Sunday May 26 (Memorial Weekend)
dude atopic Levi has been on Workshop. We've been diving into worship a lot. Do my friend bill was here last was the last week Pentecost mad, dude. That's my dude bill. That's my dude, man. He's like a father of worship man. He's a prophet dude. Did you let me do one play when he was teaching did you guys catch what he was teaching man? Cuz we going to sirius I might have him back come back and share more but because that he has a lot or how great season of his life to being a man is in the season. To watch him going to a season of season of multiplication.
Play do we enter into different seasons in our lives? The worst thing that we can possibly do is horde what God is doing.
The worst thing we could do is haunted and you don't know the real reason why I wake needs a revivals. Because we try to avoid it. We close it down and we say this is for us not for them. The kingdom of God was always meant to be shared. It was always meant to be shared. It was never meant to before he was meant to be shared is such a way where other people begin to take part of it become citizens is shared as well and share with other people. That's how the kingdom it's whenever you turn a river into a pond. You got a problem.
Imma, let that sink in for a second so you can look into a river and its almost looks like there's water in your eyes. But if you guys got a pawn, you got a treat that thing don't you play my brother-in-law was here. He did spawn. You have to treat the water you to put dyes in it. So it looks blue just to kill algae on it.
Rivers I don't see them doing that cuz it's just flowing. Also Rivers have the capacity to take rocks that are Jagged and smooth them out.
Rivers can cause things to smooth over The kingdom of God was always meant to be flowing like a river. It was never meant to be still like a pond. when the kingdom of God become still that's when the algae and stuff grows on it. mold YouTube Critters inner you really don't want
speaking about the church
The reason why you get Critters inside of things and things that you really don't want it simple because you you're being still and you're not being still on waiting on the Lord. You're just being still in a hoarding.
Show me. I can't do that. That's not my gift. That's not my call. If that's not who I am. I don't care who you think you are. I care what God says you are.
But Jesus said who do men say that I am. And everyone had an opinion do you think it was just the disciples who spoke up or was it the whole crowd? Don't cry have an opinion of who Jesus was. People said he was John the Baptist. People said he was Isaiah or Elijah people are calling him all these things. But Jesus first look at his disciples is who do you say that? I am and only one of them call the revolution.
He said you are the Christ the son of the Living God.
Jesus response to Peter Flesh and Blood did not tell you this but this came for my father who is in heaven. He revealed it and also the revelation of who Jesus was Peter got a new identity.
All for the Revelation. Let me say this week off of Peter revealing through the father who Jesus is Peter been the father through the son review.
He says Peter your name is cephas. You are Stone your rock. When we do not see each other the way God sees each other. We lose the gift of Revelation.
We lose it.
Can you say that again so you can catch it cuz this is not my sermon. When we lose sight of who each other who we are through God through Christ. What's the revealing of Christ in us? We lose to get the Revelation because it's something you bring it out.
Like Judith is you ever how many you guys ever pan for gold? Tried at least we have a creeper. Let's go. 10-4 go do what are you really doing? You trying to reveal the gold that's already there. You're not trying to put gold there you're trying to reveal what's already there. You trying to bring it out? So you have to skip through stuff. And then also I got this fact and this is the right. Sometimes in your life in order for a church to stay at River you got to sit through things and still see the gold in each other. Can you call the gold out of them?
Not all the discarded stuff. Look at the dirt. Thank you. You're just called the dirt and realize you called the gold that Sarah.
Cuz when you call the gold rack see if you're actually reminding them who they are. I don't know about you, but I need God to remind me who I am. Life will tell you everything you're not.
Just one bad day. And that one day that you had that was bad. You would find people defining you off of one bad day instead of the life. You've been living.
Come on, man.
It's so important for us to see people the way. These people. Cuz when we look at them through God's eyes then mercy cops. Grace comes we do speaking life. That doesn't mean we don't hold them responsible. Okay.
This is a call Tim calling you into alignment.
I need a power strip for the change. never empowers people to change you can try it. You can try beer doesn't work. If it work Jesus when the came in the New Testament.
How many you guys read the Old Testament? How many you guys know the whole fear thing didn't work? You goddamn the law and everything was based off of fear to your performance is based off of fear and control. So they're trying to do the right thing. But still having the wrong heart don't understand you got it and they keep billing until God would show up. They become afraid they course-correct and then it grew up again.
His fear was never supposed to be the same. To bring you the car.
