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Pauls Salutation vs. 1-3

In all of Pauls letters he introduces himself either as an apostle or a prisoner depending on the tone of the letter
example in both letters to the corinthians he introduces himself as an apostle and both letter dealt with some serious issues in that church, but here we find Paul introducing himself as a prisoner.
Paul was imprisoned in Rome when he wrote this letter to Philemon, and we will see him reference this a few times throughout the letter
Timothy was with Paul when this letter was written
Notice Timothy isn’t just introduced as Timothy’s Brother but as Philemons as well “our brother”
Then we are introduced to who this letter is written too.
Our dearly beloved and fellowlabourer
Our beloved Apphia
And Archippus our fellow soldier
Notice the repetition of the word “our” as Paul builds camaraderie
And to the church in thy house
Evidently Archippus was one of the ministers at the church at Colosse where Philemon lived.
Colossians 4:17 “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.”
Grace to you (The House of Philemon)
I read one illustration of grace that went like this
you look out the window and see someone stealing your car, you call the police and the police catch him and call you to come down to the station to get your car and decide if you want to press charges against the person who stole your car. You get to the station and they show you your car and there is no damage or anything like that. they ask you what you want to do
Justice would be that you press charges because stealing a car is wrong and deserves punishment according to the law
Forgiveness would be to let the person who stole your car go and not press charges.
Grace would be that you you tell the person who stole your car there is no reason to steal your car. I have two cars, I’ll give you one, I’ll fill the tank with gas and pay for a year of insurance on it so you won’t have to worry about it.
That is how God treated us
and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was not only grace that Paul asked for, for Philemon but also peace
Peace means the war is over
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Notice who the grace and peace comes from
God our Father
God was Paul’s father, Philemons father and He is now Onesimus
The Lord Jesus Christ
Lord- Shows Christ as owner
Jesus - Emphasizes the person of Christ
Christ - Emphasizes the Position of Christ

Pauls Love for Philemon vs 4-7

Notice the first thing Paul tells Philemon that he is always praying for him
When Paul said he was going to pray, he prayed. I can imagine the prayer list that Paul had as he prayed for the many churches, christians and unreached people he had met along the way.
While his prayer list was long, you could guarantee when Paul said he prayed for you, he did.
Paul had heard of His love and faith he had towards the Lord Jesus
The Love and faith he had in Jesus caused the Love he had for others
Our love for Jesus overflows into a love for others.
In verse 6 we see that the Good works that Philemon does are because of Christ Jesus
When they looked on the goodness and generosity of Philemon they saw the goodness and generosity of Jesus in Him.
Then Paul tells him that he finds great joy and consolation or comfort in his love.
He finds that because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by him
Bowels here means their hearts are refreshed
refreshed means revived or cheered
Paul encouraged Philemon by telling him that the saints hearts are revived by him and his generosity.

Pauls request vs. 8-19

Verse 8 could be summarized like this Philemon, I’m going to ask you to do something for me, though, of course, as your spiritual father, I could command you to do it”
Paul could have used his position to command Philemon to forgive Onesimus for probably stealing some property or money from him and running away, but what good would that have done. It would have caused resentment and disunity between Paul, Philemon and Onesimus.
Verse 9 Paul didn’t command, but he appealed to Philemon.
Paul didn’t command him but for loves sake he beseeched or asked with urgency.
He appealed as Paul the aged or his elder
He appealed as Paul the Prisoner of Jesus Christ
For the Second time in the letter Paul identifies himself as a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
Verse 10 Paul gives him the reason for the letter
Onesimus had fled to Rome to blend in with the large crowds, but somehow he met Paul and Paul led him to Christ.
“His son” Onesimus
Paul gives value to Onesimus
Though he was unprofitable to you, he has recently been profitable to Paul.
Paul asks Philemon to receive Onesimus as if it were Paul’s own heart, he would have kept him to minister to him as he was in the bonds of the Gospel
Paul didn’t keep him because it was his duty to send him back to Philemon as he was property of Philemon.
According to Roman Law Onesimus was property of Philemon and Paul had no legal right to keep him
Paul asks him to receive Onesimus back.
Legally speaking Philemon could have killed Onesimus for running away and if Philemon wasn’t a gracious man he likely would have.
Paul takes it a step further
Don’t just receive him as a servant but above a servant
A brother beloved
He was beloved by Paul
But how much more could he be loved by Philemon both in the flesh as he had returned and in the Lord as he had received Christ as his saviour?
Nature is selfish but grace is loving. People who boast that they care for nobody and nobody cares for them are the reverse of a Christian, for Jesus Christ enlarges the heart when he cleanses it
Paul appeals to their relationship again in verse 17
Paul promises to repay anything that Onesimus took, and then reminds him how much Philemon owes him vs. 18-19

Pauls Goodbye vs. 20-23

Paul will find Joy and his heart will be revived if Philemon receives him
Paul knows he will do the right thing vs. 21
Pauls final request
Prepare me a room
Salute these people
Paul reminds him of grace
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