What is Significant About the Red Heifer
It is the last Wednesday of the month and you know what that means! I get to answer, or attempt to answer, a question submitted by you. Tonight’s question is one of the most challenging questions I have been asked. Here it is:
“What significance does the red heifer have in prophecy?” This person goes on to add, “Five from Texas were sent to Israel - $500,000, in Sept. 2022.”
Here is what I found: In all the Bible, there is only one mention of a sacrificing a red heifer, that is found in Numbers 19. It is interesting to me that the sole purpose of the sacrifice is for purification. Let’s read it together...
Now tonight’s question was in regards to the prophetic meaning of the red heifer sacrifice, not the interpretational meaning…but it is important that we understand both. This is a total sacrifice, meaning nothing was removed from it. The heifer represents Jesus’ sacrifice. It is killed outside the camp, like Calvary, just outside the city. It’s not butchered, and then burnt completely on the alter with cedar wood, hyssop, and a scarlet thread - cedar considered valuable and majestic - Christ as God/King. Hyssop is plentiful, grows everywhere speaks of His humanity, and scarlet, of course, speaks of His blood.
The ashes of the heifer would then be mixed with water for purification from sin. Water is a type of both the Spirit of God and the Word of God - both of which keep us from sin, and restore broken fellowship.
Prophetically and practically it represented Jesus, His sacrifice, and the means by which through faith we can be purified from sin by Him. However, there are two aspect to prophecy at play here. One is the “near aspect.” Sometimes a prophecy has almost immediate fulfillment, such as the captivity of Israel into Babylon, but in this case the fulfillment would not be until Jesus died on Calvary, still about 1,400 years in future when Numbers was written.
However, there is another prophetic meaning of the sacrifice that is “distant.” As far as I could find it is not mentioned in the Bible anywhere, but is found in Jewish writings. The red heifer, since it is needed for purification, will be necessary to purify all the temple furniture, instruments and altars for service once the Jewish sacrificial system is ready to be reinstituted. Some suggest that Solomon sacrificed a red heifer when he dedicated the temple in 1 Kings 8, if you read that passage, he certainly sacrificed A LOT of animals, so it is very likely a red heifer was among them, but the Bible doesn’t exactly say. However, according to Jewish tradition, at the last temple dedication service, two thousand years ago, there was a sacrifice of a red heifer to purify the instruments and reinstitute the sacrificial service in the temple.
Why is this a big deal today? Other than the fact the last time there was a temple and a sacrifice like this was so long ago, there have been reports of 5 pure red heifers from Texas being sent to Israel. Jewish religious leaders believe that once the heifer is sacrificed and the temple rededicated and all that entails, this will signal or bring about the arrival of the Messiah. Many Christians believe this to be true as well.
From everything I have read this has been confirmed. They have been in custody of the priesthood sin 2022 and are ready to be sacrificed.
Did you hear that last part? They are ready to be sacrificed. That is a HUGE problem!
In a few minutes I’m going to show a video that will clarify some of this, but for now suffice it to say that if you follow mainstream news media you are not being told the complete truth.
Here are the facts: I, personally speaking, do not believe the sacrifice of the heifer will bring about the return of Jesus/Rapture of the church. Let me be clear, the Jews do not think the sacrifice will bring about the RETURN of their Messiah, because in their minds He has NEVER came in the first place. Their belief is that their sacrifice will bring in his appearance.
You say, “I don’t believe that to be true.” I agree with you, I do not believe it to be true either, but the problem only gets bigger from here. Not only are the Jews taking this seriously, but so are the Muslims. Remember when I told you if you listen to the mainstream news media you’re not being told the whole truth? Remember October 7th, 2023? What happened? Hamas, we’re told, invaded Israel to regain or retake land they felt Israel had stolen from them. I doubt many people here have ever heard the claim from a Hamas spokesperson that the real reason for the invasion was because Israel had received five red heifers and were planning to sacrifice them.
Why would this anger Muslims? Becasue if Israel is planning to sacrifice the heifer, then they must also be planning on re-instituting the sacrificial system. Since their sacrificial system is predicated upon being offered in the Temple, then they must also be planning on rebuilding the temple. Here is where the plot thickens, the temple mount is currently the location of the “Dome of the Rock” Muslim mosque and is under Muslim control. The Muslims are angered because the sacrifice is a declaration of war.
Now the Bible does mention a Temple in Jerusalem in the last days, it also mentions wars and rumors of wars, attempts at Israel’s annihilation and a “savior” of Israel who rides to their rescue, we meet him in Revelation 6. Now would be a good time to watch this video...
This sacrifice will take place. I am not saying when, and I cannot find any information to back up the video’s claim, but it will happen. When it happens, get ready! Get ready for war and destruction like you’ve never seen. Get ready for bloodshed that will make the holocaust look tame. Get ready.
Now, let me be clear. There are no signs pointing to the rapture of the church. That is not what this prophecy is about. This prophecy is about bringing back the sacrificial system of the Jewish religion.
Imagine how this must make God feel? 2000 years ago He sent His Son to bring an end to the sacrificial system. The Jews, and Gentiles too, instead sacrificed Him. They missed the Messiah, and now they are wanting to “bring him in?” They will get a messiah, but not the Messiah!
So, how significant is this pending sacrifice? It is the most significant event since the crucifixion.
In closing let me say this - I am a natural skeptic. I am not saying this is going to happen in the next few weeks, I am only saying that IF there is any truth to the reports we’ve seen tonight and the research I’ve done on this subject, then things are about to get, interesting.