Accepting the Challenge

Overcoming Giants in Our lives  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  39:28
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle studied to be a physician. After completing his studies, he established a medical partnership with a friend. It did not go well, and they soon parted ways.
Shortly afterward, he opened his own practice. Initially, he had very few patients, and to pass away the long, boring days, he began to write fictitious crime stories. His first writings were not well received. But, since he had empty hours to fill, he continued to write.
Two of his characters were Sherlock Holmes and Watson. He framed his stories around much of the information he learned while studying to become a doctor. He also applied the concept of “differential diagnosis” from the field of medicine to his writings. This intriguing method of writing mystery stories brought great interest and attention to his works. Applying this idea to his books was genius, and he gave up medicine and began a new career.
Some may wonder why he did not go directly into writing crime stories rather than the field of medicine. Yes, that was an option. But it was his understanding of “differential diagnosis” that he learned in medical school that made his crime stories different and brought him success.
Often we have difficulty getting through “things” that seem stupid or foolish, troubling, and worthless, tedious, and even frustrating. However, God has an individual plan for each of us – and sometimes, the journey to get to the destination takes time and involves defeating some giants in our lives. But the mission is worth it!
For the next few weeks, we want to look at the life of King David, the shepherd boy who became a giant slayer, military hero, and then the greatest King of Israel.
David is the most mentioned man in the old Testament and was mentioned many times in the New Testament.
Along with Abraham & Moses, David is considered one of the greatest men in the Bible. He was the 2nd King of Israel – greatest they ever had. He was also known as a great man in the NT… ancestor & forerunner of Jesus (Son of David). Angels announced that Jesus would be born in the city of David. Greatest reference was Luke 1:32-33 where it says that the kingdom David reigned over would be an eternal kingdom and that the Lord Jesus himself would sit on the throne for his father David.

Why was David seen by God and the writers of the Bible to be such a great man?

For most of his life David was fully committed to loving and living for the Lord.
1 Samuel 13:14 NLT
14 But now your kingdom must end, for the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart. The Lord has already appointed him to be the leader of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”
This doesn’t mean that David was perfect or that he was some kind of super hero. He was far from perfect. In fact he was a great sinner in many ways. He committed adultery with a man’s wife and then had him killed to cover it up. It doesn’t get much worse than that.
But David was sensitive to God’s heart / focused on the Lord / primarily concerned about serving the Lord. That’s what God wants us to be like. David was a great man because he was a man after God’s own heart.
David faced the same challenges we face, but overcame them by his relationship and dependence on the Lord.
David faced a lot of problems in his life… same types of problems we face today.
He had to deal with un-godly people (Philistines & their giant Goliath)
The jealousy of King Saul /
A spouse that didn't like him /
rebellious children /
friends who stabbed him in the back /
temptation and other trials.
Anyone here faced some of the same issues David Faced?
The problems David faced in his day are the same problems we face today and the solutions he implemented to address his problems are the same solutions we need to implement. We are going to learn how David faced those problems… How a young boy could face a 9’9” giant… listen to David’s words in 1 Samuel 17:45
1 Samuel 17:45 NLT
45 David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
When we learn to rely on the Lord, we will defeat the giants in our lives.
Romans 8:31 “31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Romans 8:37 “37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”
How many of you have some giants you would like to defeat in your life? (hurt from past pain / pain in the present / fears regarding the future… ) We are going to learn how overcome those giants so we can make a difference on our world.
The first Step to defeating the Giants in your life is to accept the challenge to be a giant slayer.. That begs the question.

What is involved in accepting the challenge to defeat the Giants in our lives?

