The Great Conquest
Revealed • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 2 viewsWe belong to one of two cities at war; the world and its ways are seductive and attempt to pull us from the battle at hand.
Well, good morning!
If you have your Bible, and I hope that you do, open ‘em up with me to Revelation chapter 17. And listen, as you do that…I wanna go ahead and just get into the text. I wanna look at what these chapters mean…so the exegesis of the text. And I wanna look at what these chapters are showing us…so the application of the text.
Hopefully, you’re following along with us…you’ve read these two chapters on your own this week. You’re probably thinking, “Yea, these chapters, they were wild!” We got this woman…this prostitute…a beast. And of course, to make things even weirder…this woman, she’s riding on the back of the beast. And then…there’s this wicked song in chapter 18. And I get it, you’re sitting there thinking…you just read these two chapters, or you’re wishing you had read these two chapters, and you’re thinking, “What in the world is He gonna preach about this morning? How’s he gonna make all this make sense?”
Well, hopefully you’ve had some time to turn there now…and so, I wanna highlight some things in just a moment. But listen, if you’re taking notes…if that’s your thing…I hope you are…I want you write this down…John’s gonna show us two things over the rest of this book…two cities. In our text today…we’re gonna see this great city of Babylon, which we’re gonna talk more about in just a second…and then in the coming weeks, we’re gonna talk more about the New Jerusalem. So we have Babylon and we have Jerusalem…and everything over the rest of this book, its all gonna revolve around these two cities. It’s a tale of two cities.
And listen, the message I think the Holy Spirit’s communicating here through John, its whether we like it or not, we all belong to one of these two cities. We’re citizens of either Babylon…or we’re citizens of Jerusalem.
And listen, I get it…you’re thinking, “Pastor Steven, I’m a citizen of Cambridge Springs…you’ve gone crazy!” Guys, the message to these first century believers…because remember it can’t mean for us what it never could’ve meant for them…the message to them its that you might live in Rome, but you’re a citizen of either Babylon or the New Jerusalem. And so, you might live in Cambridge Springs, but you’re still a citizen of either Babylon or the New Jerusalem. And guys, don’t forget everything we’ve been talking about up to this point…don’t forget about everything it’s said about Jesus…and don’t forget about everything its said about this battle we’re all engaged in…because this battle its between the two cities we’re gonna be reading about over the next several weeks…and Jesus, He’s at the center of all of it.
And so, that’s just a little context as we dive into this text this morning. And listen, as we go to it…we have to understand just how graphic these passages really are. For example, the woman it describes here, she’s a prostitute…but guys, the word there, in the Greek, it actually translates directly into the word “whore.” Now, please don’t go around saying that to all your friends and family. There’s a reason why most of the translations in our English language use the word prostitute or harlot…but there are some that call a spade a spade, they translate it directly into “whore.” And listen, the reason there’s such graphic language here…its because the Holy Spirit through John, He’s trying to wake up the church. Again, we have to remember that Revelation, its written to believers…and this warning we’re gonna see here, its serious…and its graphic…and there are all kinds of serious consequences if we don’t heed the Word. That’s what imagery does, right? That’s why He’s using such graphic language here…He wants us to feel what it is He’s saying. Guys, there’s not gonna be some woman, who’s a prostitute, riding on the back of some beast, conquering the souls of this world. And so, if you’re visiting with us this morning, I promise we’re not crazy…but hopefully, we do or we will believe in the symbolism behind these wild images.
And guys, I don’t think the things we’re gonna read about are future oriented things. I think they’ve been happening and I think they’re gonna continue to happen, and if we’re not careful…if we see most of this as events of the future…we’re gonna be caught sleeping…and for some of us…we’re gonna be very very surprised when Jesus does come back to set all things right.
I. Exegesis - What Do These Chapters Mean?
I. Exegesis - What Do These Chapters Mean?
A. Who is the woman?
A. Who is the woman?
And so, with that, let’s jump into the text.
