6-16-2024 Galatians 3-4
Jesus my Lord will love me forever from him. No power babies live to ride some my soul now I belong to him. Now I belong to Jesus Jesus belongs to me top 40.
Once I was lost in Centegra. Jesus came down to bring me some lifted me up from sorrow and shame now I belong to him. now I belong to Jesus Jesus belongs to
not for the years of time alone, but for eating
Joy floods my soul for Jesus has saved me free me from sin. That long had enslaved me his Precious Blood he gave to redeem now, I b'long to help him now. I belonged to Jesus Jesus belongs to
not for the years of time alone, but for eating
Just a few pages to the left number 334 it's Blessed Assurance. It's one of my favorite hymns for a couple of reasons one just the him itself, but it was written by a lady who was blind and she wrote hundreds of him and she wrote these pictures of things that just For somebody who couldn't see or just amazing she wrote here. You'll sing it in the second verse visions of rapture now burst on my sight. this lady couldn't see let's sing Blessed assurance. Jesus Is Mine.
Blessed assurance. Jesus is mine over the foretaste of Glory Divine are of Salvation purchase of God born of his Spirit washed. It is blood this is my story. This is my song praising My Savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song praising My Savior all the day long perfect submission. Perfect. You like visions of ruptured Outburst on my side Angels descending bring from above.
Sea Whispers of love. This is my story. This is my song.
You're all the day long. This is my story. This is my song praising My Savior all the day long. Perfect submission. All is at rest. I am My Savior am happy and blessed watching and waiting looking up all filled with his goodness lost in his love. This is my story. This is my song praising My Savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song praising My Savior all the day long.
The next one we're singing is not in the hymnal for those of you who the hell don't you can put them down. As we sing it I think you'll know why I picked it for Father's Day
I haven't made it to my heart before my life was his.
He Knows My Name he knows my every phone that falls and hears me when I call. I have a father he calls me his on. He seemed leave me no matter where I go.
He Knows My Name he knows my every thought is each tear that falls and he owes me one I call. Usher's that we sometimes forget the importance of interceding on behalf of our families that there's so much going on in and stuff that as we Gator sells 40 50 years ago, we would have never imagined. Would have been happening and it is on a daily basis now and Sobe interceding for the protection and the prayers over our families and that's both Mom and Dad both wearing Galatians chapter 3 finishing up the chapter. Today and you know when Galatians they were in the argument the Jews wanted all the Christians to look like Jews to act like used to follow all the laws of the Jews Apostle Paul comes in and says no no, no, no stop. That's not what Christ Jesus preached. That's not what he said and they're like, what about the promises to Abraham? And it was you know, which we talked last week about all the covenants. You know, God made a covenant to Noah. He made a covenant to Moses. He made a covenant to Abraham and it was basically saying I will be your God you will be my people.
If you keep my Commandments and if you obey my laws, and they'll be a blessing upon you for doing it. So starting in chapter 3:36 for you all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ, you know a few years back. We had a TV personality make the statement that there there's a lot of ways to to Heaven is a lot of ways to be a good person do good things. Be nice and in your in your good unfortunately I shouldn't say unfortunately fortunately the word of God says a little more about the subject. and apart from Christ Jesus there isn't Any salvation, there isn't any hope at end. Poems telling him here when he talks about being baptized into Christ week. We saw water baptism here with Jase today, but the baptism is talkin about is is being joined into with Christ. You've accepted Christ already and the baptism is done out of obedience because Jesus was baptized. And it was something that just publicly acknowledges. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I am not ashamed and that's why they do it. And so he says here you were baptized into the price. Meaning your salvation was in Christ and you put on Christ. and that means embracing the script and it was hard for them cuz they didn't have the whole scriptures that they didn't have it all neatly packaged like we do I was looking this week at
We don't know when your Heroes of the Bible. And and I'm thinking you know who they going to come up with Jacob or or Joshua O'Neil who they they were talking about the guys that put the Bible all together. And and you know when it was all put to get it didn't have books and it didn't have versus it or didn't have chapters and it didn't have versus and one guy spent his whole life putting chapters and then 50 years later another man. I should remember their names. I don't another guy came in and he added the versus went when the Bible's first. It didn't have chapters and verses for us. It's easy. Now. We say turn to chapter 3 verse 6 and we go there in the old day. They have to read through the entire book. Letter to find what they wanted to talk about. And so he's saying here, you know you put on Christ.
