A Church Who Rebukes (Titus 1:10-16)
This morning we continue our study through the book of Titus. We will be looking at Titus 1:10-16, which I invite you to turn to in your Bible. If you do not have a Bible, you will be helped by grabbing that Red one right in front of you. You can find Titus 1:10-16 in that Bible on page #1184.
Just as a means of making sure we are all caught up to speed together, Titus is a young protege of the Apostle Paul who has been left in Crete. Crete is an Island in the Mediterranean Sea and it is just south of both modern day Greece and Western Turkey. This island was at some point visited by the Apostle Paul where he was able to preach the gospel and see many believe in Jesus. Unfortunately, time ran out for Paul and he was not able to return and strengthen the church and set it in order with elders to lead the church in the ways of Christ their king. And to make matters worse, not only have things not been put in order, there are now false teachers at work, teaching contrary to the gospel. And so, Titus has a great work to do. A work that in his letter, the Apostle Paul is authorizing him to do in order to strengthen the church and set it in proper order with godly elders who as we saw in Titus 1:9 last week were to give instruction and sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it. And we now pick back up on this point this morning as we turn now to the reading of God’s word from Titus 1:10-16…
Main Idea: Church, because of our love for one another, we must silence and rebuke false teaching before it is able to harm any in our midst. We are going to unfold this in 3 points: (1) Silence False Teachers, (2) Rebuke False Teachers, and (3) Identify False Teachers.
Point #1: Silence False Teachers (Titus 1:10-11)
Point #1: Silence False Teachers (Titus 1:10-11)
The Church in Crete is not even finished being put in order and false teachers have already entered into the church. Not just a few, but many. Many who contradict sound doctrine. Many who teach contrary to the truth of the gospel. Many who must then be silenced as they are unfit to teach and teach wrongly. Verse 10….
Notice the three terms here to describe these false teachers, those who contradict sound doctrine (v.9). They are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers.
Firstly, Insubordinate
Firstly, Insubordinate
To be insubordinate is to resist submission to those in authority. In the case of false teachers, they are those who ultimately are insubordinate to the LORD and his given word. They are insubordinate to the authority of the Apostles and even to those being established as elders. These false teachers seek to be an authority in and of themselves. This insubordination, if you look back to verse 6 is a disqualifier when present in the children of a potential elder, let alone a teacher himself.
Insubordination has no place in the kingdom of God. We may think ourselves free to our own authority, but that is not the case. In fact, the very opposite is true, though we are free we are now slaves, slaves of God, coming under his rule, his authority, his will, his leading. For he has not purchased us for us to continue as kings, he has purchased us to come back under his good and gracious rule as king. And as King, the LORD has given order, order for the church. And such order is to be first under the Kingship of Christ. But this is also why putting things in order with the appointing of elders was important for the Cretan Church, as well as every local church. Because these appointed, godly, qualified elders were to be those who lead the church in the ways of God. It is they who are to exercise oversight in the church and they who are to be submitted to.
Brothers and sisters, this is one reason church membership matters. It matters, because it is an acknowledgment of God’s order for his church and a step of formally submitting oneself to that order, both to the Lord’s kingship and to the elders he has placed in that local church. Our natural tendency is more bent towards this insubordinate heart posture. But it is in the context of the local church that this insubordination is to be driven out as we bring ourselves to submit to the rule of others for the sake of our souls. For even such elders though they exercise authority in the local church are under authority themselves, under the authority of Christ as his undershepherds, laboring not for shameful gain or self glory, but the glory of their great Shepherd! We must beware the insubordinate, for it is not a godly characteristic.
Secondly, Empty Talkers
Secondly, Empty Talkers
To be an empty talker is to use many words without value or weight in those words. We are not just talking about one who rambles here, although brothers and sisters we should not ramble either, but work to be concise with our words. But when we say empty talkers, we are talking about those who speak as if they speak with authority and truth with their teaching and promises, but these things are in vain. For they are not rooted in the authoritative word of the LORD as found in the pages of the Bible. Empty talkers get caught up in speculations rather than are those who are grounded in the truth of sound doctrine, of sound teaching.