I talked to Misty or the Lord, which is the are the reverence of him dude. I really think the church needs the fear of God. I know I need more the fear of God, but I need that fear to be an all of him. But no need to be so in all of him that it shakes my very big that my body my inside quick. I mean the awesome wrongness of God. Metal Fury as hell not the fear of judgement
because that fear is the beginning of wisdom.
Who is going to do that? Let's take with me to talk to me. How is God going to make you being all of him?
Come on, Friday. This really cool amazing thing. That's what makes absolutely.
Come on. Yes, absolutely.
Give me the story like that, man who says honor me in those things.
Cuz John me and those things John or me and bigger things.
But thank God it wasn't there.
Come on. Jess
it is when we catch a revelation of what God does and how God loves us really loves us. I don't mean to listen. I'm going to be real with you. I don't mean the whole you know, God loves me and that's good. I mean a deep heart revelation of his life. Play some of us been raised in church some of us having and you understand when you understand when people say I love you, and it's not really deep. You know what? I mean? I love you, whatever. That's how we call the tree when we say God loves you say. Oh, yeah. I know he loves everyone cool for them for me. Revelation of his love is a really good looking how much he actually cares about you but not tell people that God's obsessed with me my hair.
Come on.
So that we can allow his freedom to come pass if you actually not to Compassus but for us to carry that as a capacity. Imagine if you can carry God's Freedom as a capacity of Department in you. Imagine that you don't have to wait to be free, but you carry something that fries.
If we can actually under down.
I said to Ray this morning in a short version of this. When when you do the spiritual practice of self-examination and you bring everything every piece of junk before the Lord and then you just see how much you miss the mark and holiness. And bring it before the Lord confess it before the Lord and then you meet his grace and that his grace is sufficient sufficient in ourselves to do anything. No, you know what he calls us anyways and uses us anyways, and it's so humbling you and when you meet that when you meet that like that's the magnificence of the Lord and his love for us so that it doesn't it changes everything.
Does change everything?
I know it's you right now. Give me one second. I have to be a dad. Come here.
But why she's at her last class that she's going to be graduating from just School address. And so she's graduating. So my boys are at home right now until I can see what's going on.
You're welcome. You have to do that guy. Ministries fun but being a dad better than that me and best in my heart into those dudes right there. It ain't getting to watch the grandkids Get Wrecked because of what they did cuz I invested. so much more God puts everything on pause for us. You know a lot of times I know you grew up in that generation where it where it said children are to be seen and not heard.
So what happens to us is God we take that same concept and we applied to God. So we really struggle with conversating with them in a love relationship based off of how we've imperative. My son has your daddy will stop in the middle of his sermon to make sure. They're okay. That means God's going to stop in the middle of each what he's doing. Come on, man. It's all in the Bible, dude.
Stop in the middle of doing to make sure you're okay Benjamin.
It's real man.
Absolutely, man. Did you know it's one of my favorite bible stories? To watch one of my favorite because Jesus was not trying to pray for me. It was not on his radar. He's headed to someone's house. If I'm not mistaken the raise a dead child.
And this woman out of nowhere nowhere.
And Jesus had to put everything on pause cuz you got to go to my home.
Everything that we're talking about will affect your worship.
That man you can't explain.
Your heart and weighs at Freddy's transformation that brings open this so where you would share with other people things that you would normally share and because of your vulnerability and how was jamming to be vulnerable to so that God can move on them like you moved on you.
You're vulnerable with each other reason deeper intimacy of worship
truth is the reason why we're scared to go deep with God because we're scared to go deep with each other.
Scripture, how can you say you love God and hate your brother when man is made in the image of God?
How can you go deep with God's not going to be with others because men's made in the NFL.
Come on, man. All of us is longing for family. Old people we can really be open with. I realized I won't get that open until we're able to be open with each other in the same room. Fear of what each other is thinking about it.
Give you a spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind. What is your reasoning through fear and calling it a sound mind that's really off. if your reasoning through love and knowing that you're accepted your you're cared for
Lawson you can resend it in a healthy manner.
Don't you read the scripture in Basehor life of fear from that same scripture while another person reads it and base your life off of love.
Was talking with one of my friends and he was he was a debate about the Old Testament. And in the Old Testament, he said God was angry and he just killed people and I said no. He's a loving father.