Verse 28 and churches need to constantly be reminded of this. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There's neither slave nor free. There is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. I've been in countries where slavery is still a thing. And it is crazy cuz it will be African countries have an African slaves. I mean, it's not even a white flag thing, but then when they come to church together. it gets a little less comfortable and Inwood. Paul's talking about here is when Christ open the door to all men. For God so loved the world that whosoever believeth in me should not perish but have eternal life and end the whole slave or free thing and even male and female. for a long time You know women were not and it gets me amazed at that women pretty much hold the churches together. I mean, I'm just going to say it they do most of the work they do most of the support and and it's a shame on us guys. But you know when you start passing judgments on it, and it comes back and you are all one in Christ Jesus.
first 29 and if you are Christ, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. We've talked about this that Abraham. And when I was younger, I used to think what about the old people the people in the Old Testament? How did how did they get to heaven? How did they didn't have price if Christ was the only way how did they do it and it was the faith in God and the belief in God's word and it said Abraham believed God and it was counted for him. Right? So we have a hard time believing God will read it and what it's for somebody else. Or we read it. We pray it and it doesn't happen in 5 minutes and they're all right. Yap, nope, nope. Nope, that wasn't for me and it says they were heirs according to the promise.
I went to a very very very wealthy Prep School up in New York. It was part of the the New England that show in the Exeter and all the ivy league and it was it was an eye-opening for me cuz I was I wouldn't dirt for but I was a poor kid my parents were both School teachers and they threw me in there and I went it was a boarding school and I went in my roommate looks at me and he says what's your nanny's name?
daddy's name What are you talkin about? He's like well who gets you drinks when you're thirsty? I'm like I get it myself. No way. He said I have a buzzer next to my bed. And I ring the buzzer and my nanny comes in and goes Jack. What can I get you? Oh, I'd like pizza. I'd like a drink and I'm like and Jack tried it making me his surrogate Nanny. It didn't work. Well it didn't I wouldn't you know, his bed was right next to the window and he want me to close the curtains.
Like you said I said, please I said I don't care what you say. You can close your own curtain. You just reach your arm. Pull it over. I'm not but it was to me it was it was a totally different world. And then I I started at told the story in here and the kids I was running around with we're like Well, where are you in the trust fund? Rushlight what is that your inheritance and when you're going to get your inheritance when your your grandparents died everything they're leaving you you're in it, right? And I'm like, I don't know. So one of the weekends, I got to go home. I went to my dad on my dad. We need to talk about something. You said what I said my inheritance to my trust fund my dad's like where did you buy everybody at school is talking about it? Hi, son, you're an eighth grade there. They're talkin about it. That's part of their can your plans, you know to get the trust fund and my dad said you would do you want yours? Oh, yes, sir. And my dad had a box that all the bills went in. And he came back. You said you're my only son so you should get more right? And he took the stack of bills and he gave like half of them and I have three sisters. I thought it was unfair. He said here's your inheritance. You can take it anytime you want in the sooner the better. He said I'll bless you with them anytime you want them and I was like
No, that's there's got to be something wrong here. And then he's like son. I don't know how to tell you this your poor. You have no trust fund. You may have an inheritance. We live long enough to leave something here. You can have the cat, you know, if we go or something but the airs, you know for me it was the first time talking about what it meant to be heirs now. I will tell you some of my classmates were absolutely insane I had one is His dad had this was back. I'm dating myself in the early 70s. His dad was the Ambassador Vietnam and and he had it designed that the he got part of his trust fund when he turned 17. And some of them were 18. Some of them were 21 somewhere 25 and and he got like $700,000 when he was 17. We got up the next morning. He was gone. He had left school. He had got on the train hit a check and cleared. He was just gone thinking. Wow.
What does this concept of being an air? I will tell you in Ministry it breaks my heart. Watching people try to settle these states. I mean I've been in the hospital beds for kids walk in and say is Mom and Dad yet. and I'm like The doctor will tell him no Shucks and they lie. I mean serious. I'm like watching, you know, they're just going and getting the furniture before they're even gone and I'm like man. How did how did our world get this crazy? But the concept of being and are chapter 4 verse 1 says now I say that the air as long as he's child does not differ from all from a slave though. He is master of all. The deal with these trust funds you didn't get them till your 17 18. You might have been a billionaire. But you didn't get it my friend Jack. The big check came when he turned 25. His grandparents were old Coca-Cola money out of Georgia and and they took care of their grandbabies. But as long as they're a child. They don't they don't get to spend the money.
And so
under Guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. And he was he was trying to get the Believers to realize. That's the Salvation piece is a time appointed by God and end The Heirs the definitions a person legally entitled to the property of titles of another on that person's death. a person inheriting or continuing the Legacy
and are thinking what is it? You would want. from your parents
a few years back when my mom and dad are getting up in years. We're up visiting Mom said okay put dibs. All you kids will put names on the stuff you want to take it or not. It's going to Goodwill.
Speak now. We're done and sometimes that the Airship with God it's the same way. You know, what is it? We expect from God. I'm amazed constantly of when I was a youth minister. What children expected their parents to do? They wrecked their car. And they're wanting a new one in the morning.
