Sunday Worship Sunday - 6.19.24

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Sunday Worship Sunday - 6.19.24  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  20:55
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Our very own Pastor Steven Bush married our scripture for today rice God hallelujah.

Today will be reading from Deuteronomy 6 verse 4 through 9.

hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord. Thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy Mike's. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart.

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children. and shall talk of them when that was sitting in the house and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou lies down and when they rise.

And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hands. And they shall be as frontlets between the eyes ninth and final verse. And how shall I write them upon the posts of the house and on the eye Gates? Praise the Lord. This is the word of the Lord is already blessed. Amen. Amen.

Thank you for


blessings. Amen

Oh Hallelujah, he is surely a compassionate God. And I know it's how about you praise God hallelujah. Hallelujah, praise the Lord praise the Lord glory to God build your church Lord. Hallelujah, praise. God praise God. The presence of God is still here in the fullness and man. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, praise. God let us and honor God never he never said God never fails. giving honor to the most high God

Pastor Steven Burch And I thank him God because he was my friend. He's still my friend, but he's not passed as I could change it around. He's my pastor. He's my friend and I thank you for that Lord. And I thank you for his wife lady. She's been a good friend to me. I can call her if I she don't answer me. I'm a call her till she does. I'm going to text her. She don't text me back my check, but when she does get back to me, she said I was busy. Let me know what's going on. But I think you really need to get to know her. I'm telling you not to get to know her, you know, you can't you can't sell these things about a person if you don't know the name. Amen. Amen.

Did you paint your name all over town? As long as you don't furnish the paint? Amen? Amen? So I'm you.

I love the 90s. Song but I'm going from the first verse to the 7th.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord. He is my refuge and my Fortress my God in him will I trust that he shall deliver thee From The Snare of the followers and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his true subida shield and buckler. Should not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness destruction that wasted a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee.

My table today is under the shadow of the Almighty.

What is the shadow of the almighty the one having all power trust in implicity in the love of God the power of God to give you everything you need to do his will glorify his name whether you live or die. What is the shadow of the almighty in the wilderness or Israelite Israel wander for 40 years, the temperatures could get up to 100 and 120 130 degrees. There was no shade except what was provided by the tension which people live so they really understood the powerful metaphor under the shadow of the almighty Israel were required by the law of hospitality to satisfy their need for food water protection from the elements and Shay from the blistering Sun. The law required the chief to the safety of his tent that same laws requested here to provide you with his for protect you with his life. The point is that they were protected by a chief Shepherd back then, but we are protected by the almighty God's name El Shaddai El speaks of his power strength. Should I literally means strong breast at 1 some days. You have to go to God for the other day. You just have to go to him and let him hold on to comfort you but every day we need to go to God if it's just

Have you ever seen a mother? Hen that has baby chicks? What is she? Whatever she sensed danger, you will see her open her wings and all her chicks will go up on Ethan her wings and you will see her phone back together and hide them from danger. That's the way God is with us. If you are under the shadow of the almighty or hidden from certain things that would never touch you. So if you remain on his shadow, he will find peace. You will find Comfort you'll find something that's only because we have to deal with people and they are not all saved. But we can rest in the shadow of the almighty. That's one of the many problems. We may not always be a fear we might forget. Is there a time or wonder if he's left us to fend for ourselves in the heat of hard situation of life, but his protection is real. He doesn't and he can't forget us or ignore him to leave us on our own. His word says I will never leave you nor forsake you a reminder for us, especially in the tough stuff that we never walk alone bear down hard and heavy is a struggle at times to keep charging through it all. Pressure and stress cosima statement as a hot afternoon Summer Sun strong and shoe walking my s*** opposed to my side isn't a safe place that brings confidence for when we arrested in God's Shadow. He will never face the full heat about difficulties of all the heat we don't want to feel the full impact of what we go through because it's taking most of the rest peace and calm down right in the struggling mess of light and be sure.

That is never forget what we must be but we must what we need. Most God's protection in the comfort of his presents are freely available to those who love him and walk on his recovery. Psalm 91 the entire chapter is filled with the goodness and the power of God's Great reminders that he Faithfully works on our behalf of those who love him. There are great blessings that we seek after God and choose to walk on his wings. We are already under the shadow of the almighty in the midst of darkness in this world, and there is great darkness in this world. Love you. Just have to remember who shattered we are under.

living internet without his truth and freedom will be like water in the remind reminders are sure strong and true Usher nurse that

Usher nothing all that we walk through this journey. He called is always to rise above it. You don't want us walking that way he wants them to rise above it. Regardless of what's going on? We don't go down there with him. So remember that whatever is going on don't stoop that low because that's where we were in the more so that's not go down there any situation.

