Spiritual Jurisdiction: An Invitaion to the Supernatural.
Spiritual Jurisdiction: An Invitation to the Supernatural • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Biblical references:
When Jesus was rejected, the disciples wanted to call fire down from heaven…
55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
Preparing the disciples for end of it all, Jesus would look at Peter when he rejected the thought of Jesus being killed at Jerusalem and call him Satan…
Yet would lean across the table and dip the sop with Judas and call him friend…
Both of these men should have asked themselves what spirit they were of…
Peter defends Jesus and finds himself at odds with God’s purpose.
Judas betrays Jesus and finds himself in alignment with God’s purpose.
Perhaps they they could have figured out what spirit they were influenced by Peter would never have betrayed Jesus and Judas would not have committed suicide…
What a message Judas the betrayer could have preached about he mercy of God!
20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
Conversation = citizenship or home, corporate body, rule, the way one conducts one’s life
Literally: when we are a citizen of heaven, when we live by the rules of heaven our vile body will be changed to be like his glorious body.
It is easy to assume that this is talking about when we get to heaven… but this is written in the context of the life we live on earth.
This is not talking about our heavenly body but rather the body we should have as overcomers!
Title: Spiritual Jurisdiction
What I am offering you is an invitation to the supernatural!
Our sectional challenge last year for THRIVE was we are well able!
I must confess a certain impatience with Pentecostals who live in ignorance and even denial that we are in a battle with an enemy that hates us and works against us.
We talk about supernatural things and people get fidgety and role their eyes.
If I say I feel the presence of God, or the Holy Ghost is moving… all is well.
BUT if I say the angel of the Lord just walked in, I am now one of the crazies.
Three jurisdictions (prevailing law) of authority.
Law of Sin and Death (Romans 8)
This is the Jurisdiction of Satan
Perfect Law of Liberty (James 1.25, Romans 14)
This is the Jurisdiction of Jesus Christ
We paint a picture of this great war that is taking place between God and Satan… Battle of Jurisdictions
That battle was fought - and won by God - long before Adam was created!
The greatest, most powerful jurisdiction
Law of Carnality and Flesh
It is within our flesh that
The law of sin and death rule
The perfect law of liberty rules
Eph 2: 12-22 tells us that when Christ “…abolished in his flesh the enmity it produced a new man...”
Within my flesh I have the power to choose whose jurisdiction I come under!
I can shut God himself down.
I can shut satan down.
The battle is not between God and Satan, it is within myself!
What am I going to believe? Do? Decide?
There is NO great spiritual battle being fought anywhere today that is not because someone decided to submit to the wrong jurisdiction!
What jurisdiction will pass judgement in my life, family, ministry, church, district?
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Whose jurisdiction will we submit to in the region of Nebraska?
The region of Section Two?
Who will Lincoln submit to?
Who Lighthouse and Seward submit to?
In this region there are some specific battle that we fight…
The Law of Sin and Death has unleashed into our flesh:
Passive aggressiveness, Stubbornness, Religious tradition
Home of the good life
Apathy has lied to us for so long it has convienced us that we are small and will always be small.
Revival will come when it comes…
It ok that I’ve had 30 for 30 years…
That is why the Angel of Nebraska is Peace because peace is the opposite of apathy!
Apathy = lazy
Peace = contentment
Apathy leaves you with excuses
Peace demands you work a plan