Outline of Philippians (2)
1:1–11 Introductory Matters
1:1–2 The Greeting
1:3–8 Prayer as Thanksgiving
1:9–11 Prayer as Petition
1:12–26 Paul’s Affairs: Reflections on Imprisonment
1:12–18 The Present: Paul’s Imprisonment Advances the Gospel
1:18–26 The Future: For Christ’s Glory and the Good of the Philippians
1:27–2:18 The Philippians’ Affairs: Exhortation to Steadfastness and Unity
1:27–30 The Appeal: In the Face of Opposition
2:1–4 The Appeal Renewed: Unity Through Humility
2:5–11 The Example of Christ
2:12–18 Application and Final Appeal
2:19–30 What’s Next Regarding Paul’s and Their Affairs
2:19–24 Timothy and Paul to Come Later
2:25–30 Epaphroditus to Come Now
3:1–4:3 The Philippians’ Affairs—Again
3:1–4 At Issue: The Circumcision of Gentiles
3:4–14 The Example of Paul
3:15–4:3 Application and Final Appeal
4:4–23 Concluding Matters
4:4–9 Concluding Exhortations
4:10–20 Acknowledging Their Gift: Friendship and the Gospel
4:21–23 Closing Greetings