Jesus Calls Us to Share His Good News
Philip was one of the Christians (deacons) who was forced to leave Jerusalem amidst the persecution, and he found himself sharing the good news with the Samaritans. I don’t know about you, but I think if we would have been forced to leave our home because our lives are in danger most of our actions would be very selfish. We would want to find safety, shelter, food, clothing and an array of other things to help keep ourselves protected. I think we would probably try to stay low, to keep out of sight of any potential hunters who had been sent after us. But instead of looking out for himself, we find Philip doing the exact opposite and drawing crowds to come as he proclaims Christ to the people he encounters in Samaria.
Philip preached Christ Crucified. People were freed from impure spirits, those who were paralysed were healed. These signs and wonders all acted as a way for Philip’s message to point the Samaritans to Jesus, the Messiah. God enabled both Philip’s actions of healing and other miracles to draw attention to the words he said, and those around him were able to both listen and see that Christ was real, that he was the Messiah.
What makes this story even more incredible is that it happened in Samaria. The Samaritans weren’t popular among the Jewish circles that Philip had come from in Jerusalem. Samaritans were considered unclean due to their mixed ancestry (half-bloods). They weren’t truly considered either Jews or Gentiles, they were a little of both, which meant they didn’t really fit anywhere, they were outcasts.
As a result of these demonstrations of miraculous signs of healing and restoration, there was joy in the city! How incredible is that? God used the words and actions of one man, someone who was an outsider, to come into this place and demonstrate the amazing power of Christ and help an entire city to be filled with joy. In the midst of persecution and being displaced from his own home, Philip was still able to know and declare the joy of the Lord. Philip was still able to share Christ with the people.
Has God ever put you in a place you didn’t plan on being? Were you able to be like Philip and proclaim Christ even in the unplanned place where you found yourself?
Have you ever felt like a Samaritan, looked down on by others around you, an outcast? It’s incredible to know that God doesn’t care about status the way that society often does. His word is for everyone, no matter where you’ve come from, or who you are.
We have the gift of the most incredible message anyone could ever hear, a message that can bring joy to everyone we encounter. A message of forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation given to us by Jesus Christ. We are Christ workmanship called to share good news to the world. How can you help those you encounter today experience that same joy? Share that joy that you have recieved. Amen.