SBC Report 2024

SBC Report  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:01:46
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Jesus angered the crowds when He ministered to the Gentiles.
Luke 4:28–29 ESV
When they heard these things, all in the synagogue were filled with wrath. And they rose up and drove him out of the town and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they could throw him down the cliff.
Zaraphath - Elijah
Naaman - Elisha.
Jesus returns to Cana (John 2) and continues providing signs.

A Royal In Need

v. 46-47
Points us back to Cana which begins the Cana cycle. Here we end it.
Where some friends witnessed the miraculous works of Jesus.
Now, an official. Most translations include more, “royal” or “noble.”
Connected to either a local king or the emperor.
A man who is used to getting what he wants.
Combining that with that feeling of watching your child when ill, even deadly ill.
And now comes this man who has the reputation of a healer.
Sudden hope!
Asked or beg “please”

Jesus Teaches

v. 48
Don’t see…really don’t believe.
Belief goes beyond sight.
Our faith today.
2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV
for we walk by faith, not by sight.
Transitioning Greek culture, from myths to philosophy.
Our culture, from faith to “observable proofs.”
I’m all for science. Thankful for the scientific method which led to questions about health.
But this demand for proof also led to a denial of the supernatural.
Jesus confronts this - just believe.

A Royal In Desperation

v. 49
Now we see this imperative, a command.
Understandable. He wants to believe, he does believe.
But, he also calls Jesus “Lord.” Master. Sir. A term of respect.
Tension of respect, hard for those who are used to power to put someone above them.
But, Jesus hears this. And Jesus responds to that desperation.

Jesus Heals

vv. 50-52
Assurance of healing. How hard it could be to walk away from Jesus.
But, he believed Jesus.
And he received confirmation.
Gives us some picture as to how far the man had come to find Jesus.
Imagine the relief in those few words.

A Royal In Faith

vv. 53-54
That way that Jesus worked.
What would the man have initially preferred?
Take Jesus. Heal son. Go on about his life.
Instead, Jesus changed not just their lives, but their eternities.
Second sign: Water to Wine. Now, deathly ill to life.


God works through the storms.
Jesus reached this man through a horrible storm.
And it resulted in eternal salvation.
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