Have you read the Old Testament? I said yeah, I read the Old Testament. He's like bro. You can't tell me he's a loving father when hold nations are being slaughtered people getting stoned literally whole Generations wiped out loving father and he was being very cynical about it.
Let me ask you a question. If someone broke into your home to harm your family, how would you respond? He looked at me. He said I would fight them and if they wouldn't listen after I fought them I would keep using different methods of force to protect my family. And I sat there and I said, so are you still a loving father? Even though you're protecting your family by using means of violence at times? He's like it doesn't change that exactly.
He's a loving father who's out to protect his family called the nation of Israel. Because I promised you'd have to come through because you made a promise to their dad Avery.
When we don't see God through love, we won't see other people through love when we don't see him right in that manner that aspect we will it will warp and change our view. I mean we do that we become a pond. Huntington's have limits you know that right? Boundaries and limits. I'm not saying you don't need boundaries Rivers have boundaries.
What ponds have limitation around them? I want you get to the end of a pod. It's just what?
Play river flows guys.
river flows It flows. Naturally. It moves curves. Our worship is like a river. It is supposed to flow. Naturally. It's never supposed to be bottled up in pond it. Make a bottle of worship. You know what that is. That's literally you just getting stuck and things that only you like. Well, I don't like drugs. I'm ever so no drums in it comes out where she can I get mad. I don't like the term you get what I'm saying?
Thank you, because what do Pond where do you find swamps in them? A river thinking is like man. We're going to play with God today. I don't know what it's going to look like.
And you start moving with the spirit?
What did they do? They absolutely do especially if you don't treat them.
Don't worship is never supposed to look upon so you like a river. It is supposed to flow guys from our hearts. from our hearts Hello God that have your heart and flow from him there.
Take a candle on this right now. He wants you guys to be so free and free with each other and from each other that it doesn't hinder your worship.
I want walls to fall down dude.
Like if you can do it, you know, so you don't remember that song. We are younger Joshua the walls of Jericho fall down. 3 to the ground down down down down street. My only want to listen to
psalty the songbook
I really did do. Love salt to use I did I grow this into salty, but then Adventures in Odyssey just took everything over.
But we're cold too cold make people's walls fall down, but that only happens if you look at the story, it was obedience into God, but it was also because they were worshipping.
And there were shoving their openness to God understanding that is not up to me to make walls fall. It's totally up to you. So we're just going to worship you as we move. And walls fell down like our walls wouldn't let me say this to you a lot of your stuff between your walls. Will fall right off of you if you just begin to worship God.
York Jericho being your head
come on, man. Your Jericho be in your own head. bustier
built up in strong
Let's just go there for federally with the story. And the only one that you can help Israel get into that place was what?
Rahab thank you. Thank you a woman of the night.
He actually out the spies get in. God will send you help. From Keithville and things that you least expect, but you have to be Discerning enough to recognize it. Try to give us some truth.
Come on.
I'm not making a very true that we need to get this thing in in line to fall down. Google send help with the question is will you receive his help?
And your strategy isn't going to work for what gods do. But we can have a strategy to do magic is real making a strategy. The strategy is Governor is all climb the wall where they get into the city. We're going to know that the strategies that you can get to worship me even while you walk around the same thing over and over and over.
And when you begin to do that, you need to worship God regardless of how you feel. But you really want who wants to go deep in their worship with him.
Let me help you guys. It's not about what you feel. beautiful things I do not worship. God to feel God.
We will talk then. What's the point? I don't worship him so I can feel him I don't worship until I get goosebumps. Do-Re-Mi against all those things absolutely not but if that is been the motive of My Worship to him in my motive is completely off. If my motor is what you say, it's not it's still seeking. Come on, dude. It's so stinking evil things you don't worship any day. You think he doesn't exist.
Who got that good because I haven't talked to him. whatever
Come on. Yes. Yes, just let me tell you you're absolutely right. So I don't focus on what I feel. Let me know if we want God to encounter us. But are you willing to give God in the counter with you?
Are you willing to give God in the counter with you? But God sitting this it I wonder if Jim's going to encounter me today. But I sure would like to have an encounter with Jim. What to do when an encounter with God. Was you two want to encounter him and what I mean by that is what my son gives me a hug when he sees me when I come home from work. He just hugs me. You know what? I see you smile, you know exactly what I mean. But you're not you did ask for a hug. Did you just run up to you and put their arms around you and be in your response is just to put your arms around them. Maybe you don't have children make you at nieces and nephews are our friends who have kids and you may seem that happen. It's a natural response. Look up moment. Your child's not focused on you hugging them to focus on putting her arms all around you and squeezing, right? Right, the same is true with God if we would just focus on hugging him. What no love just floated him in such a way and not caring what other people think it looks like think of. It. Looks like he's jumping up and down jump up and down.