Verse 3, John says, “I saw a woman seated on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding a golden cup in her hand full of detestable things and the unclean things of her sexual immorality. 5 And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery: “Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth.” 6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses to Jesus.”
And so, who is this woman? Well, if you continue on, verse 7, “7 And the angel said to me…I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that has the seven heads and the ten horns that carries her.” We’ll look at the beast next…but this woman, she represents this first city I mentioned…Babylon. Look at verse 18, the angel says, “And the woman that you saw is the great city that has sovereignty over the kings of the earth.” And then if you read on, chapter 18, it names this city in it’s opening verses.
And so, who’s this woman? It’s sin…its the things of this world, right? If you were following me during the seals and the trumpets and the visions and the bowls…what brought about those judgements? It was ultimately all the consequences of sin, that man gave into. Remember all the way back to the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, who brought those guys on? Jesus opened the door but man called out to them, right? And everything that happened from that point on… separation from God and death, it was all the consequences of sin.
And the thing about sin, its that we have to remember it seeks to destroy us…it seeks to conquer. And just as satan was described at the beginning of Genesis chapter 3, sin, in the same way, its crafty…its deceptive…its seductive. We struggle with sin because the reality is we like it…we want more of it. We want to feel those temporary pleasures of the world. We know its wrong, like Romans 1 tells us…but we’re drawn to this woman. She knows what we want most.
Which go back to verses 1 through 5, isn’t that how this woman’s described here? She’s attractive…it says the earth, it’s drank her wine…the wine of her sexual immorality. We see imagery here…imagery meant to show seduction. The woman, she’s also dressed in purple and scarlet, she’s adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls…we see the seduction of materialistic things. She’s holding a golden cup in her hand full of detestable things. We’re seeing a picture of sin. Listen, when you go home today, just go read Proverbs 7. The Bible, it’s been giving us the same message the entire time. Be careful…sin, it crouch’s at your door. It looks good…it looks attractive…but be on guard. Revelation’s not telling us anything the Bible hasn’t already said.
And notice as well, the woman’s aim…not only is it to pull people from God…but it’s also to persecute God’s people, right? Isn’t that what verse 6 is showing us? Sin is attractive and followers of Jesus, they’re gonna suffer.
And then, it says, back in our text, in verse 5, “And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery: “Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth.”
And so, if you’ve been following us, we’ve seen a lot of things written on the forehead…which I believe its all symbolic, just like we see with God’s people in Deuteronomy…nothing’s actually written on our forehead…but depending on who we belong to…or better yet, where our citizenship belongs, it determines things like what we think, what comes out of us…it determines our ideologies, right? And so, if you follow this prostitute…the one who pulls you from God…you’re way of thinking, even so slightly, its gonna be geared toward the things of this world.
What we’re seeing here, its sin taking root in man’s heart…these chapters its talking about sin and how satan uses it to dang the people made in God’s image away from God. That’s what the battle’s all about…its between two cities…Babylon, who we know literally rebelled against God all the way back in Genesis. And Jerusalem, who’s always been at war with Babylon.
And notice, as you read these chapters, this woman…or sin, its powerful…at least for a short time. Jesus, just like He did with the other things we’ve read about…He allows it to have power. But notice, the woman…very much like sin…she leads those who follow her to destruction, right? What’s sin do!? It leads us to ultimate destruction.
B. Who is this beast?
B. Who is this beast?
Which leads us to the next thing, who is this beast? Well, you’ll notice John doesn’t use the space here in our passage to give a lot of new detail for the beast except for the 7 heads and the 10 horns…If you pay attention, much of the details it does give, its similar to the beasts that were mentioned a few chapters back. And so, naturally, keeping things in context…this beast, it has to be the same ones mentioned in chapter 13…which I believe depicted how satan works through governments (with the first beast) and religious institutions to pull people away from God (with the second beast). And listen, we could spend a ton of time digging into what these horns are and the kings and all that…but I believe that would be missing the point.
