TGP2803 - People are Restored
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Ice Cream or Mash Potatoes
Jesus restores sinners, calling them to trust and follow Him.
Obey Jesus, even when it doesn’t make sense.
Jesus tells them to let down their nets like the beginning.
Luke 5:1-11 - Peter was called to follow Jesus after this first huge catch.
The Lake of Gennesaret is the same as the Sea of Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee.
Two words used here for fish, John is pointing to the pinnacle of the story, the restoration of Peter. Both times he uses the word for fish two times and the changes the word. Then He uses the word two times and changes the word.
Peter throws himself into the sea and meets Jesus on the shore.
Charcoal fire: fishing in Colorado
Why is this detail here? Charcoal fire is the same kind of fire where Peter denied Jesus three times - John 18:15-18, 25-27
Know Jesus by spending time with Him. (7-14)
How did they know it was Him? (12-14)
12-13 They have seen Jesus had out the same kind of fish and bread before - John 6:11
14 - once to all the disciple except Thomas, then the disciples with Thomas, and now with these 7 disciples
Notice that in each time Jesus comes to them, they don’t seek Him out
Murder in the Dark - Micah never found me, but I knew right where she was
Jesus is coming to you don’t miss Him.
Humbly follow Jesus, even if it costs you everything. (15-19)
Jesus asks Him do you love me more than these?
Who are the these?
The other disciples - How would Peter know how much they love Jesus to know if he loves Jesus more?
Do you ever feel like you’re giving more than someone else? On the team, in the band, in a group project?!? Those are outward things we can look at here, Jesus is asking do you love me more than they love me?
Peter had claimed this already: Matthew 26:33-35 33 Peter answered him, “Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away.” 34 Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” 35 Peter said to him, “Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!” And all the disciples said the same.
Jesus asks Peter three times do you love me and Peter responds three times.
Peter uses the same word all three times but Jesus repeats the pattern from earlier: he uses the same word twice, but the third time He changes it.
Between the charcoal fire and Jesus’s three times asking him, Peter is grieved, he feels the weight of his sin, but Jesus isn’t finished with Peter.
Peter’s words that he would lay down His life for Jesus would ring true.
Peter’s death was glorifying to God because Peter lived a faithful witness to Jesus. Peter would never deny Jesus again. In fact, they would kill him for following Jesus.