Sharing Jesus is Worth It (John 4:1-42)

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I'm just go ahead and pray before I start father. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about you and about your son Jesus in your word. I pray that you would speak to all of us. Threw me right now change us into the likeness of your son. change our hearts Lord

I can't change my own heart and I can't change the hearts of these people. You've brought here today only you can do that only you can change our hearts through your word in the power of the Holy Spirit living inside us.

I ask this in Jesus name. Amen. We're going to be in John chapter 4 today John 41 through 42 is the story about Jesus's encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well and in his account, Jesus shares himself with this woman and really the entire town of sychar and by doing this he shows us why we should also share him with others. But if we're honest we all have a tendency to not share Jesus with people

Wayne Gretzky the famous hockey player once said you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take. A shooting a goal in hockey and sharing Jesus are very different, but the principles the same. We will see failure 100% of the time when we refused to share Jesus. And we take we don't take the shot for all kinds of reasons. We think that the risk is not worth the reward. Or it's too awkward to bring up in normal conversation or we think they won't believe it anyway. are worried that will be made fun of her thought less of these are all valid concerns about the risks of sharing Jesus, but they ignore the reward the value of the reward. When we truly understand the value of sharing Jesus the risks become less important.

So what is the value of sharing Jesus and how does that value overcome our tendency to not take the shot? And John 41 through 42. Jesus shows us the value of sharing the good news of the New Covenant the value of sharing him. Jesus gives life. He Grant you freedom and sharing Jesus is satisfying. But before we start unpacking these truths, let's get a bit of the context for this story. Verses 1 through 6 of John chapter 4 says now in Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making him baptizing more disciples than John. Although Jesus himself did not baptized but only a disciples. He left you there and departed again for Galilee and he had to pass through Samaria. So he came to a town of Samaria called psych are in a field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's Well was there so Jesus where he does he was from his journey was sitting beside the well, it was about the sixth hour. Send the previous chapter. Jesus had cleared out the temple spoke of Nicodemus and began his baptism Ministry and now Jesus knows that he's generating a bit more attention from the religious leaders, then he wants so he leaves you there to go back to Galilee. To his home and the normal route for a Jew heading that direction was kind of roundabouts. They would cross over the Jordan and head up to Galilee on the Eastern side to avoid Samaria. And I did this because they hated the Samaritans and the Samaritans hated them.

This was a blood Feud. Kind of like the Hatfields and The McCoys in American history. Or if you're familiar with Shakespeare is like the like the montagues and capulets from Romeo and Juliet. The Samaritans were the remnant of the Northern Kingdom of Israel who are left in the land after their deportation their exile. And they intermingled with the Assyrians and the Jews. They are the remnant of the Southern Kingdom.

Of Judah who returned after their Exile in Babylon to pick up the broken pieces of their culture. Now the northern and southern kingdoms already had their differences and prejudices against each other, but the Samaritan's they were double Traders not only did they abandon their people to join with the Assyrians, but they also abandon God by choosing to worship on their own terms rather than his But the Jews were no better because they refused to forgive the Samaritans and all but forced them to go against the proper worship of God by refusing to allow them to come and worship in Jerusalem. So when I text says that Jesus had to pass through Samaria, it's not because there was no other way for him to go. Because he had a Divine appointment to keep to show us what he was on Earth to accomplish. The Jesus comes to the town of sychar near the field to Jacob gave his son Joseph which had a well it was about a half a mile from town. And Jesus goes to the well and he sits down at midday. The sixth hour is about noon. And he was weary from his journey. Yes. Jesus got weary from walking. He was just as human as you and me, so the stage is set for Jesus's Divine appointment. Let's see what happens and how Jesus shows us the value of sharing him with others. Verses 7 through 15 says a woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples have gone away into the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him. How is it that you a Jew? Ask for a drink from me as a woman of Samaria for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. The woman said to him sir. You have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob he gave us the the well and drank from it himself as did his sons in his livestock. Jesus said to her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. The woman said to him sir. Give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water. People need water for life. Kind of obvious statement, but that's why that well was there in the first place? The human body can only survive a few days without water. It's a necessary component to keep living. And Jesus has just been walking for an entire morning. It's super hot and you need to drink. And the Samaritan woman shows up at the well at the wrong time of day to get water.

