Prepare for the Harvest
Good morning and welcome to CCC. Teachers and students at Nevada R5 we made it. Summer is officially here. What a blessing that is, well at least for the teachers and students…parents....tag you are it....we had them for 9 months during the day it is your turn.
I joke, kinda, but really the last day of school this past Friday was hard. It was full of emotions and feelings.
I struggle with the end of the school year, especially working with behavior students as I know what some of those kids are going home to or better yet what is not at home
ability to meet basic needs
So many of our students go home to hate filled homes
To homes where abuse is normal
Homes where they have to truly worry about where their next meal is coming from
Homes where 8 and 9 year olds are not playing with toys and friends but being a parent to their siblings
There were a lot of tears friday and it tore at my heart.......
That was the end of the day
The beginning and middle were also very emotional for me
Last week I spoke last week about my real struggle these past few years that God brought to a head this school year and more specifically the past couple of weeks....if you missed check out our website under media and the sermon contentment in recent sermons to hear that
Friday morning God again opened my eyes and heart
God again drove home to me that I was right where I needed to be
I was walking around Benton fighting back tears as God was speaking to my heart.
He kept saying you love it here,
you love the kids,
you love the staff,
this is the best place you have worked in terms of culture and truly wanting what is best for kids.
I placed you there and you were going to walk away from all of that.
That hit me like a ton of bricks and then faces began to come to mind
Faces of some very special ladies God placed in my path to help me as He grew me this past year
My beautiful bride and about 6 ladies I work with at Benton
God showed me when I was broken
When i was crushed
when i was vulnerable and defeated
they were there
All of these ladies have seen the real me and none of them held that against me
None of them judged me
They just loved me and helped me in any way they could
It was such a beautiful few moments
I was led to email them and express my gratitude and pure thankfulness for each of them and everything they did in my life and the help they selflessly gave me
Look for God moments
fingerprints of God
because they are everywhere
When you find them give Him thanks and thank anyone He used in your life!
Let’s Pray
This morning I felt led to talk about something western churches dont do well at all
We, CCC, are getting better but still need to improve here as well
I first want to start with an overall perspective…God’s perspective so therefore it must be ours as well
2 Peter 3:9
2 Peter 3:9
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
That is God’s heart
Is that truly your heart?
God has laid on my heart a couple of sermon series that we will dive into this summer. One Spiritual Warfare and the other Balance
As God prepares us for “IT” we must prepare for opposition
Before we can prepare for opposition we must make sure our hearts are right
That our perspective is Godly and we are focused on what God is focused on
The harvest
God wants none to perish but all come to repentance
Repentance must be achieved before salvation can be accepted
Are you prepared for the harvest?
have you repented leading to salvation?
Is your name written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life?
If not yo must start there
Nothing else matters until through the Holy Spirit you repent, confess and make Jesus Lord and Savior of your life
Nothing else matters
not bank accounts
not job promotions or awards
Not family
not friends
not ministry
not religion
Nothing matters but repentance leading to salvation
If you have never accepted Jesus
if you have never repented and confessed
If you have never died to yourself to live from Jesus today may be the day
If Jesus is calling you wont you please answer His call?????
After you answer the call you have a two fold focus
proclaiming the gospel....leading others to Christ and teaching and discipling and being taught and being discipled
That is where we are this morning and quite frankly something all of us, including me can do much better at
If our individual and corporate focus was the harvest....IT…bringing people to salvation and discipleship…this place would be packed
because people all around us are desperately searching for what we have.....JESUS!!!!!!!
This morning I want to look to Jesus to find our proper perspective that I pray drives our every step
our every minute of every day going forward
both individually and corporately here at CCC
Matthew 9:35–38
Matthew 9:35–38
“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.””
I want to pull 4 truths from this scripture this morning
4 truths that should have a major influence over our lives and how we live them
1. To draw people to Jesus they must see Jesus in you....proclaiming the gospel
1. To draw people to Jesus they must see Jesus in you....proclaiming the gospel
Our society is desperately seeking Jesus
They are shoving so many crazy things into the hole in their hearts that only God can fill through Jesus!
you name it they are chasing it and shoving it in that hole
They chase it so hard and every time they catch it
every time they find it they are crushed and disappointed
Jesus didnt use fancy smoke and mirrors to draw people
no He used the truth
Authentic truth
authentic love
authentic compassion
He was unapologetic
He was unashamed of Truth and His Father
He loved completely and fully
Agape love
selfless love
sacrificial love
When was the last time you loved a complete stranger with agape love?
When was the last time you loved a lost person with agape love?
When was the last time you spoke Truth to a complete stranger?
When was the last time you spoke Truth to a lost person?
When was the last time you proclaimed the gospel to a complete stranger?
When was the last time you proclaimed the gospel to a lost person?
You and I as Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel
Matthew 28:19–20
Matthew 28:19–20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””
Jesus wasn’t suggesting you go
Jesus wasnt mandating you hire pastors and support missionaries
We should hire pastors
we should support missionaries
but if that is your idea of go you miss Jesus
make disciples
proclaim the gospel
you are to go
you are to make disciples
you are to baptize
you are to teach
you are to proclaim the gospel
Now you must understand you do not do it through your power
Acts 1:8
Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.””
The Holy Spirit empowers you
They Holy Spirit allows you to be Jesus witness to Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, USA, the world
You....empowered by the Holy Spirit
Proclaim the Gospel
Draw people to Jesus!!!!!!
