Jesus is the Reason
Father God, we thank You for Who You are. A great Big God who sees each and every one of us here and cares deeply about us. We ask this day, as we are continuing in this time of worship to You, reading Your Word and hearing Your Word, that You refine us with it. Mold us, make us, shape us, rearrange us so that we can more like You, and more made into the image of Christ. Help us be a people who love You and love others so much, that we are moved into action by whatever it is You are going to show us about Yourself today and what that means in our lives. Help us do this, because all to often our selfish and sinless flesh war against our will to follow Yours. As we are doing this, and as we are coming into Your Word today, we ask that You take away any distraction that we may have, and make it go as far away as it possible can, because we want to see and we want to know You better. It’s in these things that I ask and in Jesus Christ’s Holy and precious name that I pray, Amen.
14 I write these things to you, hoping to come to you soon. 15 But if I should be delayed, I have written so that you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. 16 And most certainly, the mystery of godliness is great:
He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated in the Spirit,
seen by angels,
preached among the nations,
believed on in the world,
taken up in glory.[1]
This week we are closing out chapter 3 of the book of 1st Timothy. Just to give you a heads up of where we will be for the next few weeks, we will finish out this letter, but take a 1 week step away the day before VBS, and look at the VBS scripture, which is Romans 12:2. When we finish that, we will jump back into the book of Acts, picking up where we left off most likely until the Christmas Season.
Thus far throughout this letter from Paul to Timothy and the Church at Ephesus, Paul has written to them about issues of huge importance to this church that was having internal and external troubles and issues that important to churches everywhere throughout all of time. Paul began by pointing out the need for true Christ centered doctrine in the church, teaching what is beneficial for the church not focusing on unimportant things that only serve to divide the faithful. Paul then shared how Christ changed himself and how Christ changes everyone that turns to Him, that Christ is the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God and that He is to be honored and glorified forever and ever.
From there, Paul charges Timothy (and pastors everywhere) to keep up the good fight of the faith, to lead well and keep an eye on the flock. He then reminds believers of the importance of prayers for everyone, friend and foe, and the people in civil authority. This is then followed by instruction on behavior and manner for both men and Women and requirements and qualifications for the overseers and the deacons. At the end of this chapter, Paul reveals to Timothy why he has been writing on all of these. He hoped to visit them soon, but it was clear that Timothy and the believers in Ephesus have work to do in their faith and church body (as all churches do). In this reveal, Paul tells us ultimately why he is writing, and the reason is Jesus, the glory of Jesus and for the honor of Jesus in ourselves, our church bodies, and the world around us.
Paul speaks of Jesus, as a mystery that mankind had been waiting to be revealed, but has now been revealed to both them and us today, as ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, with our earliest mother and Father, Adam and Eve, mankind and the whole world has been yearning for a savior to rescue us from our separation from God because of sin. When we have this mystery solved ourselves, it changes us. How we think, act, see the world, and how we treat one another and others both inside and outside of the church body. When you solve this mystery, you are adopted by God and become part of the family of God. What I’m saying is, Knowing the mystery of Christ will make you know how to behave in God’s family.
So, let’s jump in, and from the text, I want you to understand that Jesus is the reason that you are to:
Remember these instructions (14)
14 I write these things to you, hoping to come to you soon.
As we said earlier, Paul reveals to Timothy why he is writing to his young protégé that he has strategically placed in this important but struggling church. When looking at this verse, it’s easy to not be sure at first glance what Paul means by “These things.” Was he talking about the afore-mentioned qualifications for overseers and deacons or much more? In this case, it is much more. In fact, every word in the entire letter before these.
An important thing to know, is that in our modern bible’s we have the addition of Chapters, verses, paragraph indentations, and even headings and subheadings. It’s important for the discerning bible reader to know that these headings, verses, and chapters are not within the biblical cannon, meaning they do not hold anywhere near the weight or importance that the words within the text do. Rather, these are modern additions to help us better find and organize the scripture within your bible. These are in and of themselves are useful tools, so long as we remember that they are tools not the scripture themselves. As for example, if we think of the books of the bible in organization boxes (like I often do) from chapter to chapter, it is easy to think that Paul is only talking about what he has written in chapter 3. This is not the case, he talking about every word in this letter so far. Put simply, don’t let that this is at the end of chapter 3 fool you into thinking that “these things” is about just chapter 3.
