This Beast Is Not A Beauty
Daniel’s Vision
Daniel’s Vision
Whenever you study John’s Revelation there is the recommendation that you refer to Daniel. 7.1-8 I have heard it said that you cannot understand Revelation until you understand Daniel. Both books are filled with visions and allegorical messages. Both can be confusing. Daniel saw 4 beasts instead of 1. The first was of a lion with wings like an eagle. Its wings were torn off and it stood on 2 feet like a human. The second looked like a bear. It was raised up on one side and had 3 ribs in its mouth. the third was like a leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads. The fourth was more terrifying, it had huge iron teeth, 10 horns while Daniel watched a small horn appeared and rooted out the first 3 horns. This horn had eyes and spoke boastfully.
The 1st might refer to Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire . The wings plucked of to his humiliation when he lost his mind and lived in the wild like an animal until he confessed the Lord God Almighty.
The 2nd, the 3 ribs refer to the Mead o-Persian empire Babylon, Lydia, Egypt.
the 3rd the leopard refers to Greece under Alexander the Great and how he conquered much of the known world at that time with great speed. Macedonia, Egypt, Syria, and Thrace, which is upper Greece into modern day Turkey.
The 4th would refer to Rome . It was a great power the ten heads refer to 10 emperors . The little horn replaced the first three.
Daniel’s vision began with events that he was familiar with and extended into the future.
Let us look at John’s vision. Last week we saw the great serpent , the devil who raged and took a third of the stars from heaven and was thrown down to the earth. Now we see him give power to a beast from the sea. One who has 7 heads, 10 horns, 10 crowns on the head of the dragon and 10 crowns on the horns of the sea beast. When scholars try to explain this vision they go once again to earthly kingdoms : Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Persia, Rome, and then to the restored Roman empire. Rome was a city built on 7 hills which could explain the seven heads. This beast resembled a leopard with feet like a bear, the mouth of a lion. One of the heads seemed to have a fatal wound but had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and worshipped the beast.
False worship, imitation of God’s plan, speaking blasphemy for 3 and 1/2 years, 42 months. this would have been the time in history when the Roman emperors declared themselves to be sons of god or gods themselves. Christians would have been required to pledge allegiance to Caesar by saying Caesar is lord. the coins bore the inscription son of god.
John wrote in his first letter 2:18 naming this one the anti-christ. He was given the power to make war against the saints , to overcome any who remained faithful to God. all will worship the beast except those whose names are in the Book of Life.
Once again we have the admonition ; If anyone has an ear, let him hear. Suffering is predicted, the people of God are called to have patience and faith.
John then writes that he saw a second beast come out of the earth. with 2 horns like a lamb, but it spoke like the dragon. It exercised authority on behalf of the first beast. It preformed great signs even calling down fire from heaven. This is all a sham. A parody of God’s plan. Satan wants to copy God. He can do similar things but they lack reality and substance. It reminds me of the story of the day that Satan told God that he could make a man just like God did. so God accepted the challenge and told Satan to go for it. Satan bent over and scooped up a handful of dirt and started to form it, , but God interrupted him and said; “Get your own dirt.” Satan is all about copying , making a cheap knock-off.
Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2.1-12 That God is now restraining the lawless one who is at work in the world. He will be reveled. He will use all sorts of false signs and wonders to deceive God’s people. Many will believe the lie and take pleasure in unrighteousness. they will perish because they did not receive the love of truth that they might be saved.
Those who refuse to worship the beast will be killed, but in being killed they will enter into God’s kingdom and eternal life. all people will be required to have the mark of the beast on their forehead or right hand in order to buy or sell.
This brings up the discussion about what the mark of the beast is? Scholars have studied this for generations. They have attempted to assign numerical numbers to letters to come up with names. I the early days of the church there was a believe that Nero had not really died or had been resurrected from the dead. One method of numbering identified him. Another theory is the number 666 (some have come up with 616) see how easy it is to number something in a way to prove your point. 777 is a perfect number and refers to God. Using the numbering system the number for Jesus is 888. then you have to consider is the number from Greek, Hebrew, or Latin. No matter what the number or method, Satan and his works are counter fit . Many men have been suggested for the anti christ, In the last century; Hitler, Stalin, Gorbachev.
Identifying the anti christ is not important at this time. Nor trying to set a date.
First; Jesus himself said that no one knows the day or time except the Father.
Second; those who believe will be taken up, raptured, to be with the Lord.
Third; throughout the opening of the 7 seals there is time for people to repent. Between the 6th and 7th
seals the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel are sealed. John saw a great multitude who believed.
Fourth; After the two witnesses were resurrected a great earthquake destroyed a tenth of the city and 7000 were killed, the rest were afraid and gave glory to God.
Fifth; today we read that those who refused the mark of the beast were killed. they were believers in Jesus.
5 times people believed and were saved after the rapture of the church. 5 times others refused to believe God. Cursed him instead of believing and praising him.
People today are refusing to believe in God, to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior and welcome the Holy Spirit into their lives. We are seeing signs and wonders in our time. Many still do not believe. How about you? Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, don’t put it off any longer. Today is the day of salvation.