I will say this…the angel makes it clear what the 7 heads are…they’re the 7 mountains on which the woman’s seated. Listen, this was a clear message to the original readers that he was speaking about Rome, which had 7 mountains or hills surrounding it. In fact, it was known as the “seven-hilled city,” in the same ways Chicago’s known as the “Windy City.” And so, this was a clear reference to Rome here…And the horns, now those could’ve been anything but I do believe because of what the numbers 7 and 10 symbolize all through Scripture with completion…the 7 heads, they’re the completeness of satan’s reign on earth (we see it through nations…through people)…and the 10 horns, its the completeness of the whole of man’s power…which have all been corrupted by the beast and given into the woman. The fact that 5 of the 7 heads have been cut off, I think it’s showing Jesus’s victory just as the prophecy stated in Genesis 3…and now its showing that since the cross, satan doesn’t have the same amount of control. And the powers of the earth, they’re just gonna turn on one another and do what’s pleasing in their own sight. The five heads that’s fallen, I personally think this is why the church has been able to spread. Eventually if you know church history, Christianity even overcame that evil government that’s depicted here. But it’s a continuous cycle until Jesus returns…because of the battle waging. And so, it doesn’t really matter what these heads and horns are…symbolic, literal…past, present, future…it looks perfect to the world…it looks complete…it looks powerful…but in the end, this thing that seems perfect, its gonna crumble under the wrath of God.
The picture here, it’s that everything worldly, it summits to this beast. I don’t necessary believe in an Antichrist so to speak…but I do believe that satan uses many individuals and many organizations to persecute God’s people and to distort the truth of the gospel. Again, I think there’s all kinds of evidence for that throughout the history of the church. And its why the church, across every age, will always face persecution…and its why our mission, across every age, will always be relevant. Christians will suffer and there will always be people that need to hear the truth of the gospel until Jesus comes back because the nations and governments of the world are under satan’s current domain. That’s the first beast…how satan uses the powers of this world to take worship away from God.
And then the second beast, back in chapter 13, we saw how satan works through religions to emphasis anything and everything other than Jesus. Listen, we have to be careful with literal interpretations in apocalyptic literature because it might just cause us to miss the point and miss what’s happening around us. Satan doesn’t necessarily desire worship…he just desires God not be worshiped. And so, it doesn’t matter what’s worshiped as long as its not God. And listen, that’s what the beast is and has been doing inside the church. There’s been all kinds of false teachers that have “proclaimed” Jesus yet caused people to worship other things. I mean again, that’s what the prosperity gospel’s all about, right? Jesus wants you to be rich, and healthy, and prosperest! And so, who’s the most important thing there? Self! Even in the midst of proclaiming Jesus, self is worshiped…That’s a false gospel that doesn’t lead to restoration or eternal life.
Someone asked me the other day, “Pastor, why don’t you talk more about politics or the election?”…Guys, because my job, its to proclaim Jesus! And our responsibility in gathering together, its to worship Jesus…Now that’s not to say we’ll never discuss political issues if the Spirit leads us to do that through His Word. But guys, when you hear messages like, “Make America Great Again!” from the pulpit, that’s the beast working in the church. Now, for the record, I’m not saying I’m against a certain candidate or anything…what I’m saying, its that a message like, “Make America Great Again,” its has nothing to do with the gospel or Jesus, and it has no place in the church…All I’m saying, all I’m showing you, its that the beast, he’ll let that stuff sneak in, to keep our eyes off Jesus and in turn lead others astray. And you have to understand, when someone does that…when they make political speeches behind the pulpit…it’s taking away from Christ…and again, that’s what Revelation is talking about. Our confidence isn’t found in some man or even in some form of government, it’s found in Jesus Christ! Thats why we gather, that’s what we proclaim!
