Honoring our Spiritiual Fathers (Philippians 2:25-30)
Catch- Father’s Day was first observed on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, through the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd, a Christian woman and the daughter of American Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart
Catch- Father’s Day was first observed on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, through the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd, a Christian woman and the daughter of American Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart
A bill was introduced in Congress in 1913, and in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson spoke at a Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington, wanting to make it an official holiday, but Congress still resisted. I
1966 President Lyndon Johnson made a proclamation for the third Sunday of June to be Father’s Day. Finally, it was made an official national holiday when President Nixon signed a similar proclamation in 1972
And the 5th commandment tells us to honor our fathers, so this is a good thing
I made it hard for myself on mother’s day, because I didn’t preach a mother’s day sermon, but I thougth of lots of illustrations that went with mothers
So, one of you said you couldn’t wait for my father’s day sermon… and I was like oh no
But in God’s providence we landed on the passage that literally says, “like a child serving his father.”
So could we ask for a better setup?!
How do we honor our spiritual fathers as Timothy did to Paul
How do we honor our spiritual fathers as Timothy did to Paul
Then he called them to live a life worthy of the gospel and to worth out their salvation together
Remember, last week we saw he gave a very specific application work without grumbling or disputing
This was done by holding to the bible
This was done by holding to the bible
This would be done by living for othe peole
This would be done by living for othe peole
V19 begins with a “but,” which seems too strange to talk about simple travel plans
But this next section is here because response may be living the normal Christian life on the grounds that what is required of a Christian is impossible
But this next section is here because response may be living the normal Christian life on the grounds that what is required of a Christian is impossible
At this point, someone is bound to object. "That might be all right in theory, but it is pretty hard to do in practice. How can a Christian meet such standards?"
At this point, someone is bound to object. "That might be all right in theory, but it is pretty hard to do in practice. How can a Christian meet such standards?"
God’s apostle Paul Is telling you, it is not impossible.
God’s apostle Paul Is telling you, it is not impossible.
To prove it Paul presents three human examples: Paul himself, an apostle; Timothy, a young minister; and Epaphroditus, a layman."
To prove it Paul presents three human examples: Paul himself, an apostle; Timothy, a young minister; and Epaphroditus, a layman."
These provide not just the call, but how specific how
These provide not just the call, but how specific how
So let’s see how Timothy was an example of utter humility
4 marks of your CARE for your spiritual fathers.
4 marks of your CARE for your spiritual fathers.
You Cheer Him when you represent him (v19)
You Cheer Him when you represent him (v19)
First, let’s learn about the father figure:Paul is speaking of his desire to send Timothy to
Paul is speaking of his desire to send Timothy to Philipi shortly and says a key phrase, “I hope in the Lord Jesus.”
Hope could be translated I expect or am confident.
Paul’s source of hope is in God’s control, not chance or the will of the universe.
The doctrine of being “in christ,” reminds us that everything in our life is defined and dependent upon Him
Ever since he was found in Christ jesus (3:9)
Christ has become his life (1:21)
And if you have been found in him, that relationship should define you
Being in Christ redefines the believer’s life,
including shifting the things we want to do from being all about us and instead about others
Thus, our plans are dependent upon his work
Second: we have the child.Timothy
Timothy was a church kid…. He grew up with godly influences.
2 Timothy 3:15- and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
So why was Paul going to send Timothy?
We’ll see next week that Epaphroditus is right there in front of them….he brought the letter
But Timothy is going to come for so that Paul may be encouraged from what he hears about them.
Encouraged= cheered or refreshed
This makes sense with what we just read. Paul cared about the success and right standing of his flock, he wanted to know how they were
Philippians 2:16- holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.
Epaphroditus will deliver the message of how Paul is doing, but Timothy would be able take the news back to Paul.
Timothy represents Paul to them
But that also means Timothy will know what to look for, what lines to read between, so he can encourage Paul with the message
Illustration point- We honor our spiritual fathers when we represent them well
The biblical concept of headship seems strange to modern ears, but I think we still get it
In football, why do they fire the head coach the week after a team loses the state championship?
The coach didn't fumble the ball, miss a play, or get sent off for fighting. But he's responsible for the team's performance.