The western church and Christians are asleep
either they are ignorant.......
they just don’t care.....
or they are defiant about the call to proclaim the Gospel
2 Timothy 4:1–2
2 Timothy 4:1–2
“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”
Again this is not a suggestion
This is an expectation
A charge
IN the presence of God and Christ Jesus.....this is very important
What is that charge....preach the Word
be ready in season and out of season
you are to always be prepared....prepared for what
the harvest
Reprove is from a Greek verb meaning to admonish, convict, convince
Rebuke is from a Greek verb meaning to tax upon, forbid, charge
Exhort is from a Greek verb meaning to call near, invite, beseech, comfort
We are called to always be ready to admonish, convict, convince, forbid, charge one another by speaking the Truth and standing on the Truth....God’s Truth
Also to call near…invite....comfort those around us
Be authentic
you belong to Jesus as a Christian
be Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to others with patience
Loving as Jesus loves
teaching others as Jesus does that to you
Proclaim the gospel and you will draw near to Jesus!!!!!!!!
2. Compassion for the Lost
2. Compassion for the Lost
Jesus was fully God and at the same time fully man
That means He experienced everything you and I experience as humans
He had and felt every emotion we have and feel
Jesus had compassion
He was moved with compassion
moved with compassion comes from a Greek verb meaning feel sympathy…to pity…be moved
compassion moves you to action
Jesus was moved to action
Why was He moved with compassion
because of the state the people were in
you and i were harassed and helpless before Jesus
the lost are broken
they are lost with zero hope
He compares them to sheep without a shepherd
That is bad news
sheep will be destroyed without a shepherd
Because Jesus knew their state He was moved with compassion
When was the last time you had compassion for the lost because of their state?
Not to mention moved with compassion?
You are to be moved with compassion for the lost
you know what awaits them
you know that without Jesus they will face the full wrath of God
they will die the second death and suffer eternity in hell separated from God
That should move you with compassion to proclaim the Gospel
3. Jesus is the Only Shepherd
3. Jesus is the Only Shepherd
John 14:6
John 14:6
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Jesus is the way
the truth
the life
and NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him
Proclaim Him
Proclaim the gospel
proclaim the good news of Christ!!!
proclaim the good news of the cross
proclaim the gospel
the good news of Christ crucified to pay for sins and risen from the dead to give eternal life!!!!!
Psalm 23
Psalm 23
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
This particular psalm has really be on me lately
So many times this psalm is used at funerals and rightfully so but to say it is only good when someone dies sells this so short
Look at the beautiful passage
portraying a perfect shepherd
Because of Jesus as shepherd you have not want
all you need is given to you by God Himself
He is your protector and provider
You find rest in Jesus....lie down in green pastures....Jesus is your rest
Restores your soul..Jesus is your renewal and restoration....places yo in right standing with God Almighty
Jesus leads you on the path of righteousness
He is with you no matter the circumstances or situation you face here on earth
You have hope because of Jesus.....your table is prepared in the presences of your enemies…
you are safe
you are secure in His arms
You have nothing to fear so therefore you proclaim Jesus!!!!!
4. Pray for laborers
4. Pray for laborers
First pray your heart is right
that you are a laborer
that you seek the harvest
that you are prepared to do all God created you to do
Do you truly have a kingdom perspective?
Are you driven by IT
proclaiming the Gospel to reach the lost
Speaking and living truth in fellowship and discipleship to grow yourself and help others grow in Christ?
Is that the focus of your life?
If not you are not a laborer but a consumer
Jesus never called you to be a consumer of the Gospel
You are to proclaim the Gospel
Live the Gospel
Just as Jesus was all in at the cross and died for you and for me......
You must be all in for Jesus and die to you....everyday.....dead to you
dead to sin
dead to flesh
dead to your desires
dead to your lusts
dead to your emotions
nailing them all to the cross everyday so that you may live in Christ Jesus
Before looking outside you must ask God to show you what is on the inside
Pray for others both from a kingdom perspective…worldwide and a local perspective…CCC nevada mo
Pray God continues to bring laborers to join shields with us here at CCC
Pray we grow to reach more lost souls
Proclaim the gospel
pray for reinforcements
I truly believe God has wonderful
eternity changing plans for us at CCC to carry out in Nevada
However if we are not a body of doers He will accomplish it through others
Proclaim the gospel
I challenge you to find someone everyday this week to proclaim the gospel to
I challenge you to invite one person....a different person everyday this week to church
Proclaim the Gospel and watch God work!!!!!
Those around you are dying and going to hell
You have friends and family members who are lost and will go to hell when they die
You must be moved with compassion because Jesus was moved with compassion
If you see the lost and feel nothing or even worse feel hate or contempt toward them
You need to check your heart.......that is not Jesus that is satan
You need to get with God and ask Him to search your heart
Search your soul
Search your life and show you what you need to surrender
what you need to give to Him
what you need to stop doing
what you need to start doing
Pray that God truly gives you compassion on the lost
compassion for your brothers and sisters in Christ
Pray that God gives you through the Holy Spirit an unstoppable drive to proclaim the Gospel and disciple yourself and others
Pray that God gives you IT
Opposition is real
Spiritual warfare is real
Your faith must be real
If your heart is not on repentance you must ask yourself if you have the heart of God......
you must ask yourself do you have Jesus
you must ask yourself do you have the Holy Spirit
Because that is their heart.....none should perish but all come to repentance
Whatever God has laid upon your heart it is time to come
You and I are made for more than chasing after things, money, power, drugs, sex, alcohol, hobbies, worldly goods and things
You and I were made by God to be used for God to do the good works He created for you to do
You and I were made to be in fellowship with God and others and to constantly proclaim the Gospel
You were made for more.......the question is are you living for more?
If not come
Invitation Made for More