Satan, or the beast, he uses every means possible to attack the people of God and to spread lies…ultimately to pull people from God and to de-emphasize Jesus. I mean, don’t you see that kind of evidence of the beast working in our nation and our world today? Guys, open your eyes…don’t be caught sleeping…I don’t believe these are future oriented things. And if we become lackadaisical with this, its not that we’ll just be sidelined in the battle…but guys, we might just be very surprised that we were deceived this entire time! Be in the Word, be engaged in this fight…and guys, keep all things about the person and work of Jesus.
And so, the beast, it’s satan, and his tools in this world. Sin, and satan, and his means…they’re coming together to deceive and to pull people from the presence of the Lord. And ultimately, they’re doing this, not because they think they can win. Satan know’s his time’s short…we just read about that a few chapters back. He’s doing it, because he despises God…and he doesn’t want God to be worshiped.
C. What is this song?
C. What is this song?
And then, real quickly…what’s this song in chapter 18 all about?
Well, to understand the song…let’s go backwards just a little bit. In chapter 17, verse 6…toward the end…we see John marvel at this woman, this picture of sin, right? The Apostle John, the one Jesus loved…the one that laid his head on Jesus’s chest, he looks at this woman and he’s appealed…he likes what he sees. Which is why in verse 7, the angel rebukes him, “Why do you marvel?” he says.
And so, what we see here…if even John’s attracted to this woman…don’t think for a second we’re not gonna struggle with our love for the world and the things it offers…which leads us into this song. Partly, I believe the church, it becomes so enslaved to this woman…it becomes so entangled with the world that it causes God to bring about chapter 18…it causes judgement to come because of God’s hatred toward sin and because of His love for His people.
Sin, it always leads to destruction…and the promise of God, its that He’ll bring ultimate judgement upon sin and all those that have given into it…but He also promises to rescue His people from the power of sin. That’s what this chapter’s all about. It’s the fall of the woman…Babylon…or the fall of sin, right? But before you see judgement, just look at verse 4. There’s this voice and it says, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues.” We get this picture of ancient Israel; if you remember, when they were exiled in Babylon during Daniel’s time.
And then, if you read along, it lists out all of her sins. It says she’s glorified herself in verse 7. It says she lived in luxury. She says, by her own admission, she’s a queen…that there’s no mourning in her life.
If you pay attention, those values…they’re very opposite from the things Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5.
Matthew 5:3–11 (ESV)
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
The woman, she’s the complete opposite of this…which is exactly why the nations…or Babylon, symbolically…rage against the people of God…and why they’ll continue to do so until Jesus’s return. Everything about us…everything that we’re called to, it pushes back on them. It’s showing them something different. It’s showing them that life can actually flourish without worshiping the beast…without giving into sin.
But guys, you have to notice this…go back to 17:16…who turned on the woman? It was the 10 horns, right? And the 10 horns, they came from where? They came from the beast…the beast devoured the woman. It’s like a bait and switch…it looks appealing, it looks attractive…it looks like its all gonna work out in the end…but the very worldly things you give into, its those things that’ll turn and devour you. Remember all the way back in Genesis chapter 4…sin, it crouches at the door and its desire, its to conquer you. And in the end…even before the judgement of God, it will…which is why this is such a serious thing to God.
And so, chapter 18…God judges the prostitute…the earth, the dwellers of the earth, they lament over the prostitute…and then we see ultimate destruction of the prostitute at the end of the chapter. That’s what this song’s all about…its judgement…destruction…which we’ve seen over and over again…but it’s no longer just the physical things like heaven and earth…God has victory over sin and its effects as well.
And just like we saw with the physical judgements in the previous chapters…I believe how this woman impacts God’s people, it initiates God’s ultimate destruction of the woman. Mainly because of God’s love for us…and because of His faithfulness to us.