So, let’s take a quick walk together through this book. So, go ahead and put a finger or your page marker where you are in your bible, and turn with me to chapter 1 verse 1 of 1st Timothy. You will see in the first 11 verses, how Paul spoke to the importance of knowing and having fruitful doctrine, both as believers and as a collective church body, so that we can be aligned and on the right track instead of focusing on distractions. Then, finishing out the chapter, Paul speaks on the undeserved Grace (forgiveness) that we receive through our faith in Jesus. Next, go ahead and turn to chapter 2, Paul get’s to some basic faith actions regarding selflessness and aligning your life to Christ’s will for both men and women. Then, as mentioned before in chapter 3, Paul sets several requirements and qualifications for the overseers and deacons of the church to help root out the bad and unqualified and set apart those that are qualified and approved. So, Paul is saying, remember these instructions that I have left for yall. Most importantly, remember the reason that I am writing to you, because of and for the Great Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Knowing Him, Knowing the mystery of Christ will make you know how to behave in God’s family. So, remember these instructions family.
Next, I want you to understand that Jesus is the reason that you are to: Conduct yourself well (15)
15 But if I should be delayed, I have written so that you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
In this first verse, Paul writes to the importance of all of the words that he has said so far. Saying that, yes I am planning on coming to but if I am delayed and not able to come when I want to, then you have these instructions on how we out to conduct ourselves. You have heard from me what it takes to conduct yourselves well, so it is time to start acting it out.
One thing I want you to know about this passage, when Paul is speaking about God’s household or god’s church; he is not talking about the church building or church house as we are sitting in right now. Rather, he is talking about how we are to be at all times everywhere. If you are in God’s family, if you are in God’s household, this is an everywhere all the time kind of thing. Just think about it, I’m sure when were young each and every one of our parents instilled a set of values that applied to you everywhere. I’m also sure that at some point each of our parents told us, “Now son/daughter, remember you are a ____________ and we always (do what is right/are kind/are brave). So, when you are out and about, I need you to represent us well.” This kind of thought is what Paul is talking about here. Not merely, while you are in the church house, this is how you are to act and conduct yourself. Yes, you are of course supposed to conduct yourself in the church house in a particular and respectful way, but that same particular and respectful way walks out the doors at the end of every Sunday or Wednesday and still lives itself out.
We have a word for believers who act one way while they are in the world, but act a completely different way when they are in the church house or around the people of the church body. That word is a harsh, but fare word. It is hypocrite. Meaning, someone who says one thing, but does another. Meaning, you are a liar and are false. If you have ever spoken to anyone who has stepped away from the faith, what is their most often statement? “There were to many hypocrites at church, and I don’t want to be like them.” Does this person have an incomplete view of faith? Yes. But, are they right about something, yes too. So we, as mature believers have to do our best to not be hypocrites, and do as we say and not the other way. When we mean something, we have to live it out, and in turn when we miss out, we have to repent and turn from our actions; which can often lead (for the sake of building up younger believers, us publicly repenting when appropriate.)
Let’s keep going, Don’t think acting like your in the family of God applies everywhere? Well, hear the words of the apostle Paul in Acts 17, 24 The God who made the world and everything in it—he is Lord of heaven and earth—does not live in shrines made by hands. 25 Neither is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives everyone life and breath and all things.:” Also, hear the words of the first Christian Martyr Stephen as he quoted the prophet Isiah, “48 but the Most High does not dwell in sanctuaries made with hands, as the prophet says:
49 Heaven is my throne,
and the earth my footstool.
What sort of house will you build for me?
says the Lord,
or what will be my resting place?
50 Did not my hand make all these things?[n]”
Even more importantly, remember the words of Jesus to the Samaritan Woman in John 4, that the day will come (and has now come for us), that we will worship, everywhere. You believer, are to conduct yourself well, because your entire life is an act of worship. So, conduct yourself well. If you are having trouble doing this, do your best to better understand that Mystery of Christ because Knowing the mystery of Christ will make you know how to behave in God’s family. We do this, the reason we do this is for Christ, His Great Name, and His Honor and Glory.
