankful for the loving tenderness a mother has on her children.
Teens Go to Moms for Tough Conversations & Personal Support According to practicing Christian teens, mothers are the go-to person for all kinds of support: advice (78%), encouragement (75%) and sympathy (72%). Meanwhile, fathers play a somewhat key role in meeting teens’ tangible needs for money (74%) and logistical help (63%), though even on these two issues, they are somewhat on par with mothers. (Barna research group)
Her love goes very deep and she recognizes that her child is a part of her being and there is no substitute for the love of a mother. God gave this emotional make up to a mother and the Scriptures remind us
“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; And ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 66:13)
But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:” (1 Thessalonians 2:7)
Please notice God compares comfort and nurturing to a mother who nurtures her children. God has given a mother special kind of patience that men don’t have. Her patience is attractional that causes children to gravitate to their mother.
A mother in the home is prepared by God as she is appointed with the responsibility of raising her children before God. Her home responsibility is mundane many times but it is certainly fulfilling God’s plan for her.
Mother’s Work
Nobody knows of the work it takes to keep the home together, nobody knows of the steps it takes, nobody knows-but Mother.
Nobody listens to the childish woes, which kisses only heal; nobody pained by naughty blows, Nobody-but Mother. Nobody knows of sleepless care, bestowed on baby brother, nobody knows of the tender prayer, Nobody—only mother.
Nobody knows of the anxious fears, lest darlings may not weather the storms in life after years, Nobody knows—but mother.
Nobody kneels at the throne above to thank the Heavenly Father for the sweetest gift—a Mother’s love. Nobody can—but Mother.
A Godly mother is a powerful force in the home and in the church. God reveals here through the life of Mary the impact she has on her children and in this case Jesus. Please notice in verse 30 again, this favor Mary had with God. As God worked in her heart, He was shaping her morals, her values, and who God wanted her to be. There was no doubt a spiritual design God had for Mary because a godless mother will ruin a nation. Parents both mothers and fathers are to exemplify Christ in the home.
This is very powerful truth Paul taught in Eph 5, the passage on the home and the family. God likens the love of a husband and wife and parents to children to Christ and His church. His church is to be a Godly example of Gospel. The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He came to die for sinners like you and me.
Quality 3. . .
She was separated unto God vv. 32-38
God sent her a message that this was not just any baby but this is the Son of God. She would give birth the Savior of the world. Can you imagine the wonderful opportunity she had to birth the Savior in to the world?
Mom, you don’t even know the impact you have in your children. You may be raising the next preacher who will lead our nation back to God. Or perhaps a missionary who will reach a nation that has never heard the gospel. Or be a Godly layman in the church who will help the preacher to reach the community for Jesus Christ.
For Mary, this opportunity to bear the Son of God is a fulfillment of God’s plan for the world. Her impact was not just in Middle East in the first century, but for over two thousand years worldwide.
We learn her place in the world is motherhood.
Her focus was to raise this child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Her responsibility was enormous and God chose her because He knew she would be a Godly mother.
Mothers, your work is not in vain and God uses you to impact the current and future generations to come. Your mission field is your family.
One day the census taker showed up and wrote down in his book. So I was hanging around and thought I would take a look. He had our names, ages, and put down dad’s occupation and after Mother’s name he wrote “No Occupation.” Why mother’s up before its light, and through the work she races, She starts the breakfast, straightens things, and washes all the faces. She packs our lunches, finds our book-of course, it keeps her busy-she washes, irons, sweeps, and dusts—you’d think she would be dizzy. She bakes a cake, and maybe pies, she finds some time for sewing. There’s mending, making over, too, because we all are growing. Then dinner comes, and dishes next, first one thing, and then another, and when our homework bothers us, we say, “Please help, Mother.”
So, she keeps going all the time, and though she’s often weary, she never gets real out of sorts—she’s always happy and cheery. She keeps so busy everyday, and sure needs some vacation: and yet the census man wrote down she had “No Occupation.” (Elsie Duncan Yale “Sunshine Magazine.”)
God is looking for mothers who will follow the example of Mary’s walk with the Lord. Your life speaks more than your words. When a child sees a Godly mother, your life reflects Jesus to everyone in the household.
In order to serve Him, you need to know Him as your personal Savior. Have there been a time in your life when you realized you are a sinner and you need a Savior? This means we turn from our sin and ourself, and turn to Jesus as our only hope for heaven. Now is the day of salvation.
If you know Christ, are you serving Him? Are you living for Him? Will you dedicate yourself to Godly in Christ Jesus?
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