Elijah had just confronted the King of Israel and now God is sending him into the wilderness. It must have been a little confusing, but God's people must learn to place their faith in the will of God.
(Ill. Often, God's will and our will are 2 entirely different animals. But, the secret of getting your need met by God is trusting that God knows what is best for your life and by being willing to submit to His will even when you don't understand it. God can bless and use a surrendered life.) (When the mist of life hides the God of glory from view, you must rest assured that He is there and that He is faithfully executing His plan for the ages, and for your life!)
B. V. 9 There Must Be Faith In The Ways Of God - (Imagine how Elijah felt when his brook dried up and the ravens quit bringing food and God comes along and sends him to a widow so she can keep him up. Widows were poor, they weren't known for putting on the dog. But, Elijah knew that God knew more about taking care of prophets than Elijah did and he just went.)
(Ill. If you try to sit around and worry about what's happening in your life and if you spend your time trying to figure out what God is doing, you will go crazy. You can't understand God and you can't figure Him out! If you could, He would cease to be God and you would become God. You were God, then you could fix your own mess and you wouldn't need Him anyway! We must have faith in the great truth that God knows what He is doing and we must learn to trust God's ways, Isa. 55:8-9, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.")
C. V. 13-16 There Must Be Faith In The Work Of God - (Put yourself is this widow's place. She is at the point of starvation, she and her son have enough food left for one final meal and they plan to lie down and starve to death. Then, here comes the preacher! He tells her to feed him first. It must have been a real trial of faith for this woman to make that great a sacrifice, but she placed her faith in the Work of God. Notice, verse 13, she is told to "go and do...", verse 15 tells us that "she went and did..." This is key, but is often missed by people when they face a trial of life. If you have submitted your life to the Lord and are faithfully engaged in carrying out His will in the world, you are on the Lord's pay roll and you are His responsibility. Too often we forget to Whom we belong, 1 Cor. 6:20; Matt. 6:25-33.)
D. V. 14 There Must Be Faith In The Word Of God - (Ill. This widow woman entered this valley of testing with the greatest promise ever to be given to anyone. Did you see it? Don't miss this! Verse 14, the prophet gives her the promise in the form of a seven word statement, "thus saith the Lord God of Israel..." When you have God's word on an issue, that issue is settled forever! This woman had the promise of God to back up her faith. Now, we all know that "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Therefore, when we read the statement of David in Psalm 37:25, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.", then we can place our faith in that! Folks, the devil will lie to you, the world will lie to you, your family and friends will lie to you, but you can rest assured that while the universe stands and there is a great God in Heaven He will never lie to you! And if God said that He would look after your need, then you can take that to the bank of eternity and know that it will draw interest forever. You can place your faith in the Word of God.)