We overcome by the word of our testimony
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All of the testing that you are going through or have gone through are a part of your testimonies
What I’m going to share with you may sound a little silly, please bear with me as I try to share something important with you: your spirit man is like the ark of the covenant (you remember Indiana Jones, right?)
where the testaments were placed to be secured for the future of all mankind.
I’m not talking right now about biblical accuracy, btw! (Smile)
When you endure the enemies, temptations in your own selfish ways, your spirit man, develops and overcoming power. When you speak from your spirit man, you overcome.
Now let me kind of elaborate on something if you’re not familiar with what I just said. Each of us has a body, soul & spirit. So, I’m not telling you something that’s way out in left field.
First, let’s make sure we share the same definition of the word testimony, as it relates to the life of faith. What do you think of when you hear the word testimony as it relates to the life of faith?
Most people will say, Testimony is the story of a persons, spiritual journey.
Basically, they defined testimony as someone’s personal spiritual narrative. And while their testimony includes parts of a biography, that isn’t the heart of it.
I’ll set aside the definition stealing with the legal or courtroom, testimony, and focus on the spiritual dimension.
· The verb to testify as defined like this:
· To Express, or declare a strong belief, especially to make a declaration of faith
· To make a statement based on personal knowledge, in support of an asserted fact.
· To declare publicly; make known
· To bear witness; provide evidence for
· The noun Testimony is to find this way:
· Evidence, in support of a fact or assertion; proof
· A public declaration regarding a religious experience
The word of God is full of people who testified to the power, majesty, and mercy of God:
· Joseph testified to his brothers when he said, “do not be afraid, for, am I in the place of God? But as for you, you intended to harm me, but God intended for good, in order to bring in about as it is this day, to save many lives. so now, do not fear” Genesis 50: 19-21
· Job said to the Lord, “I know you can do everything, and that no thought can be withheld from you” Job 42:2
· David said, “I sought the lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears” Psalms, chapter 34:4
· Marry declared, “for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name” Luke chapter 1: 49
· Steven, moments before he was stoned, said, “look! I see the heavens opened, and the son of man standing at the right hand of God! “Acts 7: 56
· Paul told the Philippians, “Everywhere in an all things I have learned the secret, both to be full and be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things because of Christ, who strengthens me” Philippians 4: 12 -13.
If you notice one thing all these Testimony’s have in common, is that all the speakers direct our attention to the Lord.
Our testimony, like our worship, is meant to magnify the lord, not our own ego. Only when Jesus is exalted will our testimony bare, the witness of the Holy Spirit!
I am taking another week off our regular steps study to share with you about testimonies considering what we have learned about last week, and the word repudiation.
It is essential that as we grow in our recoveries that we can share it with other people and not just those within our small groups here at Restoration Pointe.
Do you like to share good news right? Your testimony is of course good news.
If all we did was share that with people here at Restoration Pointe that would become super easy, but you would not be challenged to go step outside of your own testimony and recovery and share with other people.
This can be a sort of proving ground for you, if you’ll be willing to do something more with your testimonies. Everyone of you here right now and those who are watching should be able to share with someone about your testimony and recovery!
One of things that I have noticed in life is that the enemy uses fear to keep us, subdued, about sharing Jesus Christ with others.
Sometimes we need to be quick to remember that God will give us the word to say, at the right time, and to the right person, because of the Holy Spirit, or have we forgotten?
I know most people are basically fearful of writing out their testimony and sharing it with other people.
But I would be remiss as your leader to tell you that if all you do is to come here enjoy the fellowship, share in small group and you’re OK plus having a recovery partner.
That would be wrong of me.
So, my question to each of you right now, is when would you be willing to share your testimony here?
2 questions for you to talk about in your small groups:
Would you realistically be able to share your testimony with anyone?
When will you share your testimony here at Restoration Pointe?