No Favorites - James 2:1-7
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Holy Spirit apart from you we labor in vain with me standing up here espousing off words and also congregation sitting to listen.
Unless you give grants the Divine utterance to speak your words of truth with conviction with clarity. Unless you do work in all of our hearts to receive your word with humility and the eagerness to apply this in our lives. We are certainly and truly wasting our time. We know that Holy Spirit. If you do the work, this is the most important thing that any of us can ever be apart of that is to be refreshed in the truth to be reminded of your love and be encouraged and challenged to live out the gospel in our daily lives sharing the light of who you are with the world around us. Please be with us over the next several minutes as we dive into your word Grandpa's Clarity of thought help me to have a Clarity of speech. Maybe I'll walk out of here encouraged emboldened to live out the truth that we see in the book of James. We commit these things to you in Jesus name. Amen.
Turn with me to James chapter 2 you have a Bible.
Y'all hungry today?
Hope so. Word of God is sweeter than honey is more filling and savory than meets is more nourishing than milk from a mother. The word of God is the bread of life gives life to our souls. Therefore every Sunday we Feast on it collectively together. Today we'll be looking at James chapter 2 verses 1 to 7. If you're able to I invite you to stand one more time with me to honor the reading of God's word.
James chapter 2 beginning and verse 1 My brothers and sisters Believers in our glorious Lord, Jesus Christ must not show favoritism suppose the man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes and poor man. And filthy old clothes also comes in if you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say there's a good seat for you, but save the poor man, you stand there or sit on the floor by my feet have you not discriminate among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts. Listen, my brothers and sisters has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the Kingdom. He promised those who love him. But you have Dishonored the poor is it not the rich who are exploiting you are they not the ones who dragged you into court are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong? The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God you may be seated.
Don't play favorites. agree or disagree
don't play favorites agree disagree. Okay. If your professor at a community college, let's say you got 50 students three of them are very eager to learn and study the other 47 or not. Should you play favorites?
General consensus probably know you shouldn't play favorites. What about your kids? You favor Johnny over Jacob should you? Now, okay, how about pastors and some Churches have multiple pastors either own staff or maybe there is a couple of people and staff and then there's a couple who are lay pastors. Is it wrong for you to gravitate towards one over the other?
Aren't you playing favorites if you do?
What about members in the church? Do you identify with and gravitate towards couple of people or group of people over others? Are you playing favorites by doing that? What if you're a foreign exchange student you're living in South Korea for a year, you meet 25 of the other students and no one can really speak English. Well, you going around the room introducing yourselves, but eventually get to one other person and come to find out they are from Charlottesville Virginia as well. They speak perfect English wanted you favor that person just a little bit more when it's you gravitate towards them just a little bit more. Is that wrong? Inner passage this morning the explicit clear command in the thrust of these versus is very simple. Don't show favoritism. That's what James opens with a 2:1 my brothers and sisters Believers in our glorious from the Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Do not show favoritism. But while we all might readily a firm that to a degree right when I was asking if everything's questions at least initially everybody's like yeah, we're not supposed to show favoritism. That's a bad thing. But then put another question. You're like, well, I'm not sure about that now. Even though we might all readily affirm that to one degree or another the question is what does that mean? This command of this prohibition is so serious in the side of God that he says that if you show favoritism you are breaking the Royal lost Rapture, which is to love your neighbor as yourself. Typically, we think that the big sins is what breaks the law of God will if I murder someone obviously, I'm not loving them not loving that person, but you don't my spouse with somebody else who's married. It's obvious that you're breaking a command and important command in the Bible. showing favoritism What's the big deal on that? Is it that serious?
Again, the point of this passage is simple. If you forget what I said. The main point is very simple very easy to remember don't show favoritism. It's not very easy for me to try to come up with something catchy to simplify that it's just simple don't show favoritism. But in order for us at the church to both ascertain and apply this in our own lives to simple questions to guide the rest of our time this morning number one. What does it mean number to? Why should we obey? And the next week we are actually two weeks from now cuz Albert brother Albert's going to be joining us next week or two weeks from now will consider a third component. That is how should we didn't live looking at verses 8 and following us this morning. What does it mean? Why should we obey firstly what does this mean? This is from versus 224 first off the Greek word that James uses regarding favoritism can literally be translated as receive the face. Sweet James is literally saying here is my brothers and sisters Believers in our glorious Lord. Jesus Christ must not receive the face. And then versus 224 gives us the example of what he's talking about. The context is the Believers meeting the Believers assembly as you see they're supposed to man comes into your meeting the literal word. There is synagogue, which is simply a Gathering Place the meeting place the assembly and most likely James is referring to Christians who are gathering together most likely on Sunday morning to Worship the Lord Jesus Christ. He says that when you gather together on Sundays one man walked into the door. Wearing in 2024 right wearing a freshly pressed button-up asleep jacket and inviting scent of cologne. Sharp-looking haircut glistening Rolex pearly white teeth all of his teeth. Are there walks in the door. You don't know anything about him don't know where is from don't know his name. We walked in the door. Moments right after that right behind them. The next person it gets close to the door. You can smell them before they walk in the door before you can see them. This person that have a foul stench from somebody who hasn't showered in weeks that greasy face dirt on their hands under their fingernails. Several missing teeth holes in their shoes stains on a shirt the pants are torn. So you there for you? Say to the well-dressed man. You like to sit up front so you can see everything. Well, it's nice enough here for you. Welcome good to see you. But then you say to the other man the poor man. Would you mind sitting on the side over in the back? So you don't disturb those who regularly come here? You don't want to take their seats.