Another point I want you to understand that Jesus is the reason that you are to: Know the mystery (16)
16 And most certainly, the mystery of godliness is great:
He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated in the Spirit,
seen by angels,
preached among the nations,
believed on in the world,
taken up in glory.[2]
Paul writes about the “mystery” quite a bit in his other letters. But, this mystery is no longer a mystery, something that is unsolvable and impossible to understand now. Rather, it is a mystery to mankind that had existed from the beginning, but now very recently (in Paul’s time) has been fully revealed and can be both known, understood, and applied. This mystery was of course, how would God redeem mankind? God showed mankind and made promises to mankind (called covenants) that he would do this, but we did not know how He would. This first showing of the mystery, can be found at the fall of mankind in the curse of sin back just before our removal from the garden of Eden. This was in the curse that God gave the deceiving serpent (Satan), telling him that he (Satan) would bite the heal of man, but that this same man (who we know to be Christ Jesus) would crush his head. Meaning, that Jesus will be and is the destroyer of Satan and the power of sin.
The mystery was great, and the answer for all the generations was desperately needed. But now, we see it in Christ. And Paul speaks to this in this last bit of verse 16, quoting an early hymn and creed of the early Christin church about Christ. Just to break this down exactly for you, it speaking at first about his coming as a human child/baby. Then his vindication is about his resurrection. He was seen by angels, means He is worshiped in the heavenly realms. Him being preached and believed in speaks of the progression of God’s redemptive plan through our world. And finally, his taken up refers to Ascension, which we read about at the end of Luke and beginning of Acts. So indeed, this short hymn or creed looks at the life and mystery of Christ and what He means to us.
So, friends and believers in the room, do you know the mystery of Christ? Do you want to know it? You should. It is the great mystery that all of hearts long to know and that we spend our lifetimes trying to answer if we don’t figure it out. If you do know the mystery of Christ, do you understand that it is enough for you both in the good and bad in life? Do you seek to love it more, understand it more, and reveal the mystery to those who are in desperate need of it? What would it be like, if we all together become like sherlock holmes? Seeking the answers to life’s greatest question of why? Why are we here and what do I do? What if, great detective, you had the answer told to you right now? You are to follow Jesus and seek His honor and glory in all. And what would you do then, with that information? Would you believer, then go from Detective, to your next assignment, as both a detective and Hearld for the Lord Jesus. This, is every believers calling, to know Him more and share Him more. So, know the mystery. Because Knowing the mystery of Christ will make you know how to behave in God’s family. And it is your hearts fondest desire to be a true blue member of God’s family.
Beloved, do this because of Jesus. Do these things because you are in the family of God. Remember these instructions (14) Conduct yourself well (15) and Know the mystery (16). Just like the song we sang earlier said, come and see, and behold the wonderous mystery, of a great God that loves you so much in spite of who you are and what you have done. He still loves you, and is calling you ever towards Him with arms wide open beloved child.
With all of that being said, I would be remised if I didn’t share the Gospel (or the Good News) of Jesus Christ with you today, for the benefit of both believer and non-believer in the room. This begins all the way back at the beginning, God created everything, and he created all things good. He gave His most treasured creation (us, mankind) the ability of free will, the ability to choose Him or rebellion. Man was deceived by Satan and desired to be like God and sinned (or rebelled against God). This brought the curse of sin and death into the world and it remains with us to this day; which separates us from God. God though, loved His creation (mankind) so much that He worked through history to redeem all mankind that would turn to Him from sin so that we can experience a full and perfect relationship with Him again. This was through the perfect and final sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the pay for sins. Accepting this free gift from God, makes you new and forgiven. All you have to do accept this free gift by repenting and believing in the Lord Jesus and you will get to experience the good side of God’s justice forever. So, now that you know this, you can no longer plead ignorance. I invite and urge you to respond today non-believer and apply this to every part of your life believers in the audience today.
With that, Let’s conclude. Brothers and Sisters, I love you all. During our last song together, if you need prayer, or want to talk more about Jesus, or have something you want to talk about, I’ll be here, don’t be afraid to come on down. Let’s pray. Father God, we thank You for who You are and what You are doing to us here in this place. May whatever it is that You are doing in each of heart here, continue as we leave go out into the world this week. Change us, mold us, make us, re-arrange us, that we can be both better lovers of You and better showers of You. It’s in these things that I ask and in Jesus Christ’s Holy and precious name that I pray, Amen.
[1] Christian Standard Bible. Holman Bible Publishers, 2020, p. 1 Ti 3:14–16.
[2] Christian Standard Bible. Holman Bible Publishers, 2020, p. 1 Ti 3:14–16.