Galatians 4: 12-16. become like me speak the truth in love
Galatians 4: 12-16.
Recap and intro: Paul it in the middle of a section where he expressed his concern for the Galatians. Paul is concerned that as the Galatians, that they are enslaving them self again, by trusting in works, and making them self slaves of regulations and rugels, and not trusting in Jesus Christ by faith for right standing with God. Righteousness. Paul have been using the contrasts Sons and Hairs – against slaves and weak and worthless elemtery spirts.
Paul’s great warning last time ended with “I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain”.
ü Paul picking it up today: Become like me – free in Christ Jesus
ü I have no problem with you – you loved me dearly – how do we recive people?
ü God used my trials so I could share the Gospel with you. Can God use our weakness and trouble?
ü Am I and enemy because I tell you the truth?
Paul calls the Galatians to be like him, - to trust in Christ by faith, - not in the religious works and status gotten from prominent teachers. Become like me, not under the law,
- I became like you Paul writes, not under the law but believing by hearing by faith, righteousness not earned by works, but Jesus made it possible by his work. Life, death, resurrection, looking for His return.
You did me no wrong. You were very kind to me, (Paul states I have nothing against you, and did nothing against me Paul writes to make it clear that this is not about personality wronging one another, but about the teaching,)
Verse 13
Then Paul, points to how the Galatians rescvied him.
Paul had a physical problem, the first time he shares the good news about Jesus with the Galatians, and even as Paul was not well, and a “burden/trial”, it even said it the text it was because he had the problem that he shared the gospel with them. (God used his problems so that Paul and his team could share the gospel with the Galatians). (Weakness to strength – circumstances to Gods glory)
Verse 14
they did not reject him, or despise or scorn, Paul, the very oppsite they welcomed and receved him as an angle of God, as Christ Jesus…
Verse 15
What has happened? You would give me your eyes and give them to me, if that would help,
Verse 16
Paul asks have I become your enemy buy telling you the truth?
1. Become like me – free in Christ Jesus
2. I have no problem with you – you loved me dearly – how do we recive people?
3. God used my trials so I could share the Gospel with you. Can God use our weakness and trouble?
4. Am I and enemy because I tell you the truth?
– Speaking the truth in love, Jesus, Eph, - build up in to Christ who is the head, building muscle, growing, sanitfaction, Iron sharpning Iron provebs: 27:17, - I some time back said, that not many people what to hear this, but growth comes from “pain and conflict”, that is resolved and dealt with together with Jesus. I did not make it up, but it comes from Paul, Eph 4:15-16 – from 1.
We will not grow up in to Christ if we don’t do this, - if someone in love points something out in your life, thank them, they are your best friend, one willing to be rejected that you might be loved and grow, in Christ Jesus. – The best friend, it the one that will speak the truth in love, to help you to remind you about Jesus Christ, to point out a blind spot so you don’t fall and get hurt, that you might not hurt others, some one that cares more about you, that what you think about them, (We see Paul do this in the letter)
Catalin said some time ago, he was happy we did not have fights and divisions in our fellowship, and praise God for that. There is a bad kind of peace, where we don’t address one another in love and we will stay immature, and blind to our blind spots and not grow up,
Paul also wrote you did me no wrong, you loved med very well, I am not out to get you, I am very concrend that you are drifting from Jesus, in to slavery so I write because in love to correct and rebuke you.
What about you how would you revice Paul’s letter? Would you be offended? Accuse him of not loving you? Accuse him of starting a fight?
What about one of the people here in the fellowship, how would you recive them if they speak the truth in love to you?
The other way around, as I was refection on this, I might be lacking the part where I am willing to speak the truth in love to you, I needed to think and pray do I love the people enough to point out blind spots, and speak the truth in love. (Why, I might think or expect people to see it them self, I mean it is obevious, - well it might be for others, - I might not love people enough, and love myself more,)
What about you? Do you do this? Did and do someone do this in your life? If not, we can’t grow and we might show we don’t love one another, or know one another so well, - the same we can’t grow up in to Christ Jesus as head,
We rebuke and speak the truth in love to restore people to Jesus Christ, not to reject and cast out. Paul has the same mission in writing the letter, to restore the Galatiens in right relationship with Jesus Christ and the other belivers, join to Christ by faith in Jesus’ work. Not to condem but to call to return.
As before we can condem in two ways, I don’t care, and let people go on in darkness, or speak the truth without love and care for the person, and hope to condem the person away from us, - the other way is the way we see in Paul’s letter, very bold and very caring about the gospel and the truth, and very caring about the Galatians, sometimes reading it I think I can see Paul in my mind, pouring out his heart to the Galatiens, with all his strength, that they might be blessed and turn back to Jesus Christ, and trust in him by faith, and not the works, and religious system, for freedom in Christ Jesus. Paul is very passioned and uses strong lanauge and warinigs but not with intention of repelling the Galations but to draw them near and back to Jesus.
And Paul know of the great care the Galatians have for him, so he is trying to show them the very same care, as it were to give them his eyes to see…
· Become like me – free in Christ Jesus
· I have no problem with you – you loved me dearly – how do we recive people?
· God used my trials so I could share the Gospel with you. Can God use our weakness and trouble?
· I am and enemy because I tell you the truth?