Trust in the LORD or Deconstruct

Proverbs   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Text: Proverbs 3:1-12
According to Jon Bloom writing for the “Desiring God” website says:
Let me try to simplify it even more...deconstruction is
A literary philosophy arguing that we’re wrong to assume that by merely reading an author’s words we can understand something about absolute truth, since our conception of truth — our constructs of what everything means — will be significantly different from the author’s; and
Deconstruction is a method of literary criticism that takes apart and analyzes an author’s use of language in effort to discern his construct of meaning.
For Derrida, there is no meaning outside the text of a philosopher’s written work — no absolute truth that the writer is shedding light on for the reader. There’s only the writer’s construct of meaning, of truth, represented in the text he wrote.
And, I believe, it’s why some evangelicals (and former evangelicals) have also adopted Derrida’s term. Perhaps we might say it like this:
Deconstruction is a critical dismantling of a person’s understanding of what it means to be an evangelical Christian, and in some cases a refusal to recognize as authorities those perceived as occupying privileged evangelical institutional positions who “supposedly speak for God.”
As bloom points out that for some they want only to…
Dismantle harmful cultures in churches.
This is commendable and in many situations Baptist Churches have become stronger because of new generation and spirit in the church.
But if we’re honest a larger group want to …
Dismantle Doctrine
Deconstruction simply refers to the process of questioning one’s own beliefs (that were once considered unquestionable) due to new experiences, reading widely, engaging in conversations with “the other,” and interacting in a world that is now more connected and exposed to religious diversity than ever before. (Deconstructing Evangelicalism, 20)
When does reevalutating become a problem.
When it steers us away from the Bible and the God of the Bible.
But because they use deconstruction and deconversion synonymously, when some evangelicals now hear “deconstruction,” they immediately assume “deconversion.” But deconstruction is a process; deconversion is a result. And it’s only one possible result. Others go through a deconstruction process that results in a strengthened, invigorated faith.
Abraham Piper
Marty Sampson (Hillsong Worship Leader and songwriter)
Frankie Schaeffer (son of Francis and Edith Schaeffer)
"Rhett and Link (Comedians and former CCC missionaries who have a YouTube following of 17 million subscribers)
Joshua Harris (former pastor and best-selling author)
Many Christian Pastors
A small army of Independent Baptists
You could say this morning Preacher should I be rethinking my faith and my walk with God?
What is being described as Deconstruction or Deconversion today already has a Bible term - its Apostasy.
Take a couple points from Anthony Castello.
Deconversion is not evidence against Christianity.
An unchallenged faith is worse for Christians not better.
Intelligence has little to do with whether or not one converts as an adult, or deconverts.
A handful of deconversions does not a movement make.
Don’t assume that deconversions are “the end of the story” for the deconverted.
But Satan plays this game because he knows what Solomon knew when he wrote…
Proverbs 3:8 KJV 1900
It shall be health to thy navel, And marrow to thy bones.
It is no surprise that that to an unborn child the umbilical cord is the nutrition, supply, and source of everything that this child will need as he grows in the body of his mother. This undoubtedly would have been understood by those in the medical field in the biblical times.
The wording of this verse would make so much sense with the wording, health to thy navel.
This is a promise from Solomon that rejecting your own right and wrong and relying on him is to your walk in wisdom what the umbilical cord is to the infant. It is the supply, the source, the nutrition of wisdom.
Much the same way that marrow is to a bone. If you were to take any large bone in the bone you would find that it is filled in the hallow and even in the pores of that bone with vessels and membrane that produce an oil. They say that if a bone is removed from the body that eventually the marrow would dry out without the natural oils it needs. The bone would dry out. In fact in this dry state the bone becomes brittle. In fact a bone that has been without a body for an extended period can be reduced to dust with the bare hands. Take that same bone and submerge it into the same oils that are produced by the marrow and you will find that the bone returns to its strength, durability and use.
Satan’s intentions are clear and Solomon was giving warning - You will dry up and blow away and your faith will be powder without the constant life giving supply of “TRUST in the LORD”.
CIT: Without Trust in the LORD we all Deconstruct.
Trust the Lord
Exp. The simplest way to define Trust is to use the parallelism found here in this passage. We can also look at some other definitions found in the book of proverbs.
Be not wise in thine own eyes.
​Depart from Evil.
“Be not Wise in thine own eyes.” Its subtle isn’t it you can barely hear it in the verse as it bounces down the ear canal. But can you acquire in your own deduction who is the one that truly measures wisdom. I mean we can catch glimpses of humanity, we can eye witness small snapshots of history. But we have no way of truly grasping at the whole of wisdom.
“Depart from Evil”
We demonstrated last week that you and I are to be holy to God. We are his and his alone. He alone has our heart so we are to follow him and aschew evil. We are to feel how God feels about our evil.