If you do something like that, James says you will demonstrate that you've just discrimination against somebody and that you judge people with evil motives or evil thoughts. So what is James saying here? What is he saying? What does he mean when he says don't show favoritism? What are you saying is don't receive the face don't judge people by their external components what you see on the surface of a person cannot be the basis for how you evaluate judge or treat somebody. Can you let me say that again what you see on the surface? Cannot be the way the basis by which you evaluate judge or treat someone else? as one commentator says and puts it favoritism right here in the text favoritism is letting the world determine how much spiritual worth someone has based on their economic stand or any other measure now this morning for us at Hillsborough Baptist Church. You might be thinking to yourself. That is so brazenly obvious. So brazenly wrong. I would never do anything like that. I would be kind and courteous to both people who walk in the door, even if that's your attitude. And even if that were to be the case truly Godfrey James is addressing a Temptation that we all face and that we are all tempted to in one degree or another. for example If an older Widow walks into the door say somebody who's 73 years old they walk in. But then also. a young family with several kids walks in Who would cause you to be more excited by their visit?
The buzzword in the lot of churches these days you may have heard it before to particular church plans. For some reason. It's when church plans start when new churches start. This is the buzzword that is interlaced in a congregation and amongst leadership young families. Okay, we want to reach out to young families is anything wrong with that? Of course not? Okay my heart here, but my question is what about those who are single? What about older couples? What about middle-aged empty-nesters? We put them aside we cast them aside is unimportant or not as important as the young family. One Pastor his name is Sam Albury. He's from England. He recounted a time when he served his church in Oxford with the primary role or the task of reaching out to students on campus. And someone told Sam one time, you know what I'm so glad that you're dedicated to this to reaching out to these students Oxford students there such a strategic group of people. We're going to have so much influence on the world. Let sentiment unsettled Sam for some reason because according to him the reason that we should minister to Oxford students isn't because of their influence level or the prestige or the academic abilities, but for the simple reason that they are broken people. The gospel. Brothers and sisters. I heard all of us this morning don't show favoritism. Do not judge people. Do not evaluate people who do not determine Somebody's Worth or value simply based on external components what they look like what job they have what the clothes they wear. That is sin in the sight of God and it's not just rich and poor right that this principle can be applied to all the other components of life whether it be their marital status. How do you view them? Are they married? Are they single or they divorced? Their age young old middle-aged the skin color. So on so forth. So then the question becomes what does determine a person's value in worth? Touching that with this next question number to why should we obey? Okay, what does it mean to not show favoritism the literal translation of I think it's helpful for you to remember don't receive the face. Why should we obey that command? Is it from versus 527? When you read scripture one interesting thing to do when you're studying it when you're reading it on your own is have a lookout keep an eye out for explicit commands in the Bible. So why there's a lot of Truth here a lot of wisdom a lot of application that you can plan your life. There are only three commands in this passage from verses 1213, which is kind of one complete unit. First one is one of the first command Believers and the Glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. That's a command the next command comes in first five. Listen. Listen, and then he gives a few things to listen to the third command comes in verse 12 speak and act as those were going to be judged by the law that gives Freedom will look at that verse in 2 weeks, but nonetheless first one don't show favoritism number 2 verse 5. Listen and James give some reasons. What are they? one versus six and seven book what James says you've Dishonored the poor is it not the rich who are exploiting you are they not the ones who were dragging you in the court are they not the ones who are blaspheming of the noble name of him to whom you belong?