II. Application - What Are These Chapters Showing Us?
II. Application - What Are These Chapters Showing Us?
A. We cannot love God and the world
A. We cannot love God and the world
And so, what’s all this mean to us? What’s John showing us…what’s the Holy Spirit trying to communicate?
Turn with me to 1 John 2:15. It says:
1 John 2:15-17 (ESV)
1 John 2:15–17 (ESV)
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
There’s a distinct contrast between the world and God, right? And remember, the author here…its also John…and he’s saying the same thing. It’s impossible for us to love the things of the world and to love God at the same time. It’s clear from our passage in Revelation…from passages like 1 John 2…its clear that love for the world and love for God can’t coexist.
And here’s why…no matter how much you think you can control it, love for the world…the woman depicted here…her sole aim…its to push out love for God. The more we love the things and the pleasures and the possessions and the pursuits of this world, the less we’ll love God. The more we nibble at the table of this world, at the things of this world, the more our hearts’ll numb toward the love of God.
You wanna know why we don’t hunger more for God in our day? It’s because our belly’s are fully with the pleasures and the possessions that we’ve partaken at the table of this world. The more we love the world, the less we’ll love God.
Guys, if you were to give me your ipads or your iphones or your computers…what would I find? Let me see what you’re watching…let me follow you around through the week…let me just see what you’re devoting yourselves too…I’m afraid that if I did that, I’ll find that some of you are imitating the world. I’ll find that you’re imitating the stars of this world and everything about this world because you are of the world.
Who are you imitating?
Even if you have all this good theology, if it doesn’t change how you talk…how you act…what you care about…if it doesn’t change who you are, what you love…it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you can quote Voddie Baucham…it doesn’t matter if you carry around a John MacArthur study Bible…if you look like the world, you are the world.
If your schedule’s are dictated by the world, you are the world…And guys, I get it…some of you get mad when I bring up sporting activities. You just want your kids to be active and involved with other kids…you want them to be happy. I get it. It’s not so much that the sports are bad in and of itself…its what it’s pulling your kids from? Its what they’re not getting as a result of what you’re allowing them to invest in…all your time and their time in things that point to nothing. While it seems good in nature, its still pulling them from the presence of Jesus…from discipling them in the ways of Jesus. And it never starts off bad…its always a few days a week…and then before you know it, you’re traveling every weekend and you realize you’ve missed months of gathering with God’s people…and you become so busy with the nontrivial things of the world that you can’t even remember the last time you even sat down to spend time with God in His Word.
Who are you imitating?
Guys, you can get mad at me…you can send me emails tomorrow…you can shake your fist…I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m trying to help you. This woman, the things of the world, sin…it’s looks so good…If we were to translate this in today’s slang, John…when he looks at this woman…he’s like, “Dangggg, she’s fine!” That’s how the world looks to us…it’s fineeee! It’s so attractive…it’s seductive…and before we know it, we’re wrapped up in all kinds of things that take us from the presence of God.
Write this down…it is impossible to love the world and to love God. The two can’t coexist! And going back to last week…you have to remember, you’re not God…you have no idea what’s best for your life…and even if you did, you have zero power or ability to bring those things into existence. I know the world seems to have all the answers…I know you think what you’re doing isn’t bad…but guys, if its of the world…the beast, that the woman’s riding, it’s gonna turn around at some point and bite you. And you’re gonna realize, that ride you were on, it lifted you up and it carried you far from the presence of the Lord.
B. We must claim citizenship
B. We must claim citizenship
Which leads us to our final point…we must claim citizenship.
We belong to one of two cities…Babylon or the new Jerusalem.
Guys, don’t miss this. The call to turn away from the world, its not a call to a dull, dreary life. The call to turn away from the world and to God, its a call to satisfaction that far surpasses anything and everything this world has to offer!