SO then the descussion of the Fear of the Lord comes back around. In this third chapter we have the two phrases come together.
Fear the Lord
Trust the Lord
I think it is incorrect to assume these are synonyms.
At first glance Trust in the Lord is dealing with Obedience.
We know that we are to obey the Lord. We are to do what he commands and we are to refuse to participate in what he forbids.
Understand then Obedience comes in two forms. Ommission and Commission. We are to obey God’s commands and refuse to do that which God prohibits.
Fear is a Status of the Heart; Trust is a status of Action.
Trust is the evidence that you in fact fear God.
Just as we saw the promise of Trusting the Lord is that you would have access to a vibrant faith that did not shrivel and fade.
So it has a parrellelism that deals with money.
Proverbs 3:9–10 KJV 1900
Honour the Lord with thy substance, And with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, And thy presses shall burst out with new wine.
And a parrellelism that deals with God’s correction.
Proverbs 3:12 KJV 1900
For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; Even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
How do I give my resources, or have patience in correction, or refuse my own wisdom?
Solomon tells us how in verse 2
Proverbs 3:1–3 KJV 1900
My son, forget not my law; But let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, And peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: Bind them about thy neck; Write them upon the table of thine heart:
He ultimately points to Scripture.
Using the phrase Mercy and Truth to describe Scripture. Note that the commands are similar to Moses’ instructions regarding the Bible in Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Solomon instructs that if someone wishes to have a lively faith that doesn’t wain then he or she will become active in the WORD of God on a daily basis.
Know his Word
Put it to Memory
memorize its Words
memorize its Meaning
Memorize its Process
Clearer Scriptures define the Vague
Context, Context, Context
Keep his Word
Protect (keep) its place in your life
Protect its value
Protect its time
Protect its Authority
All of this boils down to this point where I come up with a question I struggled to answer…
What is the opposite of “trusting the Lord”.
It is not “Distrusting Him.”
If Solomon was using Proverbs as a work of Trickery he wouldn’t say “distrust the Lord.”
The opposite of Trusting the Lrod is trusting - yourself.
This is where the culture of the World, your flesh, and Satan all conspire to pull you from Wisdom’s path.
How many times have our children heard the mantra of the last 80 years
One of the most iconic quotes that embodies the principle of letting your conscience be your guide comes from Disney's "Pinocchio" (1940). Here's the quote:
1. **"Pinocchio" (1940)** - Jiminy Cricket says, "Always let your conscience be your guide." This quote serves as a guiding principle for Pinocchio as he navigates the challenges of becoming a real boy. It emphasizes the importance of listening to one's inner moral compass.
2. **"Alice in Wonderland" (1951)** - The Cheshire Cat says, "Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality." While not explicitly about conscience, this quote encourages thinking for oneself and trusting one's imagination.
3. **"Pocahontas" (1995)** - Grandmother Willow says, "Listen with your heart, you will understand." This quote encourages Pocahontas to trust her instincts and emotions to navigate difficult situations.
4. **"Frozen" (2013)** - Elsa sings, "Let it go, let it go. And I'll rise like the break of dawn." This iconic song encourages embracing one's true self and trusting in one's abilities, even in the face of fear or doubt.
These and many more emphasize the importance of listening to one's heart, staying true to oneself, and having faith in one's abilities, even in the face of adversity.
"Crowley's 'Do what thou wilt' " is a central tenet of Thelema, a philosophical and religious system founded by the British occultist Aleister Crowley in the early 20th century. The phrase originates from Crowley's book "The Book of the Law," which he claimed was dictated to him by a discarnate entity named Aiwass in 1904.
The phrase "Do what thou wilt" is often misunderstood as advocating for hedonism or unrestrained self-indulgence. However, within the context of Thelema, it carries a deeper and more nuanced meaning.
In essence, "Do what thou wilt" is a call to self-discovery, self-realization, and living authentically in accordance with one's True Will, while also respecting the sovereignty and autonomy of others. It's about finding one's place in the universe and contributing to the greater harmony of existence.
Sadly, our heart is perfectly in tune with the commands of this culture and the doctrine of Satan.
We like to be in charge of our own lives. This is why Solomon declares as a command to Trust in the Lord. Left to ourselves we trust in Self.
I’m thankful to tell you today that I will constantly turn to trust in myself.
Let me tell you the good news.
Jesus died for self serving, self interested, self indulgent people. He died for those that keep trusting themselves. He took his person and in trust of his fathers command laid down his life. So that you and I would have access to such grace. As a matter of fact. The way the Bible sees it, the day that you and I place our faith in Christ. We died. I got baptized after my salvation. For the purpose of telling everyone around me what happened to me.
I died the day I placed my faith in Jesus and Jesus now lives in me.
Colossians 3:3–4 KJV 1900
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Romans 6:6 KJV 1900
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV 1900
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Galatians 2:20 KJV 1900
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
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