Staff Meeting on Discipeship Strategy
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Salvation is free, but discipleship costs everything we have.
Billy Graham
I want to clear something up though — discipleship has always existed — Jesus commanded it
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
The term “make disciples” is Jesus telling us that we should be making disciples or going through the process of discipleship
Disciple: an apprentice of Jesus, who will be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did
Let’s break down what that means
Apprentice: actively working to become like Jesus through the process of sanctification
Be with Jesus: spend time daily with Jesus through reading/studying the word, prayer, meditation, music, relationships, etc.
Become like Jesus: in the manner of sin; flee sin; crave the things of God and not the world such as his love, mercy, etc.; more like Jesus’ character
Do what Jesus did: actions of Jesus; showing love, mercy, etc; evangelism
So if that is what a disciple is, the next question we should be asking is how do I disciple someone?
If you are going to disciple someone you must be willing to walk with the person
Disciple Simplified: walking with a person daily; living life together actively not passively
Walking with them in daily life — seeking to be an active part in their life, not just passive bystanders shouting directions
Discipleship is often messy, difficult, and can burn you
If you are trying to pour into someone and help them seek Jesus it’s never going to be easy
Four keys
Four keys
Intentional: spend intentional time with them
If we are going to be discipling someone we must be intentional with them
We are not like Jesus and the disciples (i.e. we don’t live together for 3 years)
We must be intentional with the questions we ask and how we act/react to things that come up in discussion
You can’t disciple someone in secret and you can’t be discipled in secret
Purpose: have a purpose and plan
We must have a purpose when it comes to discipling someone
The person you are choosing to disciple must know the purpose of it. If they think you are simply meeting together they will never take it serious
Think about the question:
What is the reason behind picking that person?
Why are you choosing the person you are picking?
To achieve the definition above
Appropriate: must be an appropriate discipleship relationship
You can’t disciple a person that is further along than you
You can’t be discipled by someone who is behind you
You should always be a Timothy to someone's Paul
You should always be a Paul to someone's Timothy
You can’t disciple someone who doesn’t want to be discipled
You can’t be discipled if you aren’t willing
The relationship must be appropriate. If you a man you should be discipling another man. If you are a woman you should be discipling another woman
This not only protects you from sin — you also don’t understand what the other are dealing with
Replication: your disciple should replicate this relationship with others
This does not mean your discipleship relationship must end but instead they should begin doing this with another
The person you are discipling should be able to go off and start discipling someone else
If they cannot replicate what you are doing with them you are simply wasting their time
When I am looking for a a discipleship relationship these are four things I am considering
How to choose
How to choose
I don’t just jump and start discipling anyone — I look for people who are actively seeking Jesus and need a push
I look for people that...
I have a genuine connection with
That I enjoy spending time with
That I believe actively wants to follow Jesus
Discipleship is about growing deep, not wide.
As for resources that I use when discipling someone
I always start out with this book
Multiply by Francis Chan
I have used the Multiply book 4 different times with various success when it comes to discipling people
The thing I like about this book is it walks through what a disciple should look like, what they should do, and goes through the OT and NT to give a foundation of the Bible
I also like this book because it really separates the people that want to grow from the people that say they want to grow
It forces them to be committed and take responsibility
Order of Meeting
Order of Meeting
Now like I said discipleship is walking with someone in daily life
I am calling them on the phone, inviting them to go disc golfing, going out to eat, showing up at events they are going to
I am spending specific intentional time with them
But we also have “structured” meetings especially early on when we are going through Multiply
Here is how they are structured
Talk about life - 10 minutes
Go through book - 30 minutes
Ask Questions - 10 minutes
Pray - 10 minutes
I also ask three questions every time we meet together
Disciplining boys/Young Adults there is three questions at the end of every session I always ask them
Have you watched anything you shouldn't have?
Have you done anything you shouldn't have?
Did you lie to me?
There is a lot of questions that probably need to be asked but this is biblical
2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.
6 Encourage younger men likewise to be self-controlled,7 showing yourself to be an example of good works in every way. In your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8 and a sound message that cannot be criticized, so that any opponent will be at a loss, because he has nothing evil to say about us.
Through the book and these questions I can see if they are praying, reading the Bible, and staying pure
Discipleship is a lifestyle, not a meeting
I believe that discipling someone is way more than just a weekly meeting with someone
It’s more than just a program or a structure or book that we can walk through
I believe that it takes weekly structured meetings as well as consistent friendship to truly disciple someone
Anyone can walk through a book with someone, it takes dedication to actually see someone become a disciple
Getting practical
Getting practical
I want to walk through a timeline of how me and my friend Greyson got into a discipleship relationship
Greyson was a 8th grader at the Summer camp that I worked at
We became close during the summer but that was it
Greyson as a Freshman started volunteering at Summer camp
We went out to eat a couple of times in big groups
Stayed close via texting and hanging out at camp, but when he started school really didn’t have much contact
Greyson as a Sophomore - working at Summer camp
Become closer friends
I was student pastor and started inviting him into a high school boys bible study where he would attend
He was asking questions and actually reading his bible
Greyson as Junior
Every day after summer camp was at my house
I asked him if we could walk through the book multiply and we started to be a “formal” discipleship relationship
I identified him as a leader and gave him chances to lead bible studies at the summer camp while working with him to build lessons
Greyson as a senior in high school
We hung out regularly
Did Bible studies together
Talked about future plans - helped him apply to go to Bible college as he was feeling a calling into ministry
The relationship starts to deepen
Greyson took my spot as Middle School team leader at camp
Gave him advice while at the camp
Continued to meet, hangout, talk about school, life and everything in-between
Asked him to be a groomsman in my wedding
Greyson started this same process with a kid named Eli — same age gap as me and Greyson
Helped Greyson navigate camp life - lots of problems were coming up so I tried to guide him as best as I could
Helped him with school
Continued hanging out
Advised Greyson to make this his last summer at summer camp as the situation continued to get worse
They didn’t want him to take student pastor role so I advised him on steps to go
Advised him on switching from Carolina U to Southeastern
Helped Greyson get an internship at Farmington Baptist in Davie
Gave him guidance as he is navigating ministry life
Same things
Discipling Greyson I have walked with him through High School Graduation, camp manna, a bad breakup with a girl, transferring colleges, church internships, and hopefully soon graduating college
The purpose of discipling someone is to walk with them and help them as they are navigating life and actively moving toward Jesus
Salvation is free, but discipleship costs everything we have.
Billy Graham
My discipleship process isn’t for everyone
Not everyone can implement my strategy, and not a lot of people will be directly in my discipleship sphere
Through this process Greyson is the farthest and the most “successful”
I have started the process with a few others, at REVO me and Jonah Fie have went through the multiply book, I am actively starting slow with a few students (Truett and CK)
I plan to ask Sam Wilson in the near future as well as actively praying for more people to make themselves known
Any questions?