Spiritual Failure

You With God/God With You  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  57:10
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JOHN 1-4 WILL YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS GOD, MESSIAH, AND SAVIOR? JOHN 5-9 DON’T REJECT THE AUTHORITY, SOVEREIGNTY, DIVINE SOURCE, AND DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST. REJECTION REVEALS SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS. JOHN 10-12 JESUS CARES FOR YOU, WILL YOU TRUST HIM? JOHN 10 TRUST IN JESUS YOUR SHEPHERD. FOR ETERNITY. FOR TODAY. JOHN 11 (RAISING LAZARUS) JESUS’ POWER OVER DEATH REVEALS HIS MESSIAHSHIP. GOD GENUINELY CARES ABOUT OUR HURTING HEARTS! JOHN 12 CONFLICT OF BELIEF EACH PERSON MUST CHOOSE WHETHER THEY WILL BELIEVE IN JESUS AND USE THEIR LIFE FOR ETERNAL IMPACT. JOHN 13 TRUE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST LOVE AND SERVE ONE ANOTHER OUT OF A TRANSFORMED HEART! JOHN 14 LIVING IN THE ETERNAL PRESENCE OF GOD IS ONLY THROUGH CHRIST. THE HOLY SPIRIT ENABLES LOVING OBEDIENCE. JOHN 15:1-17 ABIDING IN CHRIST RESULTS IN RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, INTERNAL JOY, AND LOVING OTHERS. JOHN 15:18-16:15 THE HOLY SPIRIT HELPS US UNDERSTAND THE REJECTION OF THE WORLD AND THE TRUTH OF GOD. STAND ON TRUTH JOHN 16:16-31 REMEMBERING THE PRESENCE OF GOD ENABLES ME TO LIVE IN HOPE. THE FATHER WITH JESUS AND JESUS WITH THE FATHER (VICTORY OVER DEATH) GIVES PEACE AND CONFIDENCE TO DO LIFE TODAY! THE PRESENCE OF GOD ENABLES FAITHFULNESS TODAY. JOHN 17 JESUS’ PRAYER EXPERIENCE GOD’S LOVE AND JOY TODAY BY LIVING OUT GOD’S TRUTH TODAY. JOHN 18:1-11 AS GOD, JESUS WILLINGLY COMMITS HIMSELF TO DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER TO DIE FOR MAN. FOLLOW GOD’S DESIGN FOR YOUR LIFE. Spiritual Failure JOHN 18:12-27 Spiritual Failure Observations 1. The political and religious leaders were set in their opposition to Christ. 12-14 2. Peter positions himself to observe but avoids identifying with Jesus. 15-18 3. Jesus firmly stands on the truth He has taught. 19-24 4. Peter’s choices lead to spiritual failure. 25-27 Spiritual Failure Principles 1. Remaining faithful is rooted in maintaining truth. 2. Rejection of truth completely denies the teaching of Christ. 3. There is a difference between spiritual failure and rejection of truth. 4. Spiritual failure often comes following spiritual highs or in life challenges. DON’T REJECT TRUTH; RECOGNIZE SPIRITUAL FAILURE. APPLICATION 1. Root myself in truth: theologically, accurately, continually. 2. Be honest about my spiritual failure. 3. Allow the moments of recognizing my spiritual failure lead me back to Christ. APPLICATION 4. Recognize the weakness of my flesh to help prepare myself for times of temptation. 5. Major spiritual failure does not have to keep me from restoration and faithful service of our Lord —Repent and turn back to truth. ACCEPT TRUTH; MOVE FORWARD FROM SPIRITUAL FAILURE.
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