Looks like you wave your hands like a wave flag do whatever God has placed in your heart to express love to him. It also needs a hug to him and he'll come I promise you he'll come because he loves you and he's big enough to do that. It'll bring these presents and enjoy this really turns on teaching and I'm not focus on feeling God. I'm more focused and this truth in here flowing and next thing, you know.
It's such a strong way runs aside. This is really good. Daddy. Affects how you see it affects how you here? And if that's how you worship because it's not based on it is totally not based on. What you get out of it, please when you loving him and then he make sure he supplies your need because he's Jehovah Jireh.
Lower your provider. He's wanting to provide you with freedom in your emotional route. He's wanting to provide you freedom in your mental realm. He wants to provide you a physical wound. He wants to provide those things.
Always challenge myself with this talk if Jesus was on Earth right now. He walked what would he hold back?
If you can't tell me you're so emotionally broken look at me. identity writing to you to clear up your emotional jump
How do I know it's true? I see in scripture woman's all emotionally battered. She has so many different husband, and she said Jesus we get to speak to her. Directly to her man. Some of the issues that go on in our hearts and that limits us to be in pond is that we just do not accept who God says we are and out of us not accept you got this we are we are looking for except as we're looking for Disney for looking for truth and everything else. And all of that bursts addictions habits Hang-Ups, and there will be Hertz.
So why not just receive who God says you are. Rally around each other who got says they are.
That tickles me every time. Can I look at Zac Harmon was to Zach's in here was that Carmen? Tickles me every time. You are a typically person, dude.
Who was like 23 years ago you came in?
300 wall, dude Can I see a wall he was doing. But you ever watch How to Train Your Dragons most stoic. stoic
and I kept looking at that a buddy.
Call you buy with how you're acting and that's no good, but I see the golden you. He's not he's a rose. Why don't we just walk. Just pour love and when you pour love them people it's not about what they pour back on you. If it's real love, it's not about what you get out of it. If it's what you get out of it, then it's not love. This is me real. We really need to hit that I feel the spirit. If it's based on when you get out of it is totally not love that's a clear sign that you're in it for yourself and when you can gain to really what you're doing is manipulate you really want.
Hello me in the form of influencing for their own good. I mean, I mean really self-seeking what love is I'm going to pour love on you and you can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want because I understand the truth is that when love is seen in love has felt it changes things because Love Never Fails
It was really cool watching. This is Zach was single at the time.
You seemed at the time when a couple times into him. It was really good because you know, there's that scripture a man that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord speaking life into him and next thing you know, God sends a woman.
Is it that squishy teddy bear that back really is?
It had no choice but to just resume.
My best my favorite part of the whole story. I love hearing seeing Zack, but I love when his parents would say to me. His dad, especially didn't really touch my heart. He says that's not the same Sun. Came in here. My son is check. My son is different and I can feel it.
How many times you said things like that to me? And it just stays in my heart and it tells me this is why. I do what I do and I just pour love them people. Judgment can make you change for one moment.
But Love Changes you whether you like it or not. Whether you like it or not. It changes you changes everything. So God knows if she wants your worship the God first. So God doesn't need your worship be okay with that. God does not need you.
He desires it.
But he doesn't need it.
Where's service on that? We need to do it now. We're created for but it's something that we need to do. Kind of like breathing like where you created to breathe. Is your whole existence based on your whole existence based on how many Gulfs of are you take? You're not doing that. If you're in a desperate situation where you're gasping for air then yeah, you're going to do that.
But it was something we get to do. We get to do it. And so we're going to deal why not just take you to the max. Why not give God was he the best where should we can? Not beach with a performance till based on a heart connection with them.
because that type of worship won't stop that type of words of Heaven become silent for you.
This is the only time on Earth or in existence that we can worship god with a bunch of crap.
I said it that strong cuz I want you to realize it. And having you can worship God there's nothing going on wrong. There's no always there's no age. There's no person getting on your nerves.
You don't have any of that. fist bump
Do you have none of that put on Earth? We got we got stuff that comes out us right? We got these things. We got people who can be in the middle of all this nonsense. You would choose to worship God.
