Daniel (18)

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:11
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The Bible is God’s eternal word. Which is why the Bible is always relevant, and informing of every generation. No matter what our difficulties, no matter how much we recognize the culture changing. This week, you all have heard of wars in Israel and across other nations. Natural disasters around the world. A former US president found guilty on 30 counts of criminal charges. Not to mention the stuff going on in our own city, and families, and homes, and hearts. I bring attention to all this because God’s eternal word will bring truth to bear on all these areas and more as we submit ourselves to it.
Transition: This final vision recorded in chapters 11 & 12 contain detailed decrees from God about the rise and fall of kingdoms and kings, as well as great hope for God’s people.
God’s Detailed Decrees about

The rise and fall of kingdoms.

Briefly explain the historical fulfillment of these kingdoms. Connecting to Daniel’s previous dream. Making note of specific names and kingdoms.
11:2 Medes & Persians - Cyrus ruled this part of the world between 559-530.
11:3-4 Greece- Alexander. These are prophecies of 4 of Alexander’s generals who fought for power over his domain after his death in 323bc.
11:5-20 records the details of conflicts that eventually occurred between Egypt & Syria- Familiar names detailed in this section that would become well known in history are Seleucus, Ptolemy, Berenice and Cleopatra. These all were those who would participate in the rise and fall of kingdoms and fulfill the decrees that God is prophesying through Daniel. -Quoted Here Daniel predicted struggles between the Ptolemys (Egypt: the South) and the Selucids (the North), up until the time of Antiochus Epiphanes (ca. 175–164 B.C.). A study of the history of the intervening period shows just how literally and in what careful detail each aspect of this prophecy was fulfilled.
Transition: Make an application point that would have been very important to Daniel’s people reading this through years of being right in the middle of conflict. They were living the fulfillment of this prophecy in real time. Trust in God’s Word.
God’s detailed decrees about the rise and fall of

A despicable king.

History records that between 171-165 the Seleucid king, Antiochus Epiphanes IV fulfilled this prophecy of the little horn in chapter 8. How so? According to the “Expository Commentary” on this passage, “Antiochus ordered a slaughter of the Jews, resulting in approximately forty thousand dying by violence and around the same number being sold into slavery. He attacked the temple in Jerusalem, and in 167 BC, ordered the cessation of regular offerings. On December 6, 167, he set up an idol to Zeus on the altar of the temple, thus desecrating the sanctuary, and on December 16 he defiled the altar by offering pagan sacrifices, including pigs. He cast down the truth by forbidding practices commanded in the Law like keeping the Sabbath and circumcision and forced Jews to adopt Greek customs and religious practices.”
What can we conclude from this? The despicable king Antiochus Epiphanes certainly fulfilled the details of this prophecy as well as the insolent king in chapter 8. He has the same characteristics of the antichrist or lawless one who is yet to be revealed. 2 Thess 2 gives the same description of the king in Daniel 11:36-39
Point: Despite his rise and causing chaos for God’s people.... his time will come to an end. 11:45 The same has been true for all those who have apposed God & His people, like Hitler… and will be the case for the anti Christ to come in the future.
Transition: How do the truths of this prophecy help us discern our days?
Do not be quickly shaken… Wickedness increasing
purifying/ making white
God’s Detailed decrees about


Quoted… Final Instructions to Daniel (12:4–13)
(1) Instructions to Preserve the Message (12:4)
(2) Duration of the “Time of Distress” (12:5–7) This refers to the middle point of final 7 years of chapter 9:27.
(3) Daniel’s Question and the Reply (12:8–13)
Time of trouble & Terrific Hope 12:1-4
Quoted- Daniel’s interpreter now went on to speak of that period when the enemy will be unveiled, calling it a “time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then” (v. 1). In spite of the Great Tribulation by which those days are marked, deliverance comes to God’s people. The period culminates in a bodily resurrection to “everlasting life” (v. 2). This is the first scriptural usage of this term—a common one in the New Testament. It is not, however, the first reference to a bodily resurrection (cf. Job 14:11–14; 19:25–27; Pss. 16:10; 49:15; Isa. 25:8; 26:19; Hosea 13:14). The resurrection of the ungodly is also spoken of here as a restoration “to shame and everlasting contempt” (Dan. 12:2).
Repeat major theme from chapter 7: Daniel’s dream reveals that as the time for God’s sovereign plan culminates, there will be kings and kingdoms that attempt to rise up against Him and His people. This uprising will prove to be a difficult time for God’s people. However, God has determined those days and given to Jesus; the Son of Man and His saints His everlasting kingdom and dominion. God and His people rule forever.
Conclusion: “Go your way until the end.” This sounds a lot like Jesus’ words in Matthew 24. Keep ready. Keep watching. Keep working.
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