New Testament: Book of Acts Part Two
Through the Bible • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Jesus is exalted as the King of the world.
Promise the Spirit is reiterated and fulfilled.
Tale of Two Temples - physical vs spiritual
Conflict and persecution
Church becomes multi cultural
The greatest of the New Testament churches was at Antioch
Chapters 13-20: The Missionary Journeys
13-14 begins with Saul and Barnabas being commissioned and sent to Asia Minor.
New church that was established in Antioch…
Modern Turkey.
Ends with an important meeting back in Jerusalem 1-2 years later.
16-18, the second Missionary Journey with SIlas, they go back to Asai Minor and also to Greece
Lasted 3-4 years
Departs from Antioch
Derby and Lystra where he would meet Timothy
Troas - Macedonian call
Philippi - preached with Silas, jailed, freed, jailers house converted.
Thessalonica - ran for their lives
Berea - found the “more noble”
Athens - Preach on Mars Hill
Corinth - establish a strong church
Return to Antioch
18-20, the third Missionary Journey, Asia Minor and Greece again.
Lasted 3 years - Visiting established churches, establishing others
Leaves Antioch, travels through Galatia and Phrygia
Ephesus - more than a year, deals with idol makers
Troas and Macedonia - revisiting churches
Greece - spends about 3 months, challenges
Begins the journey home - back through Macedonia, joined by other including Luke, Philippi to Troas where raised Eutychus from the dead.
Miletus - meets with elders from Ephesus, delivers his farewell address charging them to care for the church.
Journey to Jerusalem - warned of what he would face
Repeated themes:
Continued reaching for Israel
Some heard, most rejected
Here we have a great example of Apostolic Authority.
Paul hears that some Jewish christians are demanding that gentile christians adopt Jewish custom.
Circumcision, feasts, Sabbath, dietary laws
Paul and Barnabas strongly disagree.
Take to the Apostles in Jerusalem for and answer.
Non Jewish christians must stop participating in pagan sacrifices, but don’t have to become Jews.
Not about ethnicity but obedience!
Worldly custom vs. Godly submision.
Second repeating theme
2. Cultural clashes.
Greek and Roman vs Christian.
Philippi, Athens and Ephesus… Paul would preach Jesus the One true God and there is no other.
In contrast to the polytheistic way of lIfe of the world.
The early church did not fit in ANY of the modern cultural boxes of their day!
Third theme (chapters 17-18)
3. Accused of rebellion and even treason against Cesar.
They heard Paul but did not understand him…
There is a new king… Jesus
Roman life was not good, there was a new life to live
But the charges never stuck.
Early Church Paradox:
In a world of privilege, power, violence…
Loyal to the king and his government.
Christians were an ethnically divers movement that treated men, women, rich, poor, slave and free as equal!
Loyal at Jesus alone!
They were were of no threat because Jesus had taught peace!
acts 21-28: Final section of the Book - Paul in Rome.
21-22 Paul is arrested in Jerusalem.
Paul arrives in Rome, Jews get mad at him and riot.
Roman military steps in thinking he is a terrorist from Egypt.
23-26 Paul on trial
First by the Sanhedrin
Then by the Roman governors
Governor Felix
Governor Festus
King Agrippa
On trial for years!
No charges stick…
Great legal machine is grinding away and so he appeals to Romes highest court.
It is in this time that Paul would write most the New Testament.
Now he has to be taken to Rome…
Disastrous voyage… shipwrecked, marooned for at least 3 months, finally arrives in Rome.
Rents a nice home and begins to teach and preach to whomever would come to him!
Acts 28:31 (KJV 1900)
31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.
Luke and Acts is more then just the story of Jesus and the early church…
He is proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven came to earth through Jesus and is experienced in the Church!
Three principles of Luke and Acts:
The faithfulness of God towards his people and his people to him.
The Gospel must be preached
We must be filled, empowered and lead by the Spirit