James innocence is ironically saying to them. You're trying to add to impress or to appease the rich, but you see it's the rich ones for treating you badly. The rich ones are the ones extorting you the rich people are the ones who are dragging you into court. The rich ones are the ones who have blaspheming the name of Christ. Why are you devoting all of your time attention and love and affection towards trying to woo them over when they are the ones who are harming you. Very simple plain way he's saying what you doing is a logical it completely does not make sense. The reason I want to focus on why should we obey this command? I want to focus on verse 5 don't show favoritism. Why? Because God sees the heart and God chooses the poor. Response says listen, my dear brothers and sisters is not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith in to inherit the Kingdom. He promised those who love him. What does the word poor mean? Biblically speaking. It's important. We get into the habit of reading through bought the Bible fast. We need to slow down and ask. What does that word mean? What does the word poor mean here? And in the Bible in general is to doodling meaning of the word poor can have for Celine was plainly your materially for physically poor. You don't have a lot of wealth, but the second way that your poor is being poor in spirit, which is called being poor in spirit. Say Luke 6:20 blessed. Are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God, but then Matthew 5 verse 3 blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God. On the one hand, the opposite of being poor is being wealthy having a lot of money on the other hand. The opposite of being poor is to be Wicked. You see that report could mean being materially poor but it also could mean being humble in heart recognizing that I'm bankrupt that I'm destitute that I'm poor in my spirits and then I need somebody something else to fill that spiritual need that I have that's what it means to be poor in heart. What kind of poor is James referring to here? Mather's yes. Now you might be saying. All right. So if if God right here, cuz look at the text has not got chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith to inherit the Kingdom. He promised those who love him this mean that God favors the poor but he prioritizes the poor that he loves the poor more than he loves the rich.
Should we therefore prioritize the poor reach out only to those who are poor to the neglect over to the exclusion of the rich?
No dancers, no scripture is replete with individuals who were extremely wealthy and who Worship the Lord Almighty. The Book of Proverbs talks about wealth inherently is not sinful the problem is always the heart never the less you and I we cannot get away from the repeated examples of God showing Mercy particularly to those her for that is an overwhelming theme from beginning to end in scripture of God prioritizing and choosing the poor. For example with 1:51 253 Mary exalted over Jesus and saying he is scatter those who are proud and the inmost thoughts. He is brought down rulers from their Thrones. What is lifted up the humble? He is filled the Hungry with good things, but it sent the ritual weigh empty. Let's not forget the very plain words of Jesus as well. What did he say regarding? The rich is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich person to go into heaven to enter to receive the kingdom of God. The question then becomes it's very important that you all need to wrestle with myself included. Why does God seem to choose the poor more most of the time I'll give you two reasons. Bruce Lee those who follow the train of thought here those who are materially poor typically are more sensitive to and aware of their own spiritual need. What do I mean by that I think about it like this if you struggle financially if you need basic necessities like food and clothes its inherent for you. It's natural for you to look outside of yourself for help. For example, if you're poor call College student you blow the tire of your car. Who you going to call to pay for the repair? Your parents. Okay you call again if you're poor college student. If you're hungry for a meal. But you have no money to your name. What you going to do for food? You go to the shelter you look outside of yourself for help. If you need a place to sleep you going to Salvation Army for bed. You may look to the government to give you food stamps. The very simple point is this those who are poor have a reflux and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Okay, I'm not denigrating this those who are poor have an inherent reflux to look outside of themselves to others for help. Therefore when it comes to spiritual matters because it's not 100% of the time but when it comes to spiritual issues that natural tendency to look outside of yourself for help for guidance for encouragement. It's typically true in blender bleeds over to the spiritual components of life as one commentator says God the New Testament suggest the lights especially to shower his grace on Those whom the world has discarded and on those who are most keenly aware of their own inadequacy. The Lord, let me see that again. God showers his grace upon those who are most keenly aware of their own inadequacy. Contrast that with those were rich or richer if you're rich, if you're hungry, what are you do you go to the fridge that you bought that you inherited you get some food that you bought with your money that you earn from the good job that you have. Okay, if you're sick, if you need some medical care, you might be saying quote even the rich people they go to other people for help. Yes, but who pays for it they do if I'm sick if I'm hurt I go to the doctor and my insurance that I get for my good job or my money that I make for my good paycheck. I'm going to use it to cover for myself. You see the problem there the rich are tempted to look to themselves for that comfort in that security. As opposed to the poor which is inherently need to look to others for the basic necessities of life. So then a lot of all of them still in the first reason why choose the poor God looks at the heart. God looks at the heart. I got the way that God judges us is not based on your skin color. It's not based on if you're male or female if you're older if you're young rich or poor, that's not the criteria. God judges. Each of us. He judges your heart first and foremost Lee. and therefore God chooses the poor because it's the poor for more likely than not to look out of themselves for Spiritual help. If that