How Can It Be?
Relationship Between Creature and Creator
The Bible demonstrates God’s holiness in two unique but coherent ways. The first is his distinctness from his creation
God is wholly other; this is an essential aspect of the worship he deserves (Hos 11:9). Throughout the Bible, God’s holiness is the basis for our understanding of his existence outside of time and space. And yet, somewhat surprisingly, the Bible continually pictures his holy presence as manifesting within and even dwelling among his people.
The second way the Bible demonstrates God’s holiness is by describing his pure and incorruptible presence, a presence he chooses to manifest in proximity to his chosen people. In the Old Testament, God manifests his holy presence in several unique places, marking them as sacred spaces, which humans could enter only by observing certain worship-centered ritual cleansings. Nonetheless, God’s holiness is incorruptible and cannot be rendered impure by contact with sinful humanity. In fact, such contact immediately results in the impurity being utterly obliterated or consumed by God’s holy presence, a presence pictured as a consuming fire