Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2024
Satan corrupted the innocent humans by making the good seem evil and the evil good, by contradicting the truth of revelation. This led to alienation and ultimately death. Paul recognizes that death is at work in his physical body but also knows the truth that Jesus is risen and that therefore there is a transformed body prepared for him and that his ministry is bringing life to human beings and glory to God. We see the foundation for this in the gospel. Jesus’ relatives love him and want to protect him from the devil. The Scribes on the other hand see the false narrative and therefore see the devil in Jesus which blinds them to the true revelation of God and such sin against the Holy Spirit makes them unable to repent and will result in the destruction of the nation. On the other hand, his mother and at least some relatives are his mother and his family, not because of the physical relationship, but because they “do the will of the Father” that he also does, i.e. live the truth. This is a warning to us as we look at the world around us and as we evaluate our suffering that comes as we do the will of God. We are to open our eyes to the truth of the resurrected Jesus, our future with him, and the ultimate futility of evil.