It was not the time when anyone else came to get water in the heat of the day.

And Jesus's disciples are gone into the city to buy lunch. So Jesus in this woman We're alone for the time being and Jesus asks her for a drink. I was just shocking. Remember the feud. She is certainly shocked. She probably looked around to see if Jesus is talking to anyone else. But who else would be there at that time of day so she hesitates and she asked this strange Jew what kind of trick he's trying to pull on her. His answer uses the physical need of that water and meats for physical life to show her the spiritual need that Jesus meets to have eternal life.

Z just like people need water for life. People need Jesus for eternal life.

Jesus is the one who asked her for a drink first, but now he turns the conversation on its head and implies that she's the one that's in need of his water. And Jesus appealed to his identity, but he keeps it kind of hidden for now if you only knew who was speaking to you right now. Well, she's fairly confused by this conversational turn. So she questions him. How are you going to get water without the proper tools to retrieve it from this deep. Well, And if the water is not from this world, and where'd you get it from? There's no other source of water for Miles. So if you found another source of water stone near that means you did what I great ancestor. Jacob couldn't do. You think she doubts Jesus's claim because just like Nicodemus in the previous chapter. She's thinking in an Earthly way rather than a spiritual way. She clarified Jesus clarifies that he is not talking about physical water in physical water quenches your thirst for a while. But you always have to come back for more. spiritual water that quenches your thirst forever Wow.

Way to stay forever hydrated. Without having to come back for more water. That sounds like a pretty good invention. At least that's what the Samaritan woman was thinking cuz she still hasn't picked up that Jesus is speaking about spiritual things.

So the first half of this conversation showed that Jesus gives life now in the second half of the conversation verses 16 through 30. We're going to see that Jesus grants freedom.

Verses 16 through 30 says Jesus said to her go call your husband and come here. The woman answered him. I have no husband. Jesus said you are you are right in saying I have no husband for you have had five husbands. And the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true. The woman said to him sir. I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers were served on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship. Jesus said to her woman believe me. The hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. Will you worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit. And those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth. The woman said to him. I know that Messiah is coming. He was called Christ when he comes he will tell us all things in Jesus said to her I who speak to you and he Just then his disciples came back. They marveled that he was talking with a woman but no one said what do you seek or why are you talking with her? So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people come see a man who told me all that. I ever did can this be the Christ they went out of the town and we're coming to him. The Jesus offers freedom from ignorance. Jesus reveals the Samaritan women's ignorance of the law. He tells her to bring her husband to him fully knowing that she's had five husbands in the past and the guy she's with now isn't officially her husband. She tries to hide or situation by simply saying that she has no husband. But Jesus knows our situation and he tells her about her own life. What no one else should know. He does this to steer the conversation toward the climax of revealing his true identity as the Christ. I hurt ignorance of the law gives rise to a question that she's had about the proper place to worship. God remember the feud between the Samaritans and the Jews the North and the South. Because the southern Kingdom refused to let the northern kingdom worship God in Jerusalem the north built their own Temple at Mount gerizim. To worship God our first this sounds Noble. I mean they just wanted to worship God, right? The God was very specific very specific in his word about how and where to worship Him. And the northern kingdom decided to worship him on their own terms. They had become ignorant of what constituted true worship under the old Covenant. in Jesus's answer reveals that ignorance, but he gives hope in the freedom the New Covenant brings Jesus offers freedom to worship God properly Jesus asserts that there is coming a time when the location of worship will be a moot point. How many reveals the Samaritan ignorance of proper old Covenant worship Samaritans worship what they don't know? Jews worship what they know you see the Jews held onto the Covenant and the promises where the Samaritans have been doing their own thing for a while. and salvation Salvation is from the Jews because the Covenant and promises that the Jews held onto they all point to the Messiah. It would be a Jew and who would bring Salvation from sin and death.