1. Accepting the challenge involves being chosen by God.

1 Samuel 16:1 NLT
1 Now the Lord said to Samuel, “You have mourned long enough for Saul. I have rejected him as king of Israel, so fill your flask with olive oil and go to Bethlehem. Find a man named Jesse who lives there, for I have selected one of his sons to be my king.”
Samuel was an old man by this time and he was unhappy about his assignment. First he had to tell Saul (the king) that God had rejected him. Now he had to go and find his replacement. Have you ever been unhappy with something the Lord wanted you to do? You might be unhappy getting into what God wants you to do but you will always be unhappy as long as you are living outside of what God wants you to do. Samuel is unhappy because this is a dangerous task. Saul is suspicious and paranoid & Samuel knew Saul was watching him. God told him to take a cow with him to sacrifice. Maybe what God is asking you to do doesn’t make sense, but remember, when that happens, God has a plan.
1 Samuel 16:6–10 NLT
6 When they arrived, Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought, “Surely this is the Lord’s anointed!” 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 8 Then Jesse told his son Abinadab to step forward and walk in front of Samuel. But Samuel said, “This is not the one the Lord has chosen.” 9 Next Jesse summoned Shimea, but Samuel said, “Neither is this the one the Lord has chosen.” 10 In the same way all seven of Jesse’s sons were presented to Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen any of these.”
Why isn’t the Lord choosing any of these sons of Jesse. Principle we need to look at 1 Sam 16:7
1 Samuel 16:7 NLT
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
We learn from the conversation with God and Samuel that the Lord speaks to us to give us direction.
Samuel was listening to and hearing from the Lord so he knew what to do… you can hear from the Lord as well… just have to listen.
We also learn from this conversation …
The Lord is more impressed with our inward Heart than our outward appearance.
1 Samuel 16:7 NLT
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
In today’s culture, people are obsessed with how we look or how others’ look… IOW with outward appearance. (what they drive, wear, live in) This passage reminds us that God is not impressed with our outward appearance, but He is impressed with what’s in our hearts.

As Christians, we know that God selects us in spite of our weaknesses.

1 Samuel 16:11 NLT
11 Then Samuel asked, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse replied. “But he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats.” “Send for him at once,” Samuel said. “We will not sit down to eat until he arrives.”
The Lord often selects the least likely people through which to accomplish His plans and purposes.
Look at what Paul said in 1 CO 1:27-31
1 Corinthians 1:27–31 NLT
27 Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. 28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. 29 As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. 30 God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. 31 Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.”
God doesn’t choose people based on their outward appearances or giftedness – but on the basis of what He sees in people’s hearts.
(Have you ever made fun of people because of the way they looked? Your so ugly your mama had to tie a pork chop around your neck to get the dog to play with you.)
We should never be unkind to anyone or make fun of people based on their appearance. Just because they are not as attractive as others doesn’t mean they are not special to God and be mightily used by the Lord.
Little Jack asked to say the blessing over the meal. Concluded his prayer with, “And Lord, thanks for the special boy you have given to this family.” His mom asked, “What boy were you talking about?” “Jack said, “Me, I’m special.
Each One of you are special to the Lord and you have been appointed by the Lord no matter what you look like… he has great purposes for your life & what he is really concerned with is what is in your heart.

As Christians, we know that God selects us to do his will.

Acts 13:22 NLT
22 But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’
We sometimes think that God has forgotten us, but the Lord has great plans for each of our lives. Jesse had almost forgotten about David, but God knew right where David was and what he was doing, but most importantly, the Lord knew what David would do. He knew David was committed to doing His will.
Let me ask, Are you committed to doing what God wants you to do?
If you are, God can and will use you in the days ahead.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
God has planned great things for your life. All you have to do is to be willing to do His will, whatever it is. If you do, He may just use you like He did David.
Several men were arguing about what success meant.
JOKE 3 men arguing about the definition of success (everyone wants to be successful). 1st man, “Success is doing something so noteworthy that the President of the U.S. invites you to meet with him in the White House.” 2nd man, “Success is doing something so noteworthy that you’re invited by the President to the White House, and while he’s talking with you the red emergency phone on his desk rings, but he doesn’t answer it because he’s so engrossed in his conversation with you.” 3rd guy says, “Success is doing something so noteworthy that you’re invited by the President to meet him in the White House. And while he’s talking with you the red emergency phone on his desk rings, and when he picks it up and answers it, he says, “Here, this is for you.” Now that’s success.”
Let me tell you what reals success is.
Success for a Christian is finding and living in God’s will.
Are you living in God’s will for your life? If not, you can begin today.
What is the Lord’s will for my life and what do I need to do to get in it?