Or when a rambunctious five-year-old gleefully pulls cans of tuna off the shelf in the grocery store just to hear the repeated plunks on the floor, the manager walks past the offending kid and approaches the parent. We understand headship.
In the same way, we reflect back our those who lead us
You will honor your spiritual fathers when your actions reflect well upon them
Honor doesn’t mean obeying your father
Ephesians 6:1–2- Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first commandment with a promise),
Children obey, but everyone honors because Genesis 2:24 says to leave your father and mother
Children obey, but everyone honors because Genesis 2:24 says to leave your father and mother
Honor means to prize or esteem
Honor means to prize or esteem
Timothy is honoring Paul both by representing him and bringing news of him back
Timothy is honoring Paul both by representing him and bringing news of him back
What do people think about your church your pastors, and your mentors based on your life?
There is nothing more joyous for godly mentors, disciplers or friends to hear you are doing well in the Lord
When we’re tempted to grumble and complain, can we instead be like Timothy and gossip about good news
You know what I mean… share encouraging stories instead
Kids and young adults
You are in such an important stage of picking who you will honor
There will always be someone who boasts about you, let it be your parents and those in church who will love with the love of Christ
Trans: But beyond just hearing from Timothy, here is another aspect of caring
You give more Attention to other’s welfare (vv20-21a)
You give more Attention to other’s welfare (vv20-21a)
They are Kindred spirits meaning
They have the same heart beat, the same thoughts. The same desires
And what are both their hearts focused on?the welfare of the Philippians
the welfare of the Philippians
Concerned means to take thought of… or to worry about….
We’ll get there, but it is the same word in
We’ll get there, but it is the same word in
Philippians 4:6- Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Worry is not proper care and concern that causes you to pay attention to other’s needs as Paul did this
Worry is not proper care and concern that causes you to pay attention to other’s needs as Paul did this
2 Corinthians 11:28- Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches.
Paul knew that Timothy thought of them often, how to help them and that he was doing the very thing he tells the Philipians to do in chapter 4
Paul knew that Timothy thought of them often, how to help them and that he was doing the very thing he tells the Philipians to do in chapter 4
As the concern rises up in him, he prays
Remember, Paul is in Rome awaiting Trial
Philippians 4:21- The brethren who are with me greet you.
there are other Christians in Rome with him, but many have abandoned Paul or the cause of Christ
there are other Christians in Rome with him, but many have abandoned Paul or the cause of Christ
Flip back to
Philippians 1:15–17- Some, to be sure, are preaching Christ even from envy and strife, but some also from good will; the latter do it out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel; the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment.
Many even who were brothers in Christ were divided over Paul’s ministry and imprisonment
But many had abandoned Paul already
They were exemplified by Demas, a dependable coworker of Paul’s in Rome (Col. 4:14; Philem. 24), who would eventually desert him (2 Tim. 4:10, 16)
Timothy thought the same as Paul
Paul’s way of telling them that Timothy would treat them as Paul would,
and they should treat Timothy as they would their beloved Paul.
Seek is a great way to describe it=
=Others strive for, aim for…like reach out to grab things for themselves only
And sometimes those are the ones who are leaders can do this…
Paul said in Acts 20:29 that savage wolves will come in among the Ephesian elders and draw away the disciples after them.
These men would have all the right reasons, even pointing to scripture and arguing they wanted to follow God’s law, but they are not seeking God’s way, just what they thought was right
Timothy honored Paul by considering others better than himself
No greater example of this than David and Jonathan
You might say, what do you mean Pastor Chris, I thought David and Jonathan were like brothers
Kind of, because that is were father relationship end up
David was thirty when he became king (2 Samuel 5:4). Saul reigned for forty years (Acts 13:21). So David must have been born in the tenth year of Saul’s reign. Jonathan was already fighting with Saul during and an Israelite solider needed to be at least 20 (Numbers 1:3).
So in the tenth year of Saul’s reign, when David was born, Jonathan must have been at least 27
He was old enough to be David’s father
But in each other they found men who were fully focused on the serving the Lord God
1 sam 20- Jonathan risks his favor with his father because of his love of David by saying he did nothing wrong
2 Samuel 9- David remembers his promises to Jonathan and seeks out the last child, Mephiboseth
Challenging political move as he was helping someone in turn who could be a challenge to him or his sons to the throne
Thinking about the needs of others rather than the risk it means for us
You can honor your spiritual father by living for others
Paul was alone here at the end with only Timothy who had such an others focused mindset
But what does Paul want to do with Timothy?