When Jesus makes a very theologically rich statement about the nature of worship and the nature of God. He says the proper worship is in spirit. And in the truth because God is Spirit. Worshiping in spirit and Truth means heartfelt Adoration of God expressed in the way that God has dictated as proper. Let me see that again worshiping in spirit and Truth means heartfelt Adoration of God expressed in the way that God has dictated as proper. You see many of the Jews were worshipping by simply going through the motions not heartfelt adoration not worshiping in spirit. Sometimes we can find ourselves doing the same can't we? We come to church because it's what we've always done. What's expected of us? We read our Bible because that's what we've always done and that's what's expected of us. Are we pray before meals, but rarely any other time of the day because we get so busy and preoccupied with life.

We need to wake up to the truth of the Gospel the truth of who Jesus is and what he is done. Worshiping in spirit is letting the truth of the Gospel hit you. To the praise and thankfulness can't help of flow out. Now the flipside many of the Samaritans were worshipping on their own worshipping their own way not worshipping properly as God is dictated not worshiping in truth. We can also find ourselves here. worshipping on our own terms in our age of social media and instant gratification. It's easy to find people who will tell us. Exactly what we want to hear. Not necessarily what we should here.

What we need to hear. When we set our priorities and perceptions above God's it's easy to twist his truth into lies. We end up worshipping a God made in our own image rather than worshipping. The only true God who made us in His image.

Where the humbly come to God's word and let him confirm our perceptions and priorities to his. We have to submit to him and worship in truth.

True spiritual worship happens in God's presence and in the New Covenant, he dwells inside all who have been saved in the New Covenant. We are free to worship God properly in spirit and in truth because Jesus grants freedom from sin and death.

What is Samaritan woman is a little confused by the steel logical assertion? So she says that the Messiah is going to come and explain all this confusing stuff.

and then Jesus says I who speak to you and he

I who speak to you and he

what? I who speak to you am he? I just gives me chills everytime. I read it. Jesus candidly claims to be the Messiah the Christ. Oh, yeah you're looking for. The one you're looking forward to be a vet to me.

And this is not some metaphorical statement, right? He says I the guy who's speaking to you right now.

I'm the Messiah you're looking for. This is Earth shattering news. I imagine that the woman stood there for a second just letting that truth hit her like a ton of bricks.

And just as Jesus said that his disciples returned from getting lunch and saw him talking with the Samaritan woman. They're probably chatting amongst themselves. They came up to the well here in the last couple of statements between Jesus and this woman. They would have heard the women saying that she's looking forward to the coming Messiah and then Jesus saying I who speak to you and he the chatting was probably brought to an abrupt halt. The silence around the well palpable. That's the reality of Jesus's statement comes crashing in.


so the woman takes her jaw up off the floor and leaves a water jar and goes into town where the disciples had just come from and she tells everyone she sees about Jesus. She gives them the punchline of her conversation Jesus his identity as the Christ and she also invites them to come and find out for themselves that Jesus is the Christ who offers living water and spiritual freedom.

So we saw through this conversation that Jesus gives life and grants Freedom now will see you in his conversation with his disciples in verses 31 through 38 that sharing. Jesus is satisfying. verses 31 through 38 does meanwhile the disciples were urging him saying Rabbi eat, but he said to them I have food to eat that you do not know about. So the disciple said to one another. Has anyone brought him something to eat. Jesus said to them my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say there are yet, four months then comes the Harvest. Look I tell you lift up your eyes and see that the fields are white for Harvest already. The one who is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life so that Cellar and Reaper May Rejoice together for here the same holds true one Tso's and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor others have labored and you have entered into their labor. God gives us a hunger to do his will. the disciples didn't really get this at first again thinking Earthly rather than spiritually they offered Jesus some lunch and he use the food to illustrate the importance of what was occurring in that Samaritan town.