2. Accepting the challenge involves being anointed by the Lord.

1 Samuel 16:12–13 NLT
12 So Jesse sent for him. He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, “This is the one; anoint him.” 13 So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.
The anointing with olive oil was a symbolic gesture, demonstrating that David was the chosen one of God, but it also symbolized the empowering of the Spirit that David was going to experience in his life.
Every Christian is indwelled by the Holy Spirit but not every Christian is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
At the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit of God comes to live in a Christian’s life. That’s why we begin to feel the presence & peace of the Lord in our lives. That’s why our attitude, ambitions and actions begin to change.
However, there is an experience usually following salvation – whereby Christians are anointed, equipped and empowered by the Lord. That’s what happened to David. When Samuel anointed him with oil, He was empowered by the Holy Spirit. How did the empowering of the Holy Spirit help this young man David? Later in our text we read,
1 Samuel 16:18 NLT
18 One of the servants said to Saul, “One of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that—he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him.”
David’s life was changed when he experienced the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and our lives are changed as well when we experience the anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit.

The empowering of the Lord brings supernatural perception to our lives.

It says that David had good judgment after he had been anointed & empowered by the Holy Spirit.
How many here would like to have “good judgment?” / others around you to have good judgment? Know others who desperately need good judgment?
When we get filled & empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will have better judgment and be able to determine God’s will in our lives.
When the early church needed new leaders…
Acts 6:3 NLT
3 And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility.
When we are anointed and empowered by the Lord, we will have power to discern God’s will for our lives… you will have supernatural wisdom and perception in your life.

The empowering of the Lord brings supernatural power to our lives.

It was said about David that after he was anointed by the Lord he became “brave and strong.” How brave and strong did David become? He was able to defeat the great giant Goliath / become the premier soldier & military leader in Israel. He was able to overcome his fears / struggles / giants in his life.
Do you ever struggle with fear in your life? Strongholds . . ? Giants? – When you get filled with the Holy Spirit, you will no longer have to be afraid of anyone or anything / have to be defeated by anyone or anything / cower before the giants in your life.
Jesus said this in Acts 1:8
Acts 1:8 NLT
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will have all the power you need. What kind of power does the Holy Spirit give us?
The anointing of the Holy Spirit gives us the power to Live for the Lord.
Galatians 5:16 NLT
16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.
Anyone struggle with your sinful nature? We all struggle with our sinful nature at times.
(anger, anxiety, critical spirits, envy, fear, frustration, insecurity, lust, resentment, selfishness and lots of similar things)
But when we are living daily in the power of the Holy Spirit we will be able to overcome those struggles & strongholds in our lives & live the new kind of life the Lord wants us to live.
The anointing of the Lord is what gives us the power to serve the Lord through serving others.
Romans 7:4 GNB
4 That is how it is with you, my sisters and brothers. As far as the Law is concerned, you also have died because you are part of the body of Christ; and now you belong to him who was raised from death in order that we might be useful in the service of God.
Let me ask,
How much better would my life be if I was living daily in the power of the Holy Spirit?

