The Expectation
Imitators of God • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Series Title: “Imitators of God”
Scripture: ONLY READ 5:1-2
Ephesians 4:25-5:2
25 Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. 26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil. 28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
5:1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Title – The Expectation
As we continue on with our journey together.
One that explains to us what it means to be “imitators of God.”
We want to recap, up to this point.
We find in Chapter 5:1-2 the title of the list, “To Be an Imitator of God.”
We started this series off by looking for “THE LIST” that defines what an “Imitator of God” looks like.
Chapter 5:3-14 was not “THE LIST!”
We learned there are two reasons 5:3-14 is not the list!
First, is the word “Therefore!”
Paul points us to the list by the (MARKER or) first word we see in the (ESV) translation of (5:1) “Therefore!”
We learned that the word “Therefore” is translated 4 different ways in Ephesians ….
In 5:1 the word therefore is OUN which is implying the conclusion of a process of reasoning.
Example: You were out pass curfew, with friends you are not allowed to hang with, and you put a dent in my car, THEREFORE, (your dead meat) you are grounded.
Title: Reasons You Are Grounded
List: curfew, friends, dent
This marker, “Therefore” points us toward the LIST!
The List is found in Chapter 4:25-32
The second reason 5:3-14 could not be the list is because it points out what God is not!
Not a Sexual being (3)(5)
Does not Speak negatively (4)
Is not naïve (fooled)(6)
Does not Change (He will not go to the Dark side)(13 & 14)
We understood that in order to be “Imitators of God” we must have a Nature Change and that can only come from Christ dwelling inside of us.
In order to become like Christ we must be sourced by the same Spirit that sourced Him (Holy Spirit).
A few weeks ago we learned that in the Greek the first word found in 5:1 is not “Therefore!”
The first word in the Greek is “BE” ….. (ginomai) – pronounced “Gin-o-my”
come into existence.
(Illustration: “Come into his own, right before our eyes.”)
The grammar is what’s important to look at in this passage.
The word “be” is a present verb: the verb tense where the writer portrays an action in process with no completion (end) implied.
Example: (Be Good, Be Faithful …. Not just this one time but from now on.)
Not only is the word “Be” a present verb but ……
It is an imperative: It states the possibility not the reality.
Not a guarantee but a possibility.
Example is found in Matt. 5:45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.
It is possible to do this.
This means …..
We can become “Imitators of God!”
It is possible!
We can’t say, “I cannot do this!” “This is not possible!”
Yes you can do it
and Yes it is possible!
We learned the applicable definition for the word “Be”: the possibility of coming into existence and continuing to be. ….. Therefore, imitators of God.
We then moved into the phrase “imitator of God.”
The word “imitator” is where we get the English word “mimic.”
There are two ways to use the word imitator: verb or noun
Verb – reveals the sense of being an “ACTOR!”
Example (Kids acting like dogs, princess or army men)
Noun – reveals the sense of being a “FOLLOWER!”
Example (A son following in his dad’s footsteps, Disciples following in Jesus’ footsteps)
The word Imitator in this passage is used as a noun.
What’s the difference?
Being Like Christ can be viewed as being “an actor!”
Being CHRISTLIKE is viewed as being “a follower.”
We are told to be “Imitators of God!”
We have found the list that reveals what that looks like!
We are encouraged of the possibility to be “Imitators of God!”
Last week we were encouraged not to just be “Like Christ” but to be “CHRISTLIKE.”
We are still not ready to jump into the list thought!
As we study God’s word we need to marinate in it.
Let it move in our hearts for a period of time!
Read it over and over again!
We need to ask questions about it!
One of the questions for me was, “Why did Paul say, (Greek – hos agapatos teknon) ‘as beloved children?’”
You are looking at me like I am speaking Greek! (JOKE)
We all have a certain way of saying things.
Have you ever practiced in a mirror “saying Hi to that cute guy or girl you wanted to impress?”
Whats going down, home skillet? (or home slice)
How's things, chickadee?
Whats uuuuuuup?
Heeeeeeey (with sleezy eyebrows lifting up and down)
What's shakin' bacon?
HOW YOU DOIN’? (Joey Accent)
Paul had a certain way of saying things.
Why did Paul say “as beloved Children?”
As a matter of fact, he didn’t have to say it at all!
Sometimes, when we say things, we are trying to emphasis a point.
We use exaggeration to make a point: (Example – “You always ignore what I have to say.”)
You could have said, “You are not listening to me!”
In this passage Paul could have said ……
“Be imitators of God, Children!”
“Like Children, Be imitators of God!”
But for some reason Paul choses to say, (Ephesians 5:1“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.”)
(Go slow with them)
“As beloved children”
“AS” is a conjuction (connecting two phrases or words)
The word “as” points us to the “character” and more so the “reason” for being imitators of God.
Because we ARE his Children.
The word “Beloved” is the same word found in Ephesians 1:6 “to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.”
Meaning believers are loved because He is loved.
They are to reflect the family characteristics of the Father.
The noun “children”
Refers to the child in relationship to its parents.
Not “You are acting like Children”
More like “You are my child.”
We are to “imitate God” as children would their parents.
(Illustration of my children imitating me.)
I have the spiritual gift of sarcastic.
My wife will ask this question, “What to do you want to do about dinner?”
I respond, “I am in favor of eating.”
You respond just like my wife’s does.
I can get away with this because this is my wife.
My children (mini-me’s) have the same spiritual gift.
My wife gets upset with them because of their sarcasm and “HITS ME!”
With all this said, we understand that “as beloved children” means, we have taken on the Sonship as that of Christ.
In doing so we have an absolute requirement to imitate.
It would be in vain to assume the title of son without any likeness of the Father.
If we are not emulating Christ we have no right to claim being a Christian.
The phrase “as beloved children” means we are EXPECTED (in character not out of character) to imitate God.
My wife and I have always been very serious when it comes to raising our Kids.
Some of the things we have stressed to them is, when you leave this house and you are out of our presence you ……..
Are representing yourself (You’re You)!
Are representing this Family (You’re a Kincaid)!
Are representing the church (You’re a Nazarene)!
But most importantly, You are representing “CHRIST” (You are a Christian)!
You are to represent them WELL!
They know this is an expectation from my wife and I.
Paul reveals to us that “as Beloved Children” it is “Expected” for us to imitate God.
Not just the idea that you CAN be an imitator of God ….. You are epxected!
Give an altar call!