C.S. Lewis said this:
“We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition…when infinite joy is offered to us, like an ignorant child who goes on making mud pies in the slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
If you’re turning aside from your spouse, if you’re indulging in pornography, if you’re casual with sex, if you think climbing the corporate ladder or achieving worldly aims (whether in your life or your child’s life) is the end game, if you think a nicer car or a second home will make you happy, if you think your family’s time is better spent at the ball field…In all of these things, your problem, its not that you desire pleasure too much; it’s that you desire pleasure too little! You’re playing with mud pies in a slum when infinite joy has been offered to you. Turn aside from the ways of the world. Throw aside the things of this world!
Every one of us has a choice. That’s the point here. There is no neutrality in this world. There is no riding the fence.
Two options. Either we can love the things of the world. If we do, let us know this: our pleasures will always be fleeting. The things that promise pleasure in this world will ultimately fade, guaranteed. Church, Christian, man, woman, student, teenager, please hear this: the pleasures of this world are fleeting. They look permanent, but they’re passing away. They won’t last. Babylon…it will be destroyed. And it’s aim…its to pull it’s citizens away from their Creator.
If we love the things of the world, our pleasures will always be fleeting, and our destiny will always be hell. If you love this world, it’ll pass away, and it will take you with it. You’ll not only lose true pleasure; you’ll lose your life. I don’t know how else to say this more plainly. If you love this world, you will perish with this world.
And so that’s the first option: we can love the things of this world. Or, the second option, we can love the God over this world. We can love the God who reigns supreme over this world. We can love the God who alone can satisfy in this world. And when we take this option, our pleasure, it will be unfading. There’s pleasure in Him that far outweighs all the possessions this world could ever offer us. And we’ll know, with all confidence, as we love the God over this world, our security will always be with Him.
But guys, when we choose this second option…when you say, “I’m gonna be a citizen of the new Jerusalem…I’m gonna be a child of God.” You have to realize that life begins to look different…and not only because you choose it to be so…but because God in you will begin to change you.
And so, here’s what I want us to do. There’s no denying that we live in a day in which you can’t tell where the world ends and where the church begins. Our lifestyles, in so many ways, they look just like the lifestyles of our non-Christian neighbors. Just as materialistic, just as sensualistic, just as self-centered, sexually immoral, the list goes on and on. And the Bible, it tells us, “The church, its supposed to look different!” Your schedules, your spending, your marriages, your parenting, your purity, your possessions, your love, your lives, it should all look different. Not for the sake of being different but because you love God and you don’t love the ways and the things of the world.
Jesus said to Laodicea, and I’m convinced He says the same to us today: “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.”
And so, over the next few minutes, as our deacons come to prepare the Lord’s Supper. I want us to have a time of prayer and confession and repentance. I wanna invite you, all across this room, to search your hearts, to ask God to show you where you’re desiring what the world desires, where you’re living like the world lives. Some of those things, they may be obvious to you, some may not be so-obvious, but regardless, as the Lord reveals those things in your own heart, I wanna call us as a community of believers this morning to repentance. To weep over sin, to be broken over sin, to turn from sin.
That may involve you simply spending time in prayer and confession. Or, if you’d like, I wanna invite many of you to come down up front where you can kneel before the Lord in repentance. Obviously, you can spend time in confession at your seat, but I know that oftentimes it’s good to physically move, to physically get on your knees before God, to humble yourself, to cry out for His grace to forgive and His strength to obey.
And so I wanna invite some, maybe many of you, if you’re willing, to just find a place where you can kneel before God in this room in confession and repentance.
Guys, let’s get serious about who we are and what we’re called to and let’s repent. Jesus stands at the door and He’s knocks. Let’s open the doors of our hearts and our lives completely to him this morning. Let’s turn from the things of this world and let’s engage ourselves in the mission of Christ.
Would you do that with me this morning? You use this time to repent and we’ll come together at the Lord’s table in just a moment.
Matthew 26:26 (ESV)
Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.”
Matthew 26:27–29 (ESV)
And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”