Presence of God

I. Surprising Defeat
II. Man using God
III. Earthly thoughts bring Defeat
If religion is the attempt by human beings to harness God’s power to their own advantage, this story is testimony to the fact that it cannot be done. If the ark of the covenant of the Lord could not guarantee Israel’s safety, then no other religious act will do it. My church attendance, my Bible reading, my prayers, my giving, my meditation—or whatever religious activities I practice—cannot manipulate God’s power to bring me success, prosperity, or happiness. God’s power is not like that. It is not at our disposal. God’s power is God’s power. This episode should impress on us that much.
You cannot put your trust in God’s kindness toward you in Jesus Christ—as the Israelites shouted with joy in the promises represented by the ark of the covenant—and at the same time ignore God’s demand for holiness in your life.