How the US has become a mission field
I. Has the US become a mission field?
II. Why has Cultural Christianity declined?
Liberal theology placed particular stress on the idea of divine immanence. Enamored of evolutionary thought, modernists insisted that God revealed himself through the progress of history. This affirmation led to an optimistic world view manifested in an irrepressible faith in the goodness and freedom of mankind and the inevitable movement of history toward the fulfillment of the kingdom of God on earth.
Experience provided the final religious authority for modernists
To halt this apostasy a number of Southern states had, by the mid-1920s, passed laws banning the teaching of organic evolution in the public schools. This movement resulted in the famous Scopes trial of 1925 where Bryan and agnostic lawyer Clarence Darrow faced off amidst a carnival atmosphere in Dayton, Tennessee. Though John Scopes was convicted of teaching biological evolution in a local school, the Eastern press coverage, which characterized fundamentalists as ignorant hicks, and Bryan’s simplistic defense of the Bible under Darrow’s cross-examination, did irreparable damage to the fundamentalist cause.