Ephesians 6:1-4; I Am A Family Member
Ephesians 6:1-4; I Am A Family Member
Sermon in a sentence: I will be a family member.
Natural Family
Paul seems to be addressing children who are still in the process of being trained by their parents (v. 4) yet are old enough to understand their relationship to the Lord (v. 1). Children were not usually addressed in Greco-Roman household codes (their obedience was simply assumed), but Paul addresses children as responsible members of the congregation. This also suggests that Paul assumes whole families will be gathered in one place for worship.
Spiritual Family
The Fifth Pledge
I am a church member.
I will lead my family to be good members of this church as well. We will pray together for our church. We will worship together in our church. We will serve together in our church. And we will ask Christ to help us fall deeper in love with this church because He gave His life for her.