He reminds us that we are not alone and that he said you will never face hard time. He does say we will be with us rescue enough and shining his favor over us. Don't ever doubt God. Doug work on our behalf of those who love him on his name. He is so good to us. We may never fully know the side of this side of Heaven how good he is was down here. How very much each other's on from this life?

Here's a promise you can stand on in times of trouble because you're may the Lord the most high your Jordan place. No evil. Shall befall, you know any player come near your dwelling.

the central to break

we can't get through a spiritual Realm.

spiritual Realm

One of the world of Darkness the other The Word of Life the evil satanic being an evil princes of Darkness. Does that mean we're supposed to live in fear? No and here's why you are still there by the blood of Jesus.

Just let the angel of death on the night of the Passover could enter a home with blood on his door post the blood of Jesus protect his shield around you that the devil cannot penetrate is not sure what is spiritual blood and can't be broken. So once

I don't care what you do is not coming down. So that spills around that God has built around.

But just imagine you don't feel the full effect of it.

All because of God and his spiritual Rim because of God in his spiritual Rim. That means that whatever comes out of we just feel the little bit.

Pray to God what we need him.

That's going on the keep our mind. I thought on God. Thank you for your presence with us. Thank you for your all Mighty shadow that you can go home.

being the most in the future secure and

there's nothing there's nothing there. That is not. Do you know weapons formed against you shall prosper? So I'm going to shatter you are not protected from foot. You're not protected fully from malice gossip the end of this dark business loss with low on old friend. He filled everything that the enemy throws at us, but not the full effect because if we don't need me no lie. Leaving just We need to pray to God if you can see God want situation if you can't get he knows.

Pick something off the floor getting out of a car. What we going to do is I need for me need I need we need I need

your bedtime

praying God heals that prayer it doesn't matter here. What's going on? Is he already know what you want? So they don't have to deal with it. Yes. We got a morning person, but we know we are born to live and we're born to die life is a journey and expiration date is going to come sooner or later. So therefore we know that how we live before we get to the expiration date. We don't want to be thrown out and do food. Oh that's expired already. We can't use it. But God is going to use us until the end as long as we keep a hawk and a my state of him. And as long as we're under the shadow of the almighty because that's what we find. Peace. Lovejoy for Cheshire definitely fire everything God has provided for us under that shadow. So yes, we going to get fired. Throwing it up. But sometimes it's going to come to us and that's what is what is amen.

Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Billy Billy

things are possible.



things are possible Lord, I receive oh, yes, Lord, Byron.


all the impossible impossible Lord, I receive Laura.


impossible only believe Hallelujah

all things are possible, if you always

Hallelujah Hallelujah, Jesus He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Almighty. Hallelujah, is that he you?

Are you hiding under his wings this morning? She said that is where you will find Joy. Do you have joy this morning? She said that is where you will find peace this morning. Do you have protection?

if you don't you just got to receive it this morning, you just have to believe it's Hallelujah receive all of the impossible that God is willing to give you this morning if you only believe

Listen every day. We need to hide ourselves because everyday the devil is after you one song where they say the devil is on my truck and he wants to turn me back that is what he wants to do what he wants to do more to kill steal and destroy.

Yes, he does. Keep yourself hidden under his wings. That is the promise that I stand on. Keep yourself. Hidden Hallelujah.

Sometimes you just got to pick out to see the storm. You don't have to go and walk in the store and see the storm.

I am the one that is planning on Drilling in the secret place to Deaconess Ford Explorer this morning Hallelujah.

Reminding us of his promises man. That's what he said Hallelujah. Tell him tell him you said you said it I believe it and that settles it. Thank you God. Thank you Lord for your word remaining out this morning. It is impossible with man, but it is possible with God.

Let us remember to stand on his promises all during the week this week Hallelujah hide yourself hide yourself. Look out and see what's out there but don't go out till it's safe under his wings are secure and stand on his promises. I love Psalms 91. Because I am the leader they're talkin about.

You know, I'm the whosoever I am the whosoever. But I've done it before. Do we going to turn the service over to our pastor? But I really enjoy that message this morning. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.


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