But what does Paul want to do with Timothy?
Send him on ministry away to others
Send him on ministry away to others
When you think of how you love your best friend, or your spiritual children, do you want them to think much of you or others?
DA Carson helpfully writes of this, “Those who follow Jesus Christ inevitably learn to cast self-interest and self-comfort and self-focus to one side.”
The solution to the Philippians selfishness was the example of selfless Timothy
The solution to the Philippians selfishness was the example of selfless Timothy
Brothers and sisters, when you see selfishness in other people, how can you be like Timothy, an example
Brothers and sisters, when you see selfishness in other people, how can you be like Timothy, an example
Trans: And Paul doesn’t allow the example to be taken over by this wrong ideas of cliques or groups of people who just hang out with each other.
You Rank Christ and the gospel highest (vv21b-22)
You Rank Christ and the gospel highest (vv21b-22)
Timothy was a proven worker because among them
Flip back to Acts 16.
Acts 16:1–3- Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. And a disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek, and he was well spoken of by the brethren who were in Lystra and Iconium. Paul wanted this man to go with him; and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those parts, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.
V12- They all head to Philippi with Silas and Luke (notice the we), so one of Timothy’s first missionary trips was here
Timothy served with them side by side, and so they knew he cared, they knew he was their friend
They saw him serving them which Paul says he served the gospel along with Paul
The word served means to be a slave. He subjected himself
Ilus- He put the chains of service onto himself to make sure these people put on the gospel
Here we have the relationship defined...a father and son.
Paul called Timothy his true son in the faith, which may mean he led him to Christ, But Paul did train Timothy in what he was to do
But Paul did train Timothy in what he was to do
But notice that he served with Paul not just under him.
Remember, Timothy is a young man.In 1 Tim 4:12, Timothy is told by Paul to not let anyone look down upon him because of his youth.
In 1 Tim 4:12, Timothy is told by Paul to not let anyone look down upon him because of his youth.& here he is even younger
& here he is even younger
But Paul considers him of equal soul
It is interesting how often a younger generation will fight the older one
This is nothing new…great quote from Socrates. (5th century BC)
“our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect for older people. Children nowadays are tyrants. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.”
But Paul and Timothy show us a better way
They served together and received their standards and instruction from the Lord
Paul then says in verse 23- I hope to send him immediately
Because he cares about christ’s mission and you, so I need to send him to help you.
Even the problems could be dealt with
Paul taught Timothy the highest good was a coworker of the gospel just like Paul taught him
We tend to learn what’s important from our parents
My great grandfather was a Norwegian immigrant, so he skied
My grandfather wanted a ski house up in Truckee because his father taught him to ski
My father loved skiing because his father brought him
My father started me skiing at 3 years old, so I love it
And yes, I’m teaching my kids to love skiing too
But I recently was given this bible from 1892 that belonged to O-leigh Jacob Bogstad, my great grandfather, with all his underlinings and markings
What is the most important thing we want to pass onto our children?
Someone who seeks Christ and his interests
I think I make O-leigh look good by how I seek Christ, and so will you
And we have to ask, why is Paul saying this about Timothy?
They know his proven worth, why does he repeat it?
And the whole reason is that Paul is not going to be there and he’s sending Timothy
Young Timothy instead of father Paul
And yet Paul is saying, “He is one in soul with me.”
There is something strange that happens in parent child dynamics both spiritually and physically
If you live long enough your kids will eventually become like your siblings and then eventually will have to care for you like a parent does a child
If you live long enough your kids will eventually become like your siblings and then eventually will have to care for you like a parent does a child
So, in Christ, some of my best conversations have been with people much younger than me who have amazing insights into scripture and how to live like a christian… so I’m humbled…
You want those you mentor to become your equals
You want those you mentor to become your equals
But just like a child may one day need to change their parents’ diapers
You may end up being taught and led by your spiritual child
You may end up being taught and led by your spiritual child
Notice how dependent Paul is on Timothy’s work to encourage his soul in this hard time
Notice how dependent Paul is on Timothy’s work to encourage his soul in this hard time
So, my I be real honest here?
