Avoiding Spiritual Shipwreck
Last week we kicked off a study through 1 Timothy with a look at chapter 1 of Paul’s letter to his young son in the faith. Paul’s tone in that first chapter is one of urgency, as he exhorts Timothy from the very beginning concerning the high calling of stewarding the gospel. It is clear that Paul does not take that stewardship lightly, as he urges Timothy to “charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine” (v. 3). He highlights the danger of doctrinal drift by mentioning that “some have made shipwreck of their faith” (v. 19). Today, as we celebrate Graduate Sunday, we’re going to step away from our study in 1 Timothy to consider some of Paul’s words in his letter to the Colossians. Although they are continuing in their “good order and the firmness of [their] faith in Christ” (2:5), deceptive false doctrines are swirling around the church, and threaten to bring spiritual shipwreck to those in that congregation as well. So how do we guard against spiritual shipwreck? Well, that is what Paul’s letter to the Colossians is all about! And in 2:6-7 we see an important hinge statement in the letter that summarizes the answer, offering us 5 word pictures that help us set our minds and hearts on the objective of spiritual maturity.