Do you think that's precious to him? Pimlico Don Angel
And the be the reason for that person that know how to sing on TV is off on my gosh the Lord's I can listen to them.
That's coming from the heart and it's connecting with me is it? Oh my goodness, and it feels it feels his heart.
How do we live in that place? How do we actually take a start? Let me tell you if you really want to know if you really want to go there as a church, then it starts with Von ability with each other.
It starts that way.
Not the only one with everybody. Will you find someone who you can? And do share your heart? Share your heart with that.
If you're a guy and you don't have anybody to do that with another guy, that's what we're doing on Thursday. Every other Thursday night. We're going to meet this next Thursday, and that's what we're doing. We're praying for each other. We're sharing things that are deep and spend been really cool to see that. Go ahead dad.
Oh, that's right for skipping one week cuz of the yeah, it's the first and third Thursday will be a week after next. Sorry. I forgot about that. But that's what's happening there. You know, we're encouraging one another we're pushing each other, but we're also going through some hard things together. So and you know what stays in that meeting on Thursday. What comes to that meeting on Thursday night stays in that meeting, except we give to the Lord. Meet but we can trust you and he loves us. Come on. But that's huge. My let me say this last part like he says what stays what goes on in that meeting stays that meeting like if you're really going to be the honorable with each other. That's one key thing to want ability the people that You're vulnerable with it's not for the public news.
Best fruit that's hard to trust gets broken. When you break trust with people, it hurts, it's hard very hard to go from that very hard to regain that. You have to be able to come unglued with people. That's what it true church communities about what happens if maybe it starts up with like five guys, and you guys are just being vulnerable to each other and breaking stuff is breaking off of you guys to do that openness. God's word won't return void, you know, so if you confess your sins one to another you're going to receive a healing
What's the average you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven? Whatever you loose on Earth is loosed in heaven you guys start doing that stuff being start shaking off each other breaking off then all the sudden other people like hey, you want to come to our group and because of the opening vulnerability that you guys created? It empowers other people to do that.
I'm at 2. And that will affect your worship. How to make God into make worship even deeper in your heart towards God but it also makes worshiping with your family even deeper. I don't know what you guys enjoy family get-togethers. Like it's it's good as long as my uncle doesn't show up.
What is usually good family? Get-togethers are good. The reason why because you just love being around certain of your family that you haven't seen in awhile. And you hang out and you remember good times. That's what happens when you build connection and devious here. Do you look forward to working with him all the time? I am tickled at the way. God tickles him. I am tickled literally in my spirit. I get a joy to me listening to you worship and getting lost in God. It just tickles my heart mother from Bill. You guys know the other goes gangster under Bill. It's kind of wild. I did but my heart loves Bill and one thing about Bill doesn't matter where he's at. You if you he's in a room, you will hear him worship because you'll hear up somewhere. I love him. But it doesn't matter wherever he's at. There's a freedom with him as a child to go or we love you.
Who will worship me with him? I feel like a kid in the playground.
I really do. I feel like a kid in a playground with his friends going to do what we doing at recess right now. seriously
Bill and Bill, yeah
So I would encourage you guys. To see the golden each other to not lose sight of who a person is not based on how they're acting in the moment, but to be reminded of who they are and ask the Lord to help bring that reality of who they are out. Are you off watch how to fix you and how you worship God?
right Benjamin
You know, I have one Sunday and we would actually do the sermon.
I've been playing for like 34 weeks. I got back from Florida and it didn't go that way bill came then I came today and I Got This Server can't wait so good.
Why are you hanging out with you? And I'm going to hang on to it like a parachute play God. Sometimes I think he's just prepping the ground so when it comes out is actually his receipts. Sexy received like cuz it's really good. It will it really will because I can't wait to tell you guys but if you have time to study I tell you read about this. Read about the inner Court the outer outer court and court and holy of holies. Because based off of that we're going to gain in Revelation on Howard's how it affects us when we worship. because like that with as that was a three-part Temple, so are we
And that was a three-part Temple. So are we?
And if you understand how they worship in those in that three-part Temple, you'll understand how to move your physical being your emotional being your mental being. into the place of the spirit so that you can worship in spirit.
If you can learn to do that, and where should you learn to do that in your prayer life, too?
k So hopefully next week. We're able to dive into that.
Until they're guys. I love you. All. God bless you and may his face shine on you on you.