Thirdly, Deceivers
Thirdly, Deceivers
They teach with the aim to deceive the people of God, those within the church from holding fast to the word as taught. They aim to mislead others just as their father the devil deceived Adam and Eve in the garden.
In the case of the Cretes, these many who are insubordinate, empty talkers, and deceivers are from the circumcision party. That is, they are those who held that circumcision was required for any to follow Jesus. They were essentially saying that Jesus was not enough without the addition of the commandment of circumcision to be kept. That every male must be circumcised, the removing of the foreskin of flesh in order for them to be part of God’s covenant people. Of course, this is not the case. Verse 11…
These false teachers, in their insubordination, empty-talking, and deception surrounding the sound doctrine of the gospel must be silenced. They must be silenced because of the errors in their teachings. Their teachings are in rebellion to the word of God and should not be continued. They should not be given an opportunity in the church to speak anymore. They should have no audience. But there is more at stake here than just silencing the false teachers, it is the care of the sheep who are being deceived and misled by these false teachers. For it says there again at the end of verse 11 that these false teachers are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.
Now, it is debated here on this phrase whole families whether it is talking about biological families or whole households, that is whole local church gatherings that were meeting in homes for their church gathering. There is a good argument for both possibilities. For we know from Paul’s first letter to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:2 that there were false teachers in the circumcision party who were forbidding marriage and requiring abstinence from certain foods. Whole families certainly could be upset if this was leading to divorces and bridal prices not being paid as expected. At the sametime, whole household churches could be upset by the shift from sound doctrine to speculations in the gathering, causing foolish and unnecessary divisions within the house church.
Whichever the case, the false teachers are doing damage to the people of the church and for their sake, these false teachers must be silenced. Silenced from teaching for shameful gain. Gain likely rooted in being viewed well by the Jews or even that of financial gain being made off of their teaching in extraordinary means. Certainly the Apostle Paul does not think that the ox should not be muzzled while plowing, but he does not think one should be profiting over the harm of people either.
The church must continue to be put in order to protect the sheep. And in that putting in order, false teachers must be silenced so that they do not lead others astray. And this silencing primarily comes through not necessarily calling out every false teacher, but by teaching the real thing, the real gospel, the sound doctrine. Consider how those who work counterfeit money train to spot counterfeits? They study the real thing. We as the church best learn to spot false teachers by examining, studying, becoming more and more familiar with sound doctrine, with the true and undefiled Biblical gospel. And then, we can spot those false teachers and silence them, not giving them an opportunity to speak in our church, but also into our hearts by not giving them an audience. Staying away from those shameful gain preachers of TBN who preach to build up while building their own kingdoms with their fancy jets. These are those who must be silenced.
Point #2: Rebuke False Teachers (Titus 1:12-14)
Point #2: Rebuke False Teachers (Titus 1:12-14)
Verse 12…One of their own, a fellow Cretan is cited here, and most interestingly is referred to as a prophet. Now, we should not think of this Cretan as a normal prophet of the LORD, one who hears from the LORD and then speaks that word to a people. No. This Cretan prophet is called a prophet because what he says is true. This Cretan rightly identifies the cultural tendency of his own people. That they are those who are liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons. And Paul affirms this testimony, verse 13…
For this reason, these lying, evil wild beasts, lazy gluttons must be rebuked sharply for their false ways. They must be rebuked sharply for the sake of their own souls. For instead of acting like those bought by the blood of Jesus, they are acting like pagans in their rebellion.
Beloved, it is tempting for us to think that we should never confront, judge, or correct one another. The saying today is you do you and I will do me. But church, this is the way of the world. While we must first ensure we have pulled the log out of our own eyes before helping remove the speck in our brother's eye, we must not stand by as those around us damage their souls in sin. We must rebuke them because of our love for them. For how can we say we love a brother or sister while silently watching them walk towards a pit of destruction?
We as Christians are to love one another by laboring for one another’s good. This is why in our church covenant here at Land O’ Lakes Bible Church we have the following commitment: “That we will exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other, and faithfully warn, rebuke, and admonish one another as the case shall require.” We understand that we have the duty and privilege of laboring for one another’s sake to help keep us within the lane of faithful Christian living and to the holding of faithful Christian doctrine. We understand that we need one another for the sake of our souls. This is why the local church matters and why mutual commitment to one another matters!