Your pastors is relatively young
Yet, I want to be like Timothy to you…
The world is complaining about the young who are so lazy or the old who do not get how the world is
The church can be different in that our considering of others will shine through the generational divide
The church can be different in that our considering of others will shine through the generational divide
Trans: But even though Paul send he wanted to send Timothy, he had not yet, because there is one other important thing great friends do.
You Elevate the highest need (vv23-24)
You Elevate the highest need (vv23-24)
This whole comment was an explanation of why Timothy was not there now!
Paul didn’t need to tell them why they should listen to Timothy, they loved him from the description here
Paul didn’t need to tell them why they should listen to Timothy, they loved him from the description here
But here stands Epaphroditus with the letter, not Timothy
But here stands Epaphroditus with the letter, not Timothy
Paul is saying though he is great for you, I need him now.
Paul is waiting to hear the results of his case and has his own issues in Rome.
We don’t know why exactly he needs to stay,
but he was needed there until Paul’s time in court was done and he was released.
After the decision is made Paul had some other trips but would send Timothy to them quickly before he can get there.
& then v 24- Paul too is planning to come quickly.
& then v 24- Paul too is planning to come quickly.
This brings up the question of why Paul wanted to hear news from Timothy if he was released?
Paul must have expected Timothy not to remain at Philippi but to bring him word about the church immediately.
may they planed to meet at Ephesus after Paul’s release.
Paul wanted to know, but he knew all things were based on the Lord’s will. So he trusted Timothy would come at the right time and Paul would go when the Lord wanted
Illus- Timothy honored his father by staying with Paul and then leaving Paul as the needs changed
Good fathers are an example of doing what is need
Men, Imagine after you are eating a delicious In and out burger
As the tasty food enter your stomach your blood begins to flow, allowing your stomach to digest and take the nutrients to the rest of your body
But then you see a child walking out into the street
Your body goes into fight or flight mode
You take off running
And your blood vessels to your muscles open up wide, diverting the blood that was going to your stomach towards your legs
You grab the kid safely, and with heavy breath return to your seat
But what about that burger in your stomach?
The digestion will totally be interrupted,
you might have some indigestion
But you have made the right choice.
Because it is honoring to go where the greatest need is
Sometimes believers, the head of the church directs his resources to other needs rather than you.
He moves your friends to other ministries
He brings up another need when you had some event planned.
He brings a unsaved person or new believer into their life who they want to poor into you
We are to make our choices of where we live, what work we do, not based on what is most comfortable or easiest… not one what will secure my future, but where is the need God has for him
We honor our fathers when we go where God sends us, how do you respond when what’s most important isn’t you?
If the gospel growth is our goal, then you will rejoice that they serving Christ
And this attitude is only achieved when we remember how much we need the gospel
Realize that you deserve nothing because you sinned
Only judgement should be given
But Christ offered himself and lived perfectly in your place
You believe in him and his righteousness if given to you
so many blessings.
Thus we trust christ with the callings he has for us and for others
Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
Let’s be those who Care
They bring cheer to the godly leaders over you
Attend to your welfare over the sales
They Rank Jesus’ mission as the most important
And they Elevate a more important need over you
We know we must (Resolution)- truly honor our fathers
We know we must (Resolution)- truly honor our fathers
For some father’s day is hard
Some dads never made an appearance in our lives. Some are barely present physically, let alone emotionally.
Others might be known for their destructive words and the bruises they leave behind.
Maybe they love their beer more than their babies or make it hard for us to believe any man could be gentle and loving. They don’t just make us wonder if they love us; they make us wonder if anyone could love us.
But while those earthly dads can be selfish, we have a heavenly father who gave his son for us
Then he gives us a church to be the body of Christ in our midst
Maybe you need that spiritual dad in your life to remind you of God’s fatherliness
Maybe you need that spiritual dad in your life to remind you of God’s fatherliness
or maybe you need to be that spiritual dad for someone else
or maybe you need to be that spiritual dad for someone else
Blood may be thinker than water, but the spirit prevails over all
Blood may be thinker than water, but the spirit prevails over all