sounds controversial to you sounds a little weird to you two things. It's biblical in this reality. It's biblical in its reality. If you look at the makeup of Christians around the world overwhelming majority of Christians are poor in this world that we live in many of the places where the gospel is spreading fastest in the end is growing the strongest Weatherby Latin America southeast Asia or parts of Africa. These are the places where Christianity is growing the fastest and typically growing amongst the poor. Secondly, why does God choose the poor keep in mind? It's not because of material possessions or the lack thereof. Why does God choose the poor the second reason? This is God's priorities flip the world's priorities upside down. 1st Corinthians 1:26 through 29. This is a great passage 1st Corinthians, 1:26 through 29 brothers and sisters think of what you were when you were called not many of you were Wise by human standards. Not many were influential not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things in the things that are not to nullify the things that are so that no one may boast before him. Let's not kid ourselves this morning. Okay, because in the first century The value is power. All right, those who care for the poor for Christians with those who've been Hoover see the mercy of God the government they could care less about the poor. It's not the government's role in the first century right government sold out show and I'll scratch your back. You can scratch mine. Those were poured wall get over there. Get out of our way. Let's do our thing that's changed a lot throughout the centuries in the Millennia to where we are today, but let us not kid ourselves in today's 21st century contact because you might think why don't despise the poor I care about the poor I care about those who are hurting financially who those who are hurting who don't have the proper Medical Care they can receive I care for the poor. All right. All you got to do is test at your local neighborhood your local community. Often times our care of the poor is compartmentalised. I'll care for the poor if I can do it on a missions trip for weekend. But I don't want the poor living in my neighborhood. I don't want them ruining my peaceful tranquil, you know vibe that I've gotten my native Community if you will as long as the poor stay over there and I can go here for them over there. I don't really want them to bleed into my comfort my security right? My point is we are still guilty and we are still tempted to follow this the practice percent to show favoritism to compartmentalize to box off people who are burden to us who could be a burden to us. And James is point is quite simple brothers and sisters. Don't show favoritism. Don't show favoritism do not receive the face. Do not value someone by external appearances or whether or not they went to college or whether or not they're making a certain amount of money. So on so forth. To be clear and I am closing right that with us. The norm the normal problem or pattern is for people to favor the rich over the poor. It is certainly possible to do the opposite that it is possible to become so fixated on the poor that you have a disdain for the rich. Maybe not as common as often, but that's still a problem. But we are tempted to face to have this stain prejudice against those who are rich those who have a higher salary than me those who are better off than me. You just inherently feel bad and you feel angry you feel jealous of them and you treat them poorly as well. The point is the principal don't show favoritism to the rich don't show favoritism to the poor. But typically the problem is we show it to those who were Rich to those with influence to those with power. And I hope you see brothers and sisters this applies to all the Realms of life. Supplies to wealth skin color ethnicity, even the more surface-level examples, I think about just asking for a second local accent. If you're in the Deep South and you got calling you out in this Rita Aunt Rita you going to action it's a very strong a printout from the South but did I say you're in the South though? It's somebody from the Northwest. Let's say you're out of church 50 people everybody talk Southern Southern will somebody from the north comes down to that congregation. How do you think they will treat that northerner? Simply by accident alone? They're going to mock them make fun of them excluding shun them. Don't act like this is not a real thing. All right, if the converse is true a northern congregation somebody with a Southern accent comes up there. They're stupid. They're idiots. They don't know what they're talkin about. It. The point is superficial things surface-level things accent looks wealth all the stuff. It doesn't seem to be color-blind. He's not saying don't notice these things he's saying don't let the way that you treat others be determined by their face do not receive the face because it is completely sinful. Why because God looks at the heart. He judges the heart. He values the heart and for you and I we can't judge the heart. We don't know the heart of people there for we love everyone we show mercy and Grace and forgiveness and kindness and love to everybody in your life. Everybody who walks in those doors because that's what we're called to do. The love components from versus 8213 will unpack that in two weeks. But today the very simple message brother and sisters do not receive the face. Do not receive the face. Let us pray and then we'll conclude with the doxology.
Our Father will you please help us to live out your word? Jesus Christ, will you please help us to love the word that you've given us?
The holy spirit, will you please help us to share the word? We have heard that we've received. office to share it with those who never heard inviting encouraging good message of the Gospel.
We need your strength to live this out. We need your power to live this out Holy Spirit. Would you please strengthen us to not show favoritism, but conversely will you please help us to love all people as you've called is to?
I thank you that you don't prioritize or choose US based on our skin color or if we're male or female Richard for we thank you that you invite all people to come to you. With Humble Hearts and it's for those who are poor in spirit. You have promised that they will inherit the kingdom of God. Thank you for that rich inheritance. That is ours and it will be ours one day. Please help us to be faithful until that day comes. In Jesus name we pray amen.
A man, will you stand it's in the doxology with us?