This is why commentator Tim Chester writes, “Paul’s warning to us is this: Don’t be self-willed. Don’t be independent. Don’t assume you know best. Be willing to sit under authority. We need other people around us, and we especially need older, more mature Christians to lead us.”[1]
Specifically here, we are to keep one another from wandering into various myths and the commands of people. These myths we have already touched on are likely those found in 1 Timothy 4 of the forbidding of marriage and the call to abstinence from various foods. Still, if other things are in mind here of myths, it is important for us to understand that we are to be grounded in truth, not myths and speculations, not conspiracy theories. We as the redeemed people of God are to be rooted in the truth of sound doctrine and constantly becoming under it and holding it above all. And we are to be laboring for the sake of one another to always hold to the gospel truth!
What is the gospel truth? GOSPEL!!!
Point #3: Identify False Teachers (Titus 1:15-16)
Point #3: Identify False Teachers (Titus 1:15-16)
Verse 15… Now, this means not that those who are deemed pure are able to do anything and it is pure as one might be tempted to think here. Charles Spurgeon here writes, “He means that when men’s minds are pure, other matters become pure to them, but when their minds are impure, then they use these things for impurity.” [2]
This goes back to the false teachers desire to forbid marriage and certain foods. They fail to see these things as created by God for the good of his people. Yes, the ceremonial law forbids certain foods for Israel. But to the disciples it was made plain that now all things are considered clean, nothing given by God should be called uncommon. This includes marriage and food. And so, the pure realize this. They realize that God has given us many good gifts, gifts that should be received with thanksgiving and used in the means that God has given them to us, including that of food and marriage.
Marriage is not to be something forbidden if it is holding to God’s intended good purpose and design. The coming together of one man and one woman, the two becoming one flesh. This is God’s good gift and should be received with thanksgiving.
Now, of course this good gift has been perverted in many ways throughout history. Consider the last 60 years, beginning with the sexual revolution alone of all the ways this good gift has become perverted. But the problem is not marriage, it is the defilement of the heart that has led to these. Same with food, sure we have in our American culture a massive problem with the never mentioned sin of gluttony. And yet, food is not the problem, the heart is. For the heart craves and so we eat without any self-control and eat or drink in excess. But it is not only in these matters we do this with, we do this in all sorts of other matters. And so, we must be on alert and beware of those who would seek to teach these commands of men, commands that deny good gifts from the LORD in the name of religion. Is this not what the Pharisees did during the days of Jesus? They added to God’s law with their own commandments, their own barriers to appear more religious?
Friends, we must not only beware of those who teach a false prosperity gospel, but those who also preach a gospel plus the regulations of men in forbidding the things that God has never forbidden or told us to do in order for us to follow his Messiah King. For while they claim to be pure, their actions ultimately deny God. Verse 16…
With words we can say we know God, that we even love God all we want. But friends, if we are denying God by our works, by failing to hear and obey his word, we are not being obedient children showing our love to the Father who has rescued us, we are being disobedient, insubordinate rebels who deny God as the author and ruler of all creation.
False teachers will give themselves away by their actions and on whose authority they speak from, theirs or God’s. And even if their are hints of partial truth in what a false teacher say, it does not mean they are true and to be trusted. For even Satan can quote scripture, but he does so with a grotesque abuse of the Scripture, same with these false teachers.
Beloved, let us beware the false teachers that work to enter our midst lest they lead us away from the truth of sound doctrine. Brother elders, let us remember these words:
Acts 20:28–32 (ESV)
28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. 32 And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
False teachers were warned to come by the LORD Jesus, elders are called to protect the flock from these teachers, and may we as the church labor faithfully to guard sound doctrine, to guard a pure and undefiled gospel so that our eyes and hearts are not turned away from Christ, but towards him and him alone!
Let’s pray…
1. Tim Chester, Titus for You, ed. Carl Laferton, God’s Word for You (The Good Book Company, 2014), 45.
2. Charles Spurgeon, ESV Church History Study Bible (Crossway, 2023), 1855.