3. Accepting the challenge involves being available to the Lord.

In this passage, David had been told he will be the next King of Israel. What do you suppose that he did? he went back to doing what he was doing beforehand… taking care of his Father’s sheep. IOW, David was content to wait on the Lord’s timing and plans for his life. He had been told that he will be the next King, but he goes back to doing what he knew God wanted him to do at the time.
God sometimes allows us to serve in obscure places to prepare us for great ministry in the future. One day David was going to have to fight a giant named Goliath, and he wasn’t ready for that, so he goes back to tending sheep. Now, while David is tending the sheep, he has first a lion & then a bear come to attack his sheep. And with the newfound bravery & strength he’s obtained after being anointed by the Lord, David is able to defeat the lion & bear. God knows that once David learns how to overcome fierce foes like a lion & a bear, he’s ready to face a giant like Goliath.
Do you ever gripe about where God has you? Perhaps the Lord is leaving you in that place or situation you’re in until you learn the lessons & develop the qualities you need to develop so that you can overcome great obstacles and fulfill the great plans that the Lord has for your life. Sometimes God allows us to remain in isolated / dry places until the right time. Sometimes he sends us to unique places to minister to unusual people.
1 Samuel 16:14–16 NLT
14 Now the Spirit of the Lord had left Saul, and the Lord sent a tormenting spirit that filled him with depression and fear. 15 Some of Saul’s servants said to him, “A tormenting spirit from God is troubling you. 16 Let us find a good musician to play the harp whenever the tormenting spirit troubles you. He will play soothing music, and you will soon be well again.”
The Lord loves US / His people, but when we disobey Him, He removes His anointing / fullness of Spirit from our lives. And when God removes the power of the Holy Spirit from our lives, which gives opportunity for the devil to attack us with distressing spirits and other kinds of spirits.
That’s what had happened to Saul – He had lived in continual disobedience and so he began to suffer the consequences. But even though people are suffering from the consequences of their disobedience to the Lord & being traumatized by devil, that does not mean that we are to abandon them or refuse to offer help and minister to them. Look what David did,
1 Samuel 16:21 NLT
21 So David went to Saul and began serving him. Saul loved David very much, and David became his armor bearer.
David was available and ready to be used by the Lord and Saul … even though Saul was an un-godly man. Are there any un-godly people in your life that God wants you to minister? (mean, sandpaper people)
Saul was always ready to attack and hurt others, but he still needed someone to minister to him and the man who was appointed and anointed to be his replacement was willing to serve and minister to him. That’s one of the reasons David became the greatest king of Israel he not only was appointed & anointed, but he was available.
If you want to be used by God in great ways, you must be available to him.

The Lord wants us to make available to him our time.

David was willing to give of his time in serving Saul. David was willing to make the time to do what the Lord wanted him to do… are you?
Paul said,
Ephesians 5:16 NLT
16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.
Sometimes people will say they don’t have time to go to church… or do…
We need to use out time wisely, and one wise way to use our time is by serving God through serving others.
Galatians 5:13 NCV
13 My brothers and sisters, God called you to be free, but do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what pleases your sinful self. Serve each other with love.

The Lord wants us to make available to him our talents

Every Christian has been given spiritual gifts and talents. David learned how to play a harp and was willing to use it the serve the Lord. Think about what talents you have to serve the Lord?
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
What talents and abilities do I possess that could be utilized to minister to others?

The Lord wants us to make available to him our testimonies.

When David faced Goliath, everyone tried to talk him out of it but David used his testimony to convince them he could do the job.
1 Samuel 17:32–33 NLT
32 “Don’t worry about this Philistine,” David told Saul. “I’ll go fight him!” 33 “Don’t be ridiculous!” Saul replied. “There’s no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win! You’re only a boy, and he’s been a man of war since his youth.”
1 Samuel 17:37 NLT
37 The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” Saul finally consented. “All right, go ahead,” he said. “And may the Lord be with you!”
Once David shared his testimony of what God had done in and through his life, they told him to go ahead and take the giant.
We need to tell others about the Lord and what He has done for us.
One man whom Jesus healed wanted to go with him doing the ministry, but Jesus told him to go back home…
Luke 8:39 NLT
39 “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him.
When we use our time, talents and testimonies to minister to others, it makes a positive impact in our culture.
Have you accepted the challenge to rise up and become the man or woman God wants you to be? Chosen, Empowered, Available …
Take a look…
1 Samuel 16:18 NLT
18 One of the servants said to Saul, “One of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that—he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him.”
How many of you would like to be remembered as a person of courage, or wise speech or successful soldier in spiritual warfare…
David was not know for any of those things before He was filled with the Holy Spirit. That’s what you need to happen to you. Everyone needs to experience the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Look at this phrase in the verse. The Lord was with him. That’s powerful. We are going to learn how to over come some of the problems we face in the coming weeks, but it all begins with Accepting the Challenge.
Who do you want to be with you as you encounter difficulties? Superman, Spiderman, Avengers? I want to know that the Lord has my back. story of Jesse, the boy in the latrine, and his mama having his back
The Lord has promised that we can always count on His presence in our lives when we are surrendered to Him. God says that when we are living for him, he will never leave nor forsake us.
Hebrews 13:5 NLT
5 Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”
When we, and others, know that the Lord is with us, we are on our way to Overcoming the Giants in our Lives.
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