Food is important arguably just as important as water to live. But the new spiritual life that was happening inside car was more important more satisfying to Jesus than the best meal. Jesus says my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. The thing that was the most satisfying for Jesus the thing that compelled him like a hunger. Was to work toward the salvation of Lost Souls. The reason Jesus was sent the will of the father was to go to the Cross to pay the penalty for our sin and reconcile us with the father. To bring in the New Covenant so that we could have eternal life in him and worship in spirit and Truth.

And we also have this god-given hunger to do his will because we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. in the New Covenant and God gives us satisfaction together. As we labor to do his will. Jesus extends this metaphor of food to that of sowing and reaping a harvest for food. He says look. Probably pointing to the people who had just started showing up at the well from the city. Fields are white for Harvest. They're ready. Sychar had been sown and now it was time to reap New Life In Christ.

As we share Jesus with others. We are either sowing the seed of the Gospel or we are reaping the Harvest as people find Salvation in Christ. And Jesus says that the seller and the reaper Rejoice together over the Harvest because it doesn't matter which role you have. The result is the same satisfaction. Both the seller and the reaper do their job because they want food because they're hungry. They both have a hunger that needs to be satisfied. And both are satisfied by the end result of their combined effort. Jesus says that the disciples have entered into someone else's labor. They were the Reapers to Jesus and the Samaritan woman sewing and God was satisfying their hunger to do his will just as he will do with you and me.

So we saw the Jesus gives life and grants Freedom. We also saw that sharing Jesus satisfies a god-given hunger to do his will sharing. Jesus is worth it for the recipients because by receiving Jesus, they receive life and freedom and sharing Jesus is worth it for the sharers because it satisfies our god-given hunger to do his will. But what happened with the people of sidecar, what's the conclusion of this story versus 39 through 42 says many Samaritans from that town believes in him because of the woman's testimony. He told me all that I ever did so in the Samaritans came to him. They asked him to stay with them and he stayed their two days and many more believe because of his word. They said to the woman it is no longer because of what you said that we believe for we have heard for ourselves and we know that this is indeed the savior of the world.

So what happened?

They truly believed. They believed the woman's testimony, but then as they interacted with Jesus the truth of her testimony became evident.

And they believed because of their own encounters with Jesus. This Jesus really is the Messiah the Christ the anointed one promised in Scripture. Who would save his people from sin and death and give them eternal life and freedom from sin? The Samaritans believe Jesus is true identity as the Christ the savior of the world, but the Jews back in the temple back in the end of John chapter 2. They only believe what they wanted to believe. The Jesus was only a teacher come from God is Nicodemus that in chapter 3?

So then what should we do?

Well, if you've not yet put your faith in Christ then look to the truth of scripture. Not just my testimony. And see the Jesus truly is the savior of the world who can save you from sin and death believe that Jesus is the promised one who came to die in your place. So that you can be reconciled to God. Believe and submit to him as Lord of your life so that you can have eternal life and freedom from sin. Not for those of us who are already believers. Share Jesus with everyone. And your context share him with your friends and family sharing with your co-workers and your boss sharing with your landlord and your neighbors. Share him with your cashier and your bagger. Share him with anyone who will listen to you. Share Jesus because he gives eternal life and he grants freedom from sin and share him because it's satisfying to do so. Take the shot. every chance you get it's worth it.

Father thank you for these truths.

Thank you. Thank you for saving us by sending your son to die for us and Rise Again to secure our place in your family forever.

Thank you that we have eternal life in Christ.

Thank you that we have freedom in Christ. Freedom to worship you properly in spirit and in truth. freedom from sin and death

and thank you that you give us a satisfaction and sharing Jesus.

You placed a hunger to share him and you satisfy that hunger by allowing us to be a part of your plan to save people. I pray that you would satisfy our hunger. here Indonesia in the whole Bay Area We would see people come to faith in Christ. father do a work Among Us so we can Rejoice all the more in your Saving Grace. We thank you and praise you in Jesus name. Amen.

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