Mom and Dad have money they can they can get me a new car and it better be a good one.
You know, and then I'm sitting there and I'm watching certain parents do it. I'm like there wasn't a thank you. There was an appreciation or when you know anyting and so that this Airship and in this is how it is when I'm thinking about our relationships with God. God can bless us so much and we expect the blessings. And we expect them immediately. And we don't. Realize that there's some relationship involved. There's some appreciation involved. First three even so when we when we were children were in bondage on the elements of the world, but in the fullness of time.
God sent his son. The world was floating around they were they were trying to do it through the wall. I'm checking the blocks. I'm doing this. I'm doing this Christ came. If you believe in me if you repent of your sins if you ask forgiveness.
You're part of the family you have inheritance and it's so hard for people. I have been so many people look at me and say, you know, brother Bill. I'll come to Jesus when I get everything fixed in my wife. I'm like when you figure out how to do that. Please do a podcast do something about how I successfully fixed everything in my life cuz we all need to hear it. I'm not sure it was ever. a Finnish sequel because we don't we're not able to some things we can fix some things we can't. Miss talks about Christ born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who are under the law that we might receive the adoption as Sons.
I don't know if anyone in here has been adopted if
you know. In in the Old Testament and even into the New Testament. When you adopted a child. The child would take your name it would be entitled. To the property of should you decease? But this is this is the wild part 2 me a birth child you could disown. You can say I've had it with Bobby. He's gone. Get out go away. I'm done with you. When you adopted a child you could never ever ever disown that child. according to the law of the day and what a picture being adopted into Christ and and I tell people all the time adopted as sons and adoption was not lightly that you mess up your gone. You mess up your gone. I'll take you back twice, maybe three times and end we forget the God's love he knew we were going to mess up. He's not happy with it. They're still consequences, but we're still his we're still in his hands and we still have that adoption we go on to And because you are son. God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father the word ABBA is the Aramaic for father. NN because you have the the sonship you are able to boldly enter into the presidents of God and if you will know they were they were jokes on there about talking about daddy God There was a little parody of a 1 of mega church is over. Welcome to Daddy God's house and and and stuff like that. But for us, that's what it is because I have met a lot of people that have had horrible fathers. And horrible mothers, you know, and they just I'm sorry about that. That was the hand that you were giving you what you were there. There's not an easy answer for that and I had used. That would that would have a hard time coming to Salvation because the father that they knew. They did not want to God. That was like the father they knew. They were looking for the god that had it all together the father that that love that cared that forgave.
But for our ability to cry out our father my father, it's not somebody else's father. There's a possession in the being the part of the family. We had a few a few years later after that entering lots of ways to get into heaven and it was does God hear the prayers of everybody?
And one of our Seminary president said no.
They said he hears it but there is no obligation whatsoever for him to answer it. It's like
I threw it out one time as an example. Midnight, you're hungry. You're starving your mama lives next door you go knock on the door Mama. I'm hungry. I had him almost and I would beat them silly knocking at my door. If you can come back in the morning. I'll cook you breakfast, but the ability to do we respond to people that are family and friends not so much strangers. Eddie comes out here this Abba Father that it's my father is not your father line and and we have this relationship and we're able to interact to it. Therefore you are no longer the slave but a son and if his son than heir of God through Christ Jesus
coming to Christ
We are picked up in a family. A believer's not perfect. I don't think any family is perfect. But he's not a slave to the law anymore to the check-in the block. He's just an air through blood with Christ Jesus and and that's our hope that we have a hope in Christ. Nothing is worse than doing a funeral. When the person that's passed away as had no faith walk whatsoever. And I've dug trust me. Sometimes I've been asked to do a funeral for someone. I've never met never seen never talk to and in the family be like, please make it a good one.
Like whoa. NN that's the difference of when you have a faith walk you have a hope we are heirs to the promise that was given to Abraham we we we we reaping the benefits of that today that the God will be our God we will be his people. He has a plan he has a purpose for us and it bothers, you know, we've been blessed with responsibility to lead our homes. and to be the example to our children to love our wife like Christ loved the church.
And the fact that we have a hope. And so it's not just a Father's Day sermon cuz people are like, why do you think the sermon just pointing out all the red headed people or something like that? But you know, it's like because of the love of Christ and this is what Paul's telling him. He's got a baby Church. The people are sitting there saying what are we believe? What are we supposed to do and also as Christ loved you and died for you. He made a promise to you and your live in obedience to him, but Sprite father God. We thank you. That we can cry out Abba Father. In both the good times and the bad. Father we thank you that you're a God that hears and answers prayer. father may we never
Underestimate the ability of your Holy Spirit In Our Lives. We thank you for your word and your promises and your wonderful and precious name. Amen.
Play try try through even wash my face